Package org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler

Interface Summary
CompleteHandler An interface for handlers that wish to be notified of request completion.

Class Summary
AbstractHandler AbstractHandler.
AbstractHandlerContainer Abstract Handler Container.
ContextHandler ContextHandler.
ContextHandlerCollection ContextHandlerCollection.
DefaultHandler Default Handler.
ErrorHandler Handler for Error pages A handler that is registered at the org.eclipse.http.ErrorHandler context attributed and called by the HttpResponse.sendError method to write a error page.
HandlerCollection A collection of handlers.
HandlerList HandlerList.
HandlerWrapper A HandlerWrapper acts as a Handler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate.
HotSwapHandler A HandlerContainer that allows a hot swap of a wrapped handler.
MovedContextHandler Moved ContextHandler.
RequestLogHandler RequestLogHandler.
ResourceHandler Resource Handler.
ScopedHandler ScopedHandler.

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