Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventNotifier

Uses of EventNotifier in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.integration

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.integration that implement EventNotifier
 class JavaMonitorAction

Constructors in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.integration with parameters of type EventNotifier
JavaMonitorAction(EventNotifier notifier, String url, String uuid, String appid, long pollInterval)

Uses of EventNotifier in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx that implement EventNotifier
 class ConsoleNotifier
          ConsoleNotifier Provides a way to output notification messages to the server console
 class LoggingNotifier
          ConsoleNotifier Provides a way to output notification messages to a log file
 class MonitorAction
          MonitorAction Abstract base class for all MonitorAction implementations.
 class NotifierGroup
          NotifierGroup This class allows for grouping of the event notifiers
 class SimpleAction

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx that return types with arguments of type EventNotifier
 Collection<EventNotifier> NotifierGroup.getNotifiers()
          Retrieve all event notifier associated with this group

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx with parameters of type EventNotifier
 boolean NotifierGroup.addNotifier(EventNotifier notifier)
          Add specified event notifier to event notifier group
 boolean NotifierGroup.removeNotifier(EventNotifier notifier)
          Remove event notifier from event notifier group

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx with type arguments of type EventNotifier
 boolean NotifierGroup.addNotifiers(Collection<EventNotifier> notifiers)
          Add a collection of event notifiers to event notifier group
 boolean NotifierGroup.removeNotifiers(Collection<EventNotifier> notifiers)
          Remove a collection of event notifiers from event notifier group

Constructors in org.eclipse.jetty.monitor.jmx with parameters of type EventNotifier
MonitorAction(EventTrigger trigger, EventNotifier notifier)
          Creates a new monitor action
MonitorAction(EventTrigger trigger, EventNotifier notifier, long pollInterval)
          Creates a new monitor action
MonitorAction(EventTrigger trigger, EventNotifier notifier, long pollInterval, long pollDelay)
          Creates a new monitor action
SimpleAction(EventTrigger trigger, EventNotifier notifier, long pollInterval)

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