Eclipse Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectionDialog
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 

Uses of SelectionDialog in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Subclasses of SelectionDialog in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs
 class AbstractElementListSelectionDialog
          An abstract class to select elements out of a list of elements.
 class CheckedTreeSelectionDialog
          A class to select elements out of a tree structure.
 class ContainerSelectionDialog
          A standard selection dialog which solicits a container resource from the user.
 class ElementListSelectionDialog
          A class to select elements out of a list of elements.
 class ElementTreeSelectionDialog
          A class to select elements out of a tree structure.
 class FileSelectionDialog
          A standard file selection dialog which solicits a list of files from the user.
 class ListSelectionDialog
          A standard dialog which solicits a list of selections from the user.
 class MarkerResolutionSelectionDialog
          Dialog to allow the user to select from a list of marker resolutions.
 class ProjectLocationMoveDialog
          The ProjectLocationMoveDialog is the dialog used to select the location of a project for moving.
 class ProjectLocationSelectionDialog
          The ProjectLocationSelectionDialog is the dialog used to select the name and location of a project for copying.
 class ResourceSelectionDialog
          A standard resource selection dialog which solicits a list of resources from the user.
 class SelectionStatusDialog
          An abstract base class for dialogs with a status bar and ok/cancel buttons.
 class TwoPaneElementSelector
          A list selection dialog with two panes.
 class YesNoCancelListSelectionDialog
          Deprecated. Providing Cancel in addition to Yes/No is confusing. It is better to subclass the regular ListSelectionDialog, which uses OK/Cancel, and provide a separate checkbox if necessary.

Eclipse Platform

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