Eclipse Platform

Package org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Provides a standard text editor and a file-based document provider.


Interface Summary
IEncodingActionsConstants Defines the names of the encoding actions.
IEncodingActionsDefinitionIds Defines the definition ids for the encoding actions.
IEncodingActionsHelpContextIds Help context ids for the encoding actions.
IEncodingSupport Interface to be implemented by objects supporting character encodings.
IStorageDocumentProvider Document provider for IStorage based domain elements.
ITextEditorHelpContextIds Help context ids for the text editor.

Class Summary
DefaultEncodingSupport The standard implementation of IEncodingSupport.
EncodingActionGroup Action group for encoding actions.
FileDocumentProvider Shareable document provider specialized for file resources (IFile).
StorageDocumentProvider Shareable document provider specialized for IStorages.
TextEditor The standard text editor for file resources (IFile).
TextEditorActionContributor Manages the installation and deinstallation of global actions for the default text editor.
TextEditorPreferencePage A preference page to set the font used in the default text editor.

Package org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Description

Provides a standard text editor and a file-based document provider.

Eclipse Platform

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