Interface Authentication

All Known Subinterfaces:
Authentication.Challenge, Authentication.Deferred, Authentication.Failure, Authentication.ResponseSent, Authentication.SendSuccess, Authentication.User, Authentication.Wrapped
All Known Implementing Classes:
DeferredAuthenticator.DeferredAuthentication, FormAuthenticator.FormAuthentication, SessionCachingAuthenticator.SessionAuthentication, UserAuthentication

public interface Authentication

The Authentication state of a request.

The Authentication state can be one of several sub-types that reflects where the request is in the many different authentication cycles. Authentication might not yet be checked or it might be checked and failed, checked and deferred or succeeded.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Authentication.Challenge
          An Authentication Challenge has been sent.
static interface Authentication.Deferred
          A deferred authentication with methods to progress the authentication process.
static interface Authentication.Failure
          An Authentication Failure has been sent.
static interface Authentication.ResponseSent
          Authentication Response sent state.
static interface Authentication.SendSuccess
static interface Authentication.User
          A successful Authentication with User information.
static interface Authentication.Wrapped
          A wrapped authentication with methods provide the wrapped request/response for use by the application
Field Summary
static Authentication NOT_CHECKED
          Authentication not checked
static Authentication SEND_CONTINUE
          Authentication challenge sent.
static Authentication SEND_FAILURE
          Authentication failure sent.
static Authentication SEND_SUCCESS
static Authentication UNAUTHENTICATED
          Unauthenticated state.

Field Detail


static final Authentication UNAUTHENTICATED
Unauthenticated state.

This convenience instance is for non mandatory authentication where credentials have been presented and checked, but failed authentication.


static final Authentication NOT_CHECKED
Authentication not checked

This convenience instance us for non mandatory authentication when no credentials are present to be checked.


static final Authentication SEND_CONTINUE
Authentication challenge sent.

This convenience instance is for when an authentication challenge has been sent.


static final Authentication SEND_FAILURE
Authentication failure sent.

This convenience instance is for when an authentication failure has been sent.


static final Authentication SEND_SUCCESS

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