Uses of Class

Packages that use Rule

Uses of Rule in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler

Subclasses of Rule in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler
 class CookiePatternRule
          Sets the cookie in the response whenever the rule finds a match.
 class ForwardedSchemeHeaderRule
          Set the scheme for the request
 class HeaderPatternRule
          Sets the header in the response whenever the rule finds a match.
 class HeaderRule
          Abstract rule that matches against request headers.
 class LegacyRule
          Rule implementing the legacy API of RewriteHandler
 class MsieSslRule
          MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) SSL Rule.
 class PatternRule
          Abstract rule that use a PathMap for pattern matching.
 class RedirectPatternRule
          Redirects the response whenever the rule finds a match.
 class RedirectRegexRule
          Redirects the response by matching with a regular expression.
 class RegexRule
          Abstract rule to use as a base class for rules that match with a regular expression.
 class ResponsePatternRule
          Sends the response code whenever the rule finds a match.
 class RewritePatternRule
          Rewrite the URI by replacing the matched PathMap path with a fixed string.
 class RewriteRegexRule
          Rewrite the URI by matching with a regular expression.
 class RuleContainer
          Base container to group rules.
 class VirtualHostRuleContainer
          Groups rules that apply only to a specific virtual host or sets of virtual hosts

Fields in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler declared as Rule
protected  Rule[] RuleContainer._rules

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler that return Rule
 Rule[] RewriteHandler.getRules()
          Returns the list of rules.
 Rule[] RuleContainer.getRules()
          Returns the list of rules.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler with parameters of type Rule
 void RewriteHandler.addRule(Rule rule)
          Add a Rule
 void RuleContainer.addRule(Rule rule)
          Add a Rule
 void RewriteHandler.setRules(Rule[] rules)
          Assigns the rules to process.
 void RuleContainer.setRules(Rule[] rules)
          Assigns the rules to process.

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