Eclipse Platform

Package org.eclipse.debug.core

Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events.


Interface Summary
IBreakpointListener A breakpoint listener is notified of breakpoint additions, removals, and changes.
IBreakpointManager The breakpoint manager manages the collection of breakpoints in the workspace.
IDebugEventFilter An event filter allows clients to intercept debug events.
IDebugEventSetListener A debug event set listener registers with the debug plug-in to receive event notification from programs being run or debugged.
IExpressionListener An expression listener is notified of expression additions, removals, and changes.
IExpressionManager The expression manager manages the collection of registered expressions in the workspace.
ILaunch A launch is the result of launching a debug session and/or one or more system processes.
ILaunchConfiguration A launch configuration describes how to launch an application.
ILaunchConfigurationListener Notified when a launch configuration is created, deleted, or changed.
ILaunchConfigurationType Describes and creates instances of a specific type of launch configuration.
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy An editable copy of a launch configuration.
ILaunchListener A launch listener is notified of launches as they are added and removed from the launch manager.
ILaunchManager The launch manager manages the set of registered launches, maintaining a collection of active processes and debug targets.
IStatusHandler A status handler registers to handle a specific status - error or otherwise.
IStreamListener A stream listener is notified of changes to a stream monitor.

Class Summary
DebugEvent A debug event describes an event in a program being debugged or in a running process.
DebugPlugin There is one instance of the debug plug-in available from DebugPlugin.getDefault().
Launch A launch is the result of launching a debug session and/or one or more system processes.

Exception Summary
DebugException A checked exception representing a failure.

Package org.eclipse.debug.core Description

Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events.

Package Specification

This package provides classes and interfaces to support facilities common among many debug architectures: launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. An extensible set of debug architectures and languages are supported by the definition of a "debug model" - a set of interfaces representing common artifacts in debuggable programs, which are defined in org.eclipse.debug.core.model. The debug plug-in itself does not provide any implementations of a debug model. It is intended that third parties providing an integrated set of development tools for a specific language will also implement a debug model for that language, using an underlying debug architecture of their choice. For example, Java Tooling provides an implementation of a debug model based on the standard Java Platform Debug Architecture (JPDA).

The Managers

The debug platform defines and provides an implementation of the following managers:

Launch Configurations

A launch configuration is a persistable description of how to launch an application. Each launch configuration is an instance of a type of launch configuration - for example, a Java Application. The debug plug-in defines a launch configuration type extension point such that clients may define launch configurations specific to their debug architecture. A launch configuration is simply a set of attributes describing how to launch a program. The actual launching of an application is performed by an associated implementation of a launch configuration delegate, which is specifed by each launch configuration type extension.

A launch configuration may be stored as a file in the worksapce (and shared in a repository via standard team mechanisms), or may be stored locally, essentially making the launch configuration private for a single user.

Eclipse Platform

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2002. All Rights Reserved.