Package org.eclipse.jetty.server

Interface Summary
Authentication The Authentication state of a request.
Authentication.Challenge An Authentication Challenge has been sent.
Authentication.Deferred A deferred authentication with methods to progress the authentication process.
Authentication.Failure An Authentication Failure has been sent.
Authentication.ResponseSent Authentication Response sent state.
Authentication.User A successful Authentication with User information.
Authentication.Wrapped A wrapped authentication with methods provide the wrapped request/response for use by the application
Handler A Jetty Server Handler.
HandlerContainer A Handler that contains other Handlers.
RequestLog A RequestLog can be attached to a RequestLogHandler to enable logging of requests/responses.
SessionIdManager Session ID Manager.
UserIdentity User object that encapsulates user identity and operations such as run-as-role actions, checking isUserInRole and getUserPrincipal.
UserIdentity.Scope A UserIdentity Scope.

Class Summary
AbstractConnector Abstract Connector implementation.
AbstractHttpConnection A HttpConnection represents the connection of a HTTP client to the server and is created by an instance of a Connector.
AsyncContinuation Implementation of Continuation and AsyncContext interfaces.
AsyncHttpConnection Asychronous Server HTTP connection
BlockingHttpConnection Blocking Server HTTP Connection
CookieCutter Cookie parser
Dispatcher Servlet RequestDispatcher.
HttpOutput Output.
HttpWriter OutputWriter.
InclusiveByteRange Byte range inclusive of end points.
Request Jetty Request.
Response Response.
Server Jetty HTTP Servlet Server.
ServletRequestHttpWrapper Class to tunnel a ServletRequest via a HttpServletRequest
ServletResponseHttpWrapper Wrapper to tunnel a ServletResponse via a HttpServletResponse

Enum Summary

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