Class ResourceAnnotationHandler

  extended by org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.ResourceAnnotationHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResourceAnnotationHandler
extends Object
implements AnnotationParser.AnnotationHandler

Field Summary
protected  InjectionCollection _injections
protected  WebAppContext _wac
Constructor Summary
ResourceAnnotationHandler(WebAppContext wac)
Method Summary
 void handleClass(String className, int version, int access, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces, String annotation, List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
          Class level Resource annotations declare a name in the environment that will be looked up at runtime.
 void handleField(String className, String fieldName, int access, String fieldType, String signature, Object value, String annotation, List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
 void handleMethod(String className, String methodName, int access, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions, String annotation, List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
          Process a Resource annotation on a Method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected WebAppContext _wac


protected InjectionCollection _injections
Constructor Detail


public ResourceAnnotationHandler(WebAppContext wac)
Method Detail


public void handleClass(String className,
                        int version,
                        int access,
                        String signature,
                        String superName,
                        String[] interfaces,
                        String annotation,
                        List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
Class level Resource annotations declare a name in the environment that will be looked up at runtime. They do not specify an injection.

Specified by:
handleClass in interface AnnotationParser.AnnotationHandler


public void handleField(String className,
                        String fieldName,
                        int access,
                        String fieldType,
                        String signature,
                        Object value,
                        String annotation,
                        List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
Specified by:
handleField in interface AnnotationParser.AnnotationHandler


public void handleMethod(String className,
                         String methodName,
                         int access,
                         String desc,
                         String signature,
                         String[] exceptions,
                         String annotation,
                         List<AnnotationParser.Value> values)
Process a Resource annotation on a Method. This will generate a JNDI entry, and an Injection to be processed when an instance of the class is created.

Specified by:
handleMethod in interface AnnotationParser.AnnotationHandler
injections -

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