Class Log

  extended by org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log

public class Log
extends Object

Logging. This class provides a static logging interface. If an instance of the org.slf4j.Logger class is found on the classpath, the static log methods are directed to a slf4j logger for "org.eclipse.log". Otherwise the logs are directed to stderr.

The "org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class" system property can be used to select a specific logging implementation.

If the system property org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.IGNORED is set, then ignored exceptions are logged in detail.

See Also:
StdErrLog, Slf4jLog

Field Summary
static boolean __ignored
          Legacy flag indicating if ignore(Throwable) methods produce any output in the Loggers
static String __logClass
          The Logger implementation class name
protected static Properties __props
          Logging Configuration Properties
static String EXCEPTION
static String IGNORED
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void debug(String msg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void debug(String msg, Object arg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void debug(String msg, Object arg0, Object arg1)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void debug(Throwable th)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static Logger getLog()
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)
          Obtain a named Logger based on the fully qualified class name.
static Logger getLogger(String name)
          Obtain a named Logger or the default Logger if null is passed.
static Logger getRootLogger()
          Get the root logger.
static void ignore(Throwable thrown)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void info(String msg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void info(String msg, Object arg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void info(String msg, Object arg0, Object arg1)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static boolean initialized()
static boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void setLog(Logger log)
static void setLogToParent(String name)
          Set Log to parent Logger.
static void warn(String msg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void warn(String msg, Object arg)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void warn(String msg, Object arg0, Object arg1)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void warn(String msg, Throwable th)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
static void warn(Throwable th)
          Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String EXCEPTION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String IGNORED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static Properties __props
Logging Configuration Properties


public static String __logClass
The Logger implementation class name


public static boolean __ignored
Legacy flag indicating if ignore(Throwable) methods produce any output in the Loggers

Constructor Detail


public Log()
Method Detail


public static boolean initialized()


public static void setLog(Logger log)


public static Logger getLog()
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static Logger getRootLogger()
Get the root logger.

the root logger


public static void setLogToParent(String name)
Set Log to parent Logger.

If there is a different Log class available from a parent classloader, call getLogger(String) on it and construct a LoggerLog instance as this Log's Logger, so that logging is delegated to the parent Log.

This should be used if a webapp is using Log, but wishes the logging to be directed to the containers log.

If there is not parent Log, then this call is equivalent to


name - Logger name


public static void debug(Throwable th)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void debug(String msg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void debug(String msg,
                                    Object arg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void debug(String msg,
                                    Object arg0,
                                    Object arg1)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void ignore(Throwable thrown)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void info(String msg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void info(String msg,
                                   Object arg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void info(String msg,
                                   Object arg0,
                                   Object arg1)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static boolean isDebugEnabled()
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void warn(String msg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void warn(String msg,
                                   Object arg)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void warn(String msg,
                                   Object arg0,
                                   Object arg1)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void warn(String msg,
                                   Throwable th)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static void warn(Throwable th)
Deprecated. anonymous logging is deprecated, use a named Logger obtained from getLogger(String)


public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)
Obtain a named Logger based on the fully qualified class name.

clazz - the class to base the Logger name off of
the Logger with the given name


public static Logger getLogger(String name)
Obtain a named Logger or the default Logger if null is passed.

name - the Logger name
the Logger with the given name

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