Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifeCycle

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.ajp

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.ajp that implement LifeCycle
 class Ajp13SocketConnector

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.client

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.client that implement LifeCycle
 class HttpClient
          Http Client.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy

Subinterfaces of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy
 interface AppProvider
          Object responsible for providing Apps to the DeploymentManager

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy that implement LifeCycle
 class ContextDeployer
          Deprecated. replaced with ContextProvider from the DeploymentManager
 class DeploymentManager
          The Deployment Manager.
 class WebAppDeployer

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers that implement LifeCycle
 class ContextProvider
          Context directory App Provider.
 class ScanningAppProvider
 class WebAppProvider
          Context directory App Provider.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.embedded

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.embedded that implement LifeCycle
 class HelloHandler
static class ManyHandlers.ParamHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.http

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.http that implement LifeCycle
 class HttpBuffers
          Abstract Buffer pool.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl that implement LifeCycle
 class SslContextFactory
          SslContextFactory is used to configure SSL connectors as well as HttpClient.

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class SelectorManager
          The Selector Manager manages and number of SelectSets to allow NIO scheduling to scale to large numbers of connections.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.jmx

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.jmx that implement LifeCycle
 class ConnectorServer
          AbstractLifeCycle wrapper for JMXConnector Server
 class MBeanContainer
          Container class for the MBean instances

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor that implement LifeCycle
 class ThreadMonitor

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.nested

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.nested that implement LifeCycle
 class NestedConnector
          Nested Jetty Connector

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.nosql

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.nosql that implement LifeCycle
 class NoSqlSessionManager

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.nosql.mongodb

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.nosql.mongodb that implement LifeCycle
 class MongoSessionIdManager
          Based partially on the jdbc session id manager...
 class MongoSessionManager

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot that implement LifeCycle
 class OSGiAppProvider
          AppProvider for OSGi.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.httpservice

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.httpservice that implement LifeCycle
 class HttpServiceErrorPageErrorHandler
          Extended error page handler.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.nested

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.nested with parameters of type LifeCycle
 void NestedConnectorListener.lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event)
 void NestedConnectorListener.lifeCycleStopping(LifeCycle event)

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.overlays

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.overlays that implement LifeCycle
 class OverlayedAppProvider
          Overlayed AppProvider
 class TemplateContext
          A Cloudtide template context.

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class JAASLoginService

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class DataSourceLoginService
          //TODO JASPI cf JDBCLoginService DataSourceUserRealm Obtain user/password/role information from a database via jndi DataSource.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.policy

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.policy that implement LifeCycle
 class PolicyMonitor
          PolicyMonitor watches a directory for files ending in the *.policy extension, loads them and detects when they change.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler that implement LifeCycle
 class RewriteHandler
           Rewrite handler is responsible for managing the rules.

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class ConstraintSecurityHandler
          Handler to enforce SecurityConstraints.
 class HashLoginService
          Properties User Realm.
 class JDBCLoginService
          HashMapped User Realm with JDBC as data source.
 class MappedLoginService
          A login service that keeps UserIdentities in a concurrent map either as the source or a cache of the users.
 class PropertyUserStore
          PropertyUserStore This class monitors a property file of the format mentioned below and notifies registered listeners of the changes to the the given file.
 class SecurityHandler
          Abstract SecurityHandler.
 class SpnegoLoginService

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server

Subinterfaces of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server
 interface Connector
 interface Handler
          A Jetty Server Handler.
 interface HandlerContainer
          A Handler that contains other Handlers.
 interface RequestLog
          A RequestLog can be attached to a RequestLogHandler to enable logging of requests/responses.
static interface Server.Graceful
 interface SessionIdManager
          Session ID Manager.
 interface SessionManager

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractConnector
          Abstract Connector implementation.
 class LocalConnector
 class NCSARequestLog
 class Server
          Jetty HTTP Servlet Server.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server with parameters of type LifeCycle
 void Server.addLifeCycle(LifeCycle c)
          Deprecated. Use Server.addBean(Object)
 void Server.removeLifeCycle(LifeCycle c)
          Deprecated. Use Server.removeBean(Object)

