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1   // ========================================================================
2   // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
3   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5   // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6   // and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
7   // The Eclipse Public License is available at 
8   //
9   // The Apache License v2.0 is available at
10  //
11  // You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. 
12  // ========================================================================
14  package org.eclipse.jetty.server;
16  import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
17  import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
18  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
19  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
22  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
23  /** The Authentication state of a request.
24   * <p>
25   * The Authentication state can be one of several sub-types that
26   * reflects where the request is in the many different authentication
27   * cycles. Authentication might not yet be checked or it might be checked
28   * and failed, checked and deferred or succeeded. 
29   * 
30   */
31  public interface Authentication
32  {
35      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
36      /** A successful Authentication with User information.
37       */
38      public interface User extends Authentication
39      {
40          String getAuthMethod();
41          UserIdentity getUserIdentity(); 
42          boolean isUserInRole(UserIdentity.Scope scope,String role);
43          void logout(); 
44      }
46      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
47      /** A wrapped authentication with methods provide the
48       * wrapped request/response for use by the application
49       */
50      public interface Wrapped extends Authentication
51      {
52          HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest();
53          HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse();
54      }
56      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
57      /** A deferred authentication with methods to progress 
58       * the authentication process.
59       */
60      public interface Deferred extends Authentication
61      {
62          /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
63          /** Authenticate if possible without sending a challenge.
64           * This is used to check credentials that have been sent for 
65           * non-manditory authentication.
66           * @return The new Authentication state.
67           */
68          Authentication authenticate();
70          /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
71          /** Authenticate and possibly send a challenge.
72           * This is used to initiate authentication for previously 
73           * non-manditory authentication.
74           * @return The new Authentication state.
75           */
76          Authentication authenticate(ServletRequest request,ServletResponse response);
79          /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
80          /** Login with the LOGIN authenticator
81           * @param username
82           * @param password
83           * @return The new Authentication state
84           */
85          Authentication login(String username,String password);
86      }
89      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
90      /** Authentication Response sent state.
91       * Responses are sent by authenticators either to issue an
92       * authentication challenge or on successful authentication in
93       * order to redirect the user to the original URL.
94       */
95      public interface ResponseSent extends Authentication
96      { 
97      }
99      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
100     /** An Authentication Challenge has been sent.
101      */
102     public interface Challenge extends ResponseSent
103     { 
104     }
106     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
107     /** An Authentication Failure has been sent.
108      */
109     public interface Failure extends ResponseSent
110     { 
111     }
113     public interface SendSuccess extends ResponseSent
114     {
115     }
117     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
118     /** Unauthenticated state.
119      * <p> 
120      * This convenience instance is for non mandatory authentication where credentials
121      * have been presented and checked, but failed authentication. 
122      */
123     public final static Authentication UNAUTHENTICATED = new Authentication(){public String toString(){return "UNAUTHENTICATED";}};
125     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
126     /** Authentication not checked
127      * <p>
128      * This convenience instance us for non mandatory authentication when no 
129      * credentials are present to be checked.
130      */
131     public final static Authentication NOT_CHECKED = new Authentication(){public String toString(){return "NOT CHECKED";}};
133     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
134     /** Authentication challenge sent.
135      * <p>
136      * This convenience instance is for when an authentication challenge has been sent.
137      */
138     public final static Authentication SEND_CONTINUE = new Authentication.Challenge(){public String toString(){return "CHALLENGE";}};
140     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
141     /** Authentication failure sent.
142      * <p>
143      * This convenience instance is for when an authentication failure has been sent.
144      */
145     public final static Authentication SEND_FAILURE = new Authentication.Failure(){public String toString(){return "FAILURE";}};
146     public final static Authentication SEND_SUCCESS = new SendSuccess(){public String toString(){return "SEND_SUCCESS";}};
147 }