Eclipse JDT

Interface IJavaBreakpointListener

public interface IJavaBreakpointListener

Provides event and error notification for Java breakpoints. Listeners register with the JDIDebugModel.

Clients are intended to implement this interface.


Method Summary
 void addingBreakpoint(IJavaDebugTarget target, IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Notification that the given breakpoint is about to be added to the specified target (i.e.
 void breakpointHasCompilationErrors(IJavaLineBreakpoint breakpoint, Message[] errors)
          Notification that the given breakpoint has compilation errors in its conditional expression.
 void breakpointHasRuntimeException(IJavaLineBreakpoint breakpoint, DebugException exception)
          Notification that the given breakpoint had runtime errors in its conditional expression.
 boolean breakpointHit(IJavaThread thread, IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Notification that the given breakpoint has been hit in the specified thread - returns whether the thread should suspend.
 void breakpointInstalled(IJavaDebugTarget target, IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Notification that the given breakpoint has been installed in the specified target.
 void breakpointRemoved(IJavaDebugTarget target, IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Notification that the given breakpoint has been removed from the specified target.
 boolean installingBreakpoint(IJavaDebugTarget target, IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint, IJavaType type)
          Notification that the given breakpoint is about to be installed in the specified target, in the specified type.

Method Detail


public void addingBreakpoint(IJavaDebugTarget target,
                             IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
Notification that the given breakpoint is about to be added to the specified target (i.e. pre notification).

target - Java debug target
breakpoint - Java breakpoint


public boolean installingBreakpoint(IJavaDebugTarget target,
                                    IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint,
                                    IJavaType type)
Notification that the given breakpoint is about to be installed in the specified target, in the specified type. Returns whether the installation should proceed. If any registered listener returns false the breakpoint is not installed in the given target for the given type.

target - Java debug target
breakpoint - Java breakpoint
type - the type (class or interface) the breakpoint is about to be installed in or null if the given breakpoint is not installed in a specific type (one of IJavaClassType, IJavaInterfaceType, or IJavaArrayType)
whether the the breakpoint should be installed in the given type and target


public void breakpointInstalled(IJavaDebugTarget target,
                                IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
Notification that the given breakpoint has been installed in the specified target.

target - Java debug target
breakpoint - Java breakpoint


public boolean breakpointHit(IJavaThread thread,
                             IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
Notification that the given breakpoint has been hit in the specified thread - returns whether the thread should suspend. This allows the listener to override default thread suspension when a breakpoint is hit. If at least one listener returns true, the breakpoint will cause the thread to suspend.

thread - Java thread
breakpoint - Java breakpoint
whether the thread should suspend


public void breakpointRemoved(IJavaDebugTarget target,
                              IJavaBreakpoint breakpoint)
Notification that the given breakpoint has been removed from the specified target.

target - Java debug target
breakpoint - Java breakpoint


public void breakpointHasRuntimeException(IJavaLineBreakpoint breakpoint,
                                          DebugException exception)
Notification that the given breakpoint had runtime errors in its conditional expression.

breakpoint - the breakpoint


public void breakpointHasCompilationErrors(IJavaLineBreakpoint breakpoint,
                                           Message[] errors)
Notification that the given breakpoint has compilation errors in its conditional expression.

breakpoint - the breakpoint
errors - the compilation errors in the breakpoint's condition

Eclipse JDT

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