Eclipse JDT
Interface ITypeNameRequestor

public interface ITypeNameRequestor

A ITypeNameRequestor collects search results from a searchAllTypeNames query to a SearchEngine. Clients must implement this interface and pass an instance to the searchAllTypeNames(...) method. Only top-level and member types are reported. Local types are not reported.

This interface may be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 void acceptClass(char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, String path)
          Accepts a top-level or a member class.
 void acceptInterface(char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, String path)
          Accepts a top-level or a member interface.

Method Detail


public void acceptClass(char[] packageName,
                        char[] simpleTypeName,
                        char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
                        String path)
Accepts a top-level or a member class.

packageName - the dot-separated name of the package of the class
simpleTypeName - the simple name of the class
enclosingTypeNames - if the class is a member type, the simple names of the enclosing types from the outer-most to the direct parent of the class (e.g. if the class is x.y.A$B$C then the enclosing types are [A, B]. This is an empty array if the class is a top-level type.
path - the full path to the resource containing the class. If the resource is a .class file or a .java file, this is the full path in the workspace to this resource. If the resource is a .zip or .jar file, this is the full OS path to this file.


public void acceptInterface(char[] packageName,
                            char[] simpleTypeName,
                            char[][] enclosingTypeNames,
                            String path)
Accepts a top-level or a member interface.

packageName - the dot-separated name of the package of the interface
simpleTypeName - the simple name of the interface
enclosingTypeNames - if the interface is a member type, the simple names of the enclosing types from the outer-most to the direct parent of the interface (e.g. if the interface is x.y.A$B$I then the enclosing types are [A, B]. This is an empty array if the interface is a top-level type.
path - the full path to the resource containing the interface. If the resource is a .class file or a .java file, this is the full path in the workspace to this resource. If the resource is a .zip or .jar file, this is the full OS path to this file.

Eclipse JDT

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