View Javadoc

1   package org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
6   import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
7   import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
8   import java.util.Arrays;
9   import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
10  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
11  import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
12  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
13  import javax.servlet.ServletException;
14  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
15  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
17  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethods;
18  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler;
27  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection;
28  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request;
29  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
30  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.HostMap;
31  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.TypeUtil;
32  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle;
33  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
34  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
35  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ThreadPool;
37  /**
38   * <p>Implementation of a tunneling proxy that supports HTTP CONNECT.</p>
39   * <p>To work as CONNECT proxy, objects of this class must be instantiated using the no-arguments
40   * constructor, since the remote server information will be present in the CONNECT URI.</p>
41   */
42  public class ConnectHandler extends HandlerWrapper
43  {
44      private final Logger _logger = Log.getLogger(getClass().getName());
45      private final SelectorManager _selectorManager = new Manager();
46      private volatile int _connectTimeout = 5000;
47      private volatile int _writeTimeout = 30000;
48      private volatile ThreadPool _threadPool;
49      private volatile boolean _privateThreadPool;
50      private HostMap<String> _white = new HostMap<String>();
51      private HostMap<String> _black = new HostMap<String>();
53      public ConnectHandler()
54      {
55          this(null);
56      }
58      public ConnectHandler(String[] white, String[] black)
59      {
60          this(null, white, black);
61      }
63      public ConnectHandler(Handler handler)
64      {
65          setHandler(handler);
66      }
68      public ConnectHandler(Handler handler, String[] white, String[] black)
69      {
70          setHandler(handler);
71          set(white, _white);
72          set(black, _black);
73      }
75      /**
76       * @return the timeout, in milliseconds, to connect to the remote server
77       */
78      public int getConnectTimeout()
79      {
80          return _connectTimeout;
81      }
83      /**
84       * @param connectTimeout the timeout, in milliseconds, to connect to the remote server
85       */
86      public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)
87      {
88          _connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
89      }
91      /**
92       * @return the timeout, in milliseconds, to write data to a peer
93       */
94      public int getWriteTimeout()
95      {
96          return _writeTimeout;
97      }
99      /**
100      * @param writeTimeout the timeout, in milliseconds, to write data to a peer
101      */
102     public void setWriteTimeout(int writeTimeout)
103     {
104         _writeTimeout = writeTimeout;
105     }
107     @Override
108     public void setServer(Server server)
109     {
110         super.setServer(server);
112         server.getContainer().update(this, null, _selectorManager, "selectManager");
114         if (_privateThreadPool)
115             server.getContainer().update(this, null, _privateThreadPool, "threadpool", true);
116         else
117             _threadPool = server.getThreadPool();
118     }
120     /**
121      * @return the thread pool
122      */
123     public ThreadPool getThreadPool()
124     {
125         return _threadPool;
126     }
128     /**
129      * @param threadPool the thread pool
130      */
131     public void setThreadPool(ThreadPool threadPool)
132     {
133         if (getServer() != null)
134             getServer().getContainer().update(this, _privateThreadPool ? _threadPool : null, threadPool, "threadpool", true);
135         _privateThreadPool = threadPool != null;
136         _threadPool = threadPool;
137     }
139     @Override
140     protected void doStart() throws Exception
141     {
142         super.doStart();
144         if (_threadPool == null)
145         {
146             _threadPool = getServer().getThreadPool();
147             _privateThreadPool = false;
148         }
149         if (_threadPool instanceof LifeCycle && !((LifeCycle)_threadPool).isRunning())
150             ((LifeCycle)_threadPool).start();
152         _selectorManager.start();
153         _threadPool.dispatch(new Runnable()
154         {
155             public void run()
156             {
157                 while (isRunning())
158                 {
159                     try
160                     {
161                         _selectorManager.doSelect(0);
162                     }
163                     catch (IOException x)
164                     {
165                         _logger.warn("Unexpected exception", x);
166                     }
167                 }
168             }
169         });
170     }
172     @Override
173     protected void doStop() throws Exception
