Eclipse Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use DataFormatException
org.eclipse.jface.resource Provides support for managing resources such as SWT fonts and images. 

Uses of DataFormatException in org.eclipse.jface.resource

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource that throw DataFormatException
static String[] StringConverter.asArray(String value)
          Breaks out space-separated words into an array of words.
static boolean StringConverter.asBoolean(String value)
          Converts the given value into a boolean.
static double StringConverter.asDouble(String value)
          Converts the given value into a double.
static float StringConverter.asFloat(String value)
          Converts the given value into a float.
static FontData StringConverter.asFontData(String value)
          Converts the given value into an SWT font data object.
static int StringConverter.asInt(String value)
          Converts the given value into an int.
static long StringConverter.asLong(String value)
          Converts the given value into a long.
static Point StringConverter.asPoint(String value)
          Converts the given value into an SWT point.
static Rectangle StringConverter.asRectangle(String value)
          Converts the given value into an SWT rectangle.
static RGB StringConverter.asRGB(String value)
          Converts the given value into an SWT RGB color value.

Eclipse Platform

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