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1   //========================================================================
2   //Copyright 2011-2012 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
3   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   //All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5   //are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6   //and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
7   //The Eclipse Public License is available at
8   //
9   //The Apache License v2.0 is available at
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11  //You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
12  //========================================================================
14  package org.eclipse.jetty.spdy.api;
16  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
17  import java.nio.charset.Charset;
18  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
20  /**
21   * <p>A container for DATA frames metadata and content bytes.</p>
22   * <p>Specialized subclasses (like {@link StringDataInfo}) may be used by applications
23   * to send specific types of content.</p>
24   * <p>Applications may send multiple instances of {@link DataInfo}, usually of the same
25   * type, via {@link Stream#data(DataInfo)}. The last instance must have the
26   * {@link #isClose() close flag} set, so that the client knows that no more content is
27   * expected.</p>
28   * <p>Receivers of {@link DataInfo} via {@link StreamFrameListener#onData(Stream, DataInfo)}
29   * have two different APIs to read the data content bytes: a {@link #readInto(ByteBuffer) read}
30   * API that does not interact with flow control, and a {@link #consumeInto(ByteBuffer) drain}
31   * API that interacts with flow control.</p>
32   * <p>Flow control is defined so that when the sender wants to sends a number of bytes larger
33   * than the {@link Settings.ID#INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE} value, it will stop sending as soon as it
34   * has sent a number of bytes equal to the window size. The receiver has to <em>consume</em>
35   * the data bytes that it received in order to tell the sender to send more bytes.</p>
36   * <p>Consuming the data bytes can be done only via {@link #consumeInto(ByteBuffer)} or by a combination
37   * of {@link #readInto(ByteBuffer)} and {@link #consume(int)} (possibly at different times).</p>
38   */
39  public abstract class DataInfo
40  {
41      /**
42       * <p>Flag that indicates that this {@link DataInfo} is the last frame in the stream.</p>
43       *
44       * @see #isClose()
45       * @see #getFlags()
46       */
47      public final static byte FLAG_CLOSE = 1;
48      /**
49       * <p>Flag that indicates that this {@link DataInfo}'s data is compressed.</p>
50       *
51       * @see #isCompress()
52       * @see #getFlags()
53       */
54      public final static byte FLAG_COMPRESS = 2;
56      private final AtomicInteger consumed = new AtomicInteger();
57      private boolean close;
58      private boolean compress;
60      /**
61       * <p>Creates a new {@link DataInfo} with the given close flag and no compression flag.</p>
62       *
63       * @param close the value of the close flag
64       */
65      public DataInfo(boolean close)
66      {
67          setClose(close);
68      }
70      /**
71       * <p>Creates a new {@link DataInfo} with the given close flag and given compression flag.</p>
72       *
73       * @param close    the close flag
74       * @param compress the compress flag
75       */
76      public DataInfo(boolean close, boolean compress)
77      {
78          setClose(close);
79          setCompress(compress);
80      }
82      /**
83       * @return the value of the compress flag
84       * @see #setCompress(boolean)
85       */
86      public boolean isCompress()
87      {
88          return compress;
89      }
91      /**
92       * @param compress the value of the compress flag
93       * @see #isCompress()
94       */
95      public void setCompress(boolean compress)
96      {
97          this.compress = compress;
98      }
100     /**
101      * @return the value of the close flag
102      * @see #setClose(boolean)
103      */
104     public boolean isClose()
105     {
106         return close;
107     }
109     /**
110      * @param close the value of the close flag
111      * @see #isClose()
112      */
113     public void setClose(boolean close)
114     {
115         this.close = close;
116     }
118     /**
119      * @return the close and compress flags as integer
120      * @see #FLAG_CLOSE
121      * @see #FLAG_COMPRESS
122      */
123     public byte getFlags()
124     {
125         byte flags = isClose() ? FLAG_CLOSE : 0;
126         flags |= isCompress() ? FLAG_COMPRESS : 0;
127         return flags;
128     }
130     /**
131      * @return the total number of content bytes
132      * @see #available()
133      */
134     public abstract int length();
136     /**
137      * <p>Returns the available content bytes that can be read via {@link #readInto(ByteBuffer)}.</p>
138      * <p>Each invocation to {@link #readInto(ByteBuffer)} modifies the value returned by this method,
139      * until no more content bytes are available.</p>
140      *
141      * @return the available content bytes
142      * @see #readInto(ByteBuffer)
143      */
144     public abstract int available();
146     /**
147      * <p>Copies the content bytes of this {@link DataInfo} into the given {@link ByteBuffer}.</p>
148      * <p>If the given {@link ByteBuffer} cannot contain the whole content of this {@link DataInfo}
149      * then after the read {@link #available()} will return a positive value, and further content
150      * may be retrieved by invoking again this method with a new output buffer.</p>
151      *
152      * @param output the {@link ByteBuffer} to copy to bytes into
153      * @return the number of bytes copied
154      * @see #available()
155      * @see #consumeInto(ByteBuffer)
156      */
157     public abstract int readInto(ByteBuffer output);
159     /**
160      * <p>Reads and consumes the content bytes of this {@link DataInfo} into the given {@link ByteBuffer}.</p>
161      *
162      * @param output the {@link ByteBuffer} to copy the bytes into
163      * @return the number of bytes copied
164      * @see #consume(int)
165      */
166     public int consumeInto(ByteBuffer output)
167     {
168         int read = readInto(output);
169         consume(read);
170         return read;
171     }
173     /**
174      * <p>Consumes the given number of bytes from this {@link DataInfo}.</p>
175      *
176      * @param delta the number of bytes consumed
177      */
178     public void consume(int delta)
179     {
180         if (delta < 0)
181             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
182         int read = length() - available();
183         int newConsumed = consumed() + delta;
184 //        if (newConsumed > read)
185 //            throw new IllegalStateException("Consuming without reading: consumed " + newConsumed + " but only read " + read);
186         consumed.addAndGet(delta);
187     }
189     /**
190      * @return the number of bytes consumed
191      */
192     public int consumed()
193     {
194         return consumed.get();
195     }
197     /**
198      *
199      * @param charset the charset used to convert the bytes
200      * @param consume whether to consume the content
201      * @return a String with the content of this {@link DataInfo}
202      */
203     public String asString(String charset, boolean consume)
204     {
205         ByteBuffer buffer = asByteBuffer(consume);
206         return Charset.forName(charset).decode(buffer).toString();
207     }
209     /**
210      * @return a byte array with the content of this {@link DataInfo}
211      * @param consume whether to consume the content
212      */
213     public byte[] asBytes(boolean consume)
214     {
215         ByteBuffer buffer = asByteBuffer(consume);
216         byte[] result = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
217         buffer.get(result);
218         return result;
219     }
221     /**
222      * @return a {@link ByteBuffer} with the content of this {@link DataInfo}
223      * @param consume whether to consume the content
224      */
225     public ByteBuffer asByteBuffer(boolean consume)
226     {
227         ByteBuffer buffer = allocate(available());
228         if (consume)
229             consumeInto(buffer);
230         else
231             readInto(buffer);
232         buffer.flip();
233         return buffer;
234     }
236     protected ByteBuffer allocate(int size)
237     {
238         return ByteBuffer.allocate(size);
239     }
241     @Override
242     public String toString()
243     {
244         return String.format("DATA @%x available=%d consumed=%d close=%b compress=%b", hashCode(), available(), consumed(), isClose(), isCompress());
245     }
246 }