174     {
175         _selectorManager.stop();
177         ThreadPool threadPool = _threadPool;
178         if (_privateThreadPool && _threadPool != null && threadPool instanceof LifeCycle)
179             ((LifeCycle)threadPool).stop();
181         super.doStop();
182     }
184     @Override
185     public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
186     {
187         if (HttpMethods.CONNECT.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod()))
188         {
189             _logger.debug("CONNECT request for {}", request.getRequestURI());
190             try
191             {
192                 handleConnect(baseRequest, request, response, request.getRequestURI());
193             }
194             catch(Exception e)
195             {
196                 _logger.warn("ConnectHandler "+baseRequest.getUri()+" "+ e);
197                 _logger.debug(e);
198             }
199         }
200         else
201         {
202             super.handle(target, baseRequest, request, response);
203         }
204     }
206     /**
207      * <p>Handles a CONNECT request.</p>
208      * <p>CONNECT requests may have authentication headers such as <code>Proxy-Authorization</code>
209      * that authenticate the client with the proxy.</p>
210      *
211      * @param baseRequest   Jetty-specific http request
212      * @param request       the http request
213      * @param response      the http response
214      * @param serverAddress the remote server address in the form {@code host:port}
215      * @throws ServletException if an application error occurs
216      * @throws IOException      if an I/O error occurs
217      */
218     protected void handleConnect(Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String serverAddress) throws ServletException, IOException
219     {
220         boolean proceed = handleAuthentication(request, response, serverAddress);
221         if (!proceed)
222             return;
224         String host = serverAddress;
225         int port = 80;
226         int colon = serverAddress.indexOf(':');
227         if (colon > 0)
228         {
229             host = serverAddress.substring(0, colon);
230             port = Integer.parseInt(serverAddress.substring(colon + 1));
231         }
233         if (!validateDestination(host))
234         {
235   "ProxyHandler: Forbidden destination " + host);
236             response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
237             baseRequest.setHandled(true);
238             return;
239         }
241         SocketChannel channel = connectToServer(request, host, port);
243         // Transfer unread data from old connection to new connection
244         // We need to copy the data to avoid races:
245         // 1. when this unread data is written and the server replies before the clientToProxy
246         // connection is installed (it is only installed after returning from this method)
247         // 2. when the client sends data before this unread data has been written.
248         HttpConnection httpConnection = HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection();
249         Buffer headerBuffer = ((HttpParser)httpConnection.getParser()).getHeaderBuffer();
250         Buffer bodyBuffer = ((HttpParser)httpConnection.getParser()).getBodyBuffer();
251         int length = headerBuffer == null ? 0 : headerBuffer.length();
252         length += bodyBuffer == null ? 0 : bodyBuffer.length();
253         IndirectNIOBuffer buffer = null;
254         if (length > 0)
255         {
256             buffer = new IndirectNIOBuffer(length);
257             if (headerBuffer != null)
258             {
259                 buffer.put(headerBuffer);
260                 headerBuffer.clear();
261             }
262             if (bodyBuffer != null)
263             {
264                 buffer.put(bodyBuffer);
265                 bodyBuffer.clear();
266             }
267         }
269         ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
270         prepareContext(request, context);
272         ClientToProxyConnection clientToProxy = prepareConnections(context, channel, buffer);
274         // CONNECT expects a 200 response
275         response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
277         // Prevent close
278         baseRequest.getConnection().getGenerator().setPersistent(true);
280         // Close to force last flush it so that the client receives it
281         response.getOutputStream().close();
283         upgradeConnection(request, response, clientToProxy);
284     }
286     private ClientToProxyConnection prepareConnections(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context, SocketChannel channel, Buffer buffer)
287     {
288         HttpConnection httpConnection = HttpConnection.getCurrentConnection();
289         ProxyToServerConnection proxyToServer = newProxyToServerConnection(context, buffer);
290         ClientToProxyConnection clientToProxy = newClientToProxyConnection(context, channel, httpConnection.getEndPoint(), httpConnection.getTimeStamp());
291         clientToProxy.setConnection(proxyToServer);
292         proxyToServer.setConnection(clientToProxy);
293         return clientToProxy;
294     }
296     /**
297      * <p>Handles the authentication before setting up the tunnel to the remote server.</p>
298      * <p>The default implementation returns true.</p>
299      *
300      * @param request  the HTTP request
301      * @param response the HTTP response
302      * @param address  the address of the remote server in the form {@code host:port}.
