Package org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider

Class Summary
Activator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
AdapterFactoryContentProvider This content provider wraps an AdapterFactory and it delegates its JFace provider interfaces to corresponding adapter-implemented item provider interfaces.
AdapterFactoryContentProvider.ViewerRefresh A runnable class that efficiently updates a Viewer via standard APIs, based on queued IViewerNotifications from the model's item providers.
AdapterFactoryLabelProvider This label provider wraps an AdapterFactory and it delegates its JFace provider interfaces to corresponding adapter-implemented item provider interfaces.
AdapterFactoryLabelProvider.ColorProvider An extended version of the adapter factory label provider that also provides for colors.
AdapterFactoryLabelProvider.FontAndColorProvider An extended version of the adapter factory label provider that also provides for fonts and colors.
AdapterFactoryLabelProvider.FontProvider An extended version of the adapter factory label provider that also provides for fonts.
ExtendedColorRegistry A color registry for converting a color description into an actual color.
ExtendedFontRegistry A font registry for turning a font description into an actual font object.
NotifyChangedToViewerRefresh This class calls optimized refresh APIs for all the standard Viewer subclasses.

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