Uses of LifeCycle in

Classes in that implement LifeCycle
 class SocketConnector
          Socket Connector.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractHandler
 class AbstractHandlerContainer
          Abstract Handler Container.
 class ConnectHandler
          Implementation of a tunneling proxy that supports HTTP CONNECT.
 class ContextHandler
 class ContextHandlerCollection
 class DebugHandler
          Debug Handler.
 class DefaultHandler
          Default Handler.
 class ErrorHandler
          Handler for Error pages An ErrorHandler is registered with ContextHandler.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) or Server.addBean(Object).
 class GzipHandler
          GZIP Handler This handler will gzip the content of a response if: The filter is mapped to a matching path The response status code is >=200 and <300 The content length is unknown or more than the minGzipSize initParameter or the minGzipSize is 0(default) The content-type is in the comma separated list of mimeTypes set in the mimeTypes initParameter or if no mimeTypes are defined the content-type is not "application/gzip" No content-encoding is specified by the resource
 class HandlerCollection
          A collection of handlers.
 class HandlerList
 class HandlerWrapper
          A HandlerWrapper acts as a Handler but delegates the handle method and life cycle events to a delegate.
 class HotSwapHandler
          A HandlerContainer that allows a hot swap of a wrapped handler.
 class IPAccessHandler
          IP Access Handler
 class MovedContextHandler
          Moved ContextHandler.
 class ProxyHandler
          Deprecated. Use ConnectHandler
 class RequestLogHandler
 class ResourceHandler
          Resource Handler.
 class ScopedHandler
 class ShutdownHandler
          A handler that shuts the server down on a valid request.
 class StatisticsHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractNIOConnector
 class BlockingChannelConnector
          Blocking NIO connector.
 class InheritedChannelConnector
          An implementation of the SelectChannelConnector which first tries to inherit from a channel provided by the system.
 class NetworkTrafficSelectChannelConnector
          A specialized version of SelectChannelConnector that supports NetworkTrafficListeners.
 class SelectChannelConnector
          Selecting NIO connector.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server.session

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server.session that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractSessionIdManager
 class AbstractSessionManager
          An Abstract implementation of SessionManager.
 class HashSessionIdManager
 class HashSessionManager
          An in-memory implementation of SessionManager.
 class JDBCSessionIdManager
          JDBCSessionIdManager SessionIdManager implementation that uses a database to store in-use session ids, to support distributed sessions.
 class JDBCSessionManager
          JDBCSessionManager SessionManager that persists sessions to a database to enable clustering.
 class SessionHandler

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl

Subinterfaces of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl
 interface SslConnector
          The interface for SSL connectors and their configuration methods.

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl that implement LifeCycle
 class SslSelectChannelConnector
 class SslSocketConnector
          SSL Socket Connector.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.servlet

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.servlet that implement LifeCycle
 class ErrorPageErrorHandler
          Error Page Error Handler An ErrorHandler that maps exceptions and status codes to URIs for dispatch using the internal ERROR style of dispatch.
 class FilterHolder
 class Holder<T>
 class ServletContextHandler
          Servlet Context.
 class ServletHandler
          Servlet HttpHandler.
 class ServletHolder
          Servlet Instance and Context Holder.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.util

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.util that implement LifeCycle
 class Scanner
          Scanner Utility for scanning a directory for added, removed and changed files and reporting these events via registered Listeners.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component that implement LifeCycle
 class AbstractLifeCycle
          Basic implementation of the life cycle interface for components.
 class AggregateLifeCycle
          An AggregateLifeCycle is an AbstractLifeCycle with a collection of dependent beans.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.util.component with parameters of type LifeCycle
static String AbstractLifeCycle.getState(LifeCycle lc)
 void AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener.lifeCycleFailure(LifeCycle event, Throwable cause)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleFailure(LifeCycle event, Throwable cause)
 void AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener.lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event)
 void AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener.lifeCycleStarting(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStarting(LifeCycle event)
 void AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener.lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle event)
 void AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener.lifeCycleStopping(LifeCycle event)
 void LifeCycle.Listener.lifeCycleStopping(LifeCycle event)

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread that implement LifeCycle
 class ExecutorThreadPool
          Jetty ThreadPool using java 5 ThreadPoolExecutor This class wraps a ExecutorService as a ThreadPool and LifeCycle interfaces so that it may be used by the Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
 class QueuedThreadPool

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread with parameters of type LifeCycle
static void ShutdownThread.deregister(LifeCycle lifeCycle)
static void ShutdownThread.register(int index, LifeCycle... lifeCycles)
static void ShutdownThread.register(LifeCycle... lifeCycles)

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.webapp

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.webapp that implement LifeCycle
 class WebAppContext
          Web Application Context Handler.

Uses of LifeCycle in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket that implement LifeCycle
 class WebSocketClientFactory
          WebSocketClientFactory contains the common components needed by multiple WebSocketClient instances (for example, a ThreadPool, a NIO selector, etc).
 class WebSocketHandler

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