303      * @return true to allow to connect to the remote host, false otherwise
304      * @throws ServletException to report a server error to the caller
305      * @throws IOException      to report a server error to the caller
306      */
307     protected boolean handleAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String address) throws ServletException, IOException
308     {
309         return true;
310     }
312     protected ClientToProxyConnection newClientToProxyConnection(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context, SocketChannel channel, EndPoint endPoint, long timeStamp)
313     {
314         return new ClientToProxyConnection(context, channel, endPoint, timeStamp);
315     }
317     protected ProxyToServerConnection newProxyToServerConnection(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context, Buffer buffer)
318     {
319         return new ProxyToServerConnection(context, buffer);
320     }
322     private SocketChannel connectToServer(HttpServletRequest request, String host, int port) throws IOException
323     {
324         SocketChannel channel = connect(request, host, port);
325         channel.configureBlocking(false);
326         return channel;
327     }
329     /**
330      * <p>Establishes a connection to the remote server.</p>
331      *
332      * @param request the HTTP request that initiated the tunnel
333      * @param host    the host to connect to
334      * @param port    the port to connect to
335      * @return a {@link SocketChannel} connected to the remote server
336      * @throws IOException if the connection cannot be established
337      */
338     protected SocketChannel connect(HttpServletRequest request, String host, int port) throws IOException
339     {
340         SocketChannel channel =;
341         try
342         {
343             // Connect to remote server
344             _logger.debug("Establishing connection to {}:{}", host, port);
345             channel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(true);
346             channel.socket().connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), getConnectTimeout());
347             _logger.debug("Established connection to {}:{}", host, port);
348             return channel;
349         }
350         catch (IOException x)
351         {
352             _logger.debug("Failed to establish connection to " + host + ":" + port, x);
353             try
354             {
355                 channel.close();
356             }
357             catch (IOException xx)
358             {
359                 Log.ignore(xx);
360             }
361             throw x;
362         }
363     }
365     protected void prepareContext(HttpServletRequest request, ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context)
366     {
367     }
369     private void upgradeConnection(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Connection connection) throws IOException
370     {
371         // Set the new connection as request attribute and change the status to 101
372         // so that Jetty understands that it has to upgrade the connection
373         request.setAttribute("", connection);
374         response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS);
375         _logger.debug("Upgraded connection to {}", connection);
376     }
378     private void register(SocketChannel channel, ProxyToServerConnection proxyToServer) throws IOException
379     {
380         _selectorManager.register(channel, proxyToServer);
381         proxyToServer.waitReady(_connectTimeout);
382     }
384     /**
385      * <p>Reads (with non-blocking semantic) into the given {@code buffer} from the given {@code endPoint}.</p>
386      *
387      * @param endPoint the endPoint to read from
388      * @param buffer   the buffer to read data into
389      * @param context  the context information related to the connection
390      * @return the number of bytes read (possibly 0 since the read is non-blocking)
391      *         or -1 if the channel has been closed remotely
392      * @throws IOException if the endPoint cannot be read
393      */
394     protected int read(EndPoint endPoint, Buffer buffer, ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context) throws IOException
395     {
396         return endPoint.fill(buffer);
397     }
399     /**
400      * <p>Writes (with blocking semantic) the given buffer of data onto the given endPoint.</p>
401      *
402      * @param endPoint the endPoint to write to
403      * @param buffer   the buffer to write
404      * @param context  the context information related to the connection
405      * @throws IOException if the buffer cannot be written
406      * @return the number of bytes written
407      */
408     protected int write(EndPoint endPoint, Buffer buffer, ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context) throws IOException
409     {
410         if (buffer == null)
411             return 0;
413         int length = buffer.length();
414         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
415         int written = endPoint.flush(buffer);
416         builder.append(written);
417         buffer.compact();
418         if (!endPoint.isBlocking())
419         {
420             while ( == 0)
421             {
422                 boolean ready = endPoint.blockWritable(getWriteTimeout());
423                 if (!ready)
424                     throw new IOException("Write timeout");
426                 written = endPoint.flush(buffer);
427                 builder.append("+").append(written);
428                 buffer.compact();
429             }
430         }
431         _logger.debug("Written {}/{} bytes {}", builder, length, endPoint);
432         return length;
433     }
435     private class Manager extends SelectorManager
436     {
437         @Override
438         protected SelectChannelEndPoint newEndPoint(SocketChannel channel, SelectSet selectSet, SelectionKey selectionKey) throws IOException
439         {
440             SelectChannelEndPoint endp = new SelectChannelEndPoint(channel, selectSet, selectionKey);
441             endp.setMaxIdleTime(_writeTimeout);
442             return endp;
443         }
445         @Override
446         protected Connection newConnection(SocketChannel channel, SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint)
447         {
