Eclipse JDT

Interface IInnerClassesAttributeEntry

public interface IInnerClassesAttributeEntry

Description of a inner class info as described in the JVM specifications. This interface may be implemented by clients.


Method Summary
 int getAccessFlags()
          Answer back the access flag of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.
 char[] getInnerClassName()
          Answer back the inner class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner class name index is equals to zero.
 int getInnerClassNameIndex()
          Answer back the inner class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.
 char[] getInnerName()
          Answer back the inner name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner name index is equals to zero.
 int getInnerNameIndex()
          Answer back the inner name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.
 char[] getOuterClassName()
          Answer back the outer class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if outer class name index is equals to zero.
 int getOuterClassNameIndex()
          Answer back the outer class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.

Method Detail


public int getAccessFlags()
Answer back the access flag of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.

the access flag of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications


public int getInnerNameIndex()
Answer back the inner name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.

the inner name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications


public int getOuterClassNameIndex()
Answer back the outer class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.

the outer class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications


public int getInnerClassNameIndex()
Answer back the inner class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications.

the inner class name index of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications


public char[] getInnerName()
Answer back the inner name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner name index is equals to zero.

the inner name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner name index is equals to zero


public char[] getOuterClassName()
Answer back the outer class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if outer class name index is equals to zero.

the outer class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if outer class name index is equals to zero


public char[] getInnerClassName()
Answer back the inner class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner class name index is equals to zero.

the inner class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in the JVM specifications, null if inner class name index is equals to zero

Eclipse JDT

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved.