Eclipse Platform

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAction Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. 
org.eclipse.jface.action Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus, tool bars, and status lines. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist Provides support for a web-browser style of navigation within a view by maintaining a list of frames. 
org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator Provides the standard Resource Navigator view which presents the tree of resources in the workspace. 

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class NavigationAction
          A NavigationAction is used to navigate through the individual differences of a CompareEditorInput.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.jface.action

Classes in org.eclipse.jface.action that implement IAction
 class Action
          The standard abstract implementation of an action.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.actions that implement IAction
 class AddBookmarkAction
          Standard action for adding a bookmark to the currently selected file resource(s).
 class BuildAction
          Standard actions for full and incremental builds of the selected project(s).
 class CloseResourceAction
          Standard action for closing the currently selected project(s)
 class CopyProjectAction
          The CopyProjectAction is the action designed to copy projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class CopyResourceAction
          Standard action for copying the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class CreateFileAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class CreateFolderAction
          Deprecated. should use NewWizardMenu to populate a New submenu instead (see Navigator view)
 class CreateProjectAction
          Deprecated. This new experimental API is being temporary deprecated for release 2.0 New project creation should continue to make use of NewProjectAction.
 class DeleteResourceAction
          Standard action for deleting the currently selected resources.
 class ExportResourcesAction
          Action representing the initiation of an Export operation by the user.
 class GlobalBuildAction
          Standard action for full and incremental builds of all projects within the workspace.
 class ImportResourcesAction
          Action representing the initiation of an Import operation by the user.
 class LabelRetargetAction
          A LabelRetargetAction extends the behavior of RetargetAction.
 class MoveProjectAction
          The MoveProjectAction is the action designed to move projects specifically as they have different semantics from other resources.
 class MoveResourceAction
          Standard action for moving the currently selected resources elsewhere in the workspace.
 class NewProjectAction
          Standard action for launching the create project selection wizard.
 class NewWizardAction
          Invoke the resource creation wizard selection Wizard.
 class OpenFileAction
          Standard action for opening an editor on the currently selected file resource(s).
 class OpenInNewWindowAction
          Opens a new window.
 class OpenResourceAction
          Standard action for opening the currently selected project(s).
 class OpenSystemEditorAction
          Standard action for opening a system editor on the currently selected file resource.
 class PartEventAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to part activation and open/close events.
 class RefreshAction
          Standard action for refreshing the workspace from the local file system for the selected resources and all of their descendents.
 class RenameResourceAction
          Standard action for renaming the selected resources.
 class RetargetAction
          A RetargetAction tracks the active part in the workbench.
 class ScrubLocalAction
          Standard action for scrubbing the local content in the local file system of the selected resources and all of their descendents.
 class SelectionListenerAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection change events.
 class SelectionProviderAction
          The abstract superclass for actions that listen to selection changes from a particular selection provider.
 class WorkspaceAction
          The abstract superclass for actions whose only role in life is to invoke core commands on a set of selected resources.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that implement IAction
 class PropertyDialogAction
          Standard action for opening a Property Pages Dialog on the currently selected element.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that implement IAction
 class AddMarkerAction
          Action for creating a marker of a specified type for the editor's input element based on the editor's selection.
 class AddTaskAction
          Creates a new task marker.
 class ContentAssistAction
          A content asisst action which gets its target from its text editor.
 class ConvertLineDelimitersAction
          An action to convert line delimiters of a text editor document to a particular line delimiter.
 class DeleteLineAction
          An action to delete a whole line, the fraction of the line that is left from the cursor or the fraction that is right from the cursor.
 class FindNextAction
          An action which finds the next/previous occurrence of the last search or the current selection if present.
 class FindReplaceAction
          An action which opens a Find/Replace dialog.
 class GotoLineAction
          Action for jumping to a particular line if the editor's text viewer.
 class IncrementalFindAction
          An action which enters the incremental find mode a la emacs.
 class MarkAction
          An action to handle emacs-like marked regions.
 class MarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can add and remove markers which have a visual representation in the ruler.
 class MarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. use MarkerRulerAction instead
 class ResourceAction
          An action which configures its label, image, tooltip, and description from a resource bundle using known keys.
 class RetargetTextEditorAction
          Action used by an editor action bar contributor to establish placeholders in menus or action bars which can be retargeted to dynamically changing actions, for example, those which come from the active editor.
 class RevertToSavedAction
          Action for abandoning changes made in the text editor since the last save operation.
 class SaveAction
          Action for saving recent changes made in the text editor.
 class SelectMarkerRulerAction
          A ruler action which can select the textual range of a marker that has a visual representation in the vertical ruler.
 class SelectMarkerRulerInfoAction
          Deprecated. use SelectMarkerRulerAction instead
 class ShiftAction
          Action for shifting code to the right or left by one indentation level.
 class TextEditorAction
          Sekelleton of a standard text editor action.
 class TextNavigationAction
          An IAction wrapper for text widget navigational and selection actions.
 class TextOperationAction
          An action which gets a text operation target from its text editor.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist that implement IAction
 class BackAction
          Generic "Back" action which goes back one frame,
 class ForwardAction
          Generic "Forward" action which goes forward one frame.
 class FrameAction
          Abstract superclass for actions dealing with frames or a frame list.
 class GoIntoAction
          Generic "Go Into" action which goes to the frame for the current selection.
 class UpAction
          Generic "Up" action which goes to the parent frame for the current frame.

Uses of IAction in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator

Classes in org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator that implement IAction
 class FilterSelectionAction
          The FilterSelectionAction opens the filters dialog.
 class GotoResourceAction
          Implements the go to resource action.
 class ResourceNavigatorAction
          Superclass of all actions provided by the resource navigator.
 class ResourceNavigatorMoveAction
          The ResourceNavigatorMoveAction is a resource move that aso updates the navigator to show the result of the move.
 class ResourceNavigatorRenameAction
          The ResourceNavigatorRenameAction is the rename action used by the ResourceNavigator that also allows updating after rename.
 class ShowInNavigatorAction
          An action which shows the current selection in the Navigator view.
 class SortViewAction
          Implementation of the view sorting actions.

Eclipse Platform

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