448             ProxyToServerConnection proxyToServer = (ProxyToServerConnection)endpoint.getSelectionKey().attachment();
449             proxyToServer.setTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
450             proxyToServer.setEndPoint(endpoint);
451             return proxyToServer;
452         }
454         @Override
455         protected void endPointOpened(SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint)
456         {
457             ProxyToServerConnection proxyToServer = (ProxyToServerConnection)endpoint.getSelectionKey().attachment();
458             proxyToServer.ready();
459         }
461         @Override
462         public boolean dispatch(Runnable task)
463         {
464             return _threadPool.dispatch(task);
465         }
467         @Override
468         protected void endPointClosed(SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint)
469         {
470         }
472         @Override
473         protected void endPointUpgraded(ConnectedEndPoint endpoint, Connection oldConnection)
474         {
475         }
476     }
478     public class ProxyToServerConnection implements Connection
479     {
480         private final CountDownLatch _ready = new CountDownLatch(1);
481         private final Buffer _buffer = new IndirectNIOBuffer(1024);
482         private final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> _context;
483         private volatile Buffer _data;
484         private volatile ClientToProxyConnection _toClient;
485         private volatile long _timestamp;
486         private volatile SelectChannelEndPoint _endPoint;
488         public ProxyToServerConnection(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context, Buffer data)
489         {
490             _context = context;
491             _data = data;
492         }
494         @Override
495         public String toString()
496         {
497             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("ProxyToServer");
498             builder.append("(:").append(_endPoint.getLocalPort());
499             builder.append("<=>:").append(_endPoint.getRemotePort());
500             return builder.append(")").toString();
501         }
503         public Connection handle() throws IOException
504         {
505             _logger.debug("{}: begin reading from server", this);
506             try
507             {
508                 writeData();
510                 while (true)
511                 {
512                     int read = read(_endPoint, _buffer, _context);
514                     if (read == -1)
515                     {
516                         _logger.debug("{}: server closed connection {}", this, _endPoint);
518                         if (_endPoint.isOutputShutdown() || !_endPoint.isOpen())
519                             closeClient();
520                         else
521                             _toClient.shutdownOutput();
523                         break;
524                     }
526                     if (read == 0)
527                         break;
529                     _logger.debug("{}: read from server {} bytes {}", this, read, _endPoint);
530                     int written = write(_toClient._endPoint, _buffer, _context);
531                     _logger.debug("{}: written to {} {} bytes", this, _toClient, written);
532                 }
533                 return this;
534             }
535             catch (ClosedChannelException x)
536             {
537                 _logger.debug(x);
538                 throw x;
539             }
540             catch (IOException x)
541             {
542                 _logger.warn(this + ": unexpected exception", x);
543                 close();
544                 throw x;
545             }
546             catch (RuntimeException x)
547             {
548                 _logger.warn(this + ": unexpected exception", x);
549                 close();
550                 throw x;
551             }
552             finally
553             {
554                 _logger.debug("{}: end reading from server", this);
555             }
556         }
558         private void writeData() throws IOException
559         {
560             // This method is called from handle() and closeServer()
561             // which may happen concurrently (e.g. a client closing
562             // while reading from the server), so needs synchronization
563             synchronized (this)
564             {
565                 if (_data != null)
566                 {
567                     try
568                     {
569                         int written = write(_endPoint, _data, _context);
570                         _logger.debug("{}: written to server {} bytes", this, written);
571                     }
572                     finally
573                     {
574                         // Attempt once to write the data; if the write fails (for example
575                         // because the connection is already closed), clear the data and
576                         // give up to avoid to continue to write data to a closed connection
577                         _data = null;
578                     }
579                 }
580             }
581         }
583         public void setConnection(ClientToProxyConnection connection)
584         {
585             _toClient = connection;
586         }
588         public long getTimeStamp()
589         {
590             return _timestamp;
591         }
593         public void setTimeStamp(long timestamp)
594         {
595             _timestamp = timestamp;
596         }
598         public void setEndPoint(SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint)
599         {
600             _endPoint = endpoint;
601         }
603         public boolean isIdle()
604         {
605             return false;
606         }
608         public boolean isSuspended()
609         {
610             return false;
611         }
613         public void closed()
614         {
615         }
617         public void ready()
618         {
619             _ready.countDown();
620         }
622         public void waitReady(long timeout) throws IOException
623         {
624             try
625             {
626                 _ready.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
627             }
628             catch (final InterruptedException x)
629             {
630                 throw new IOException()
631                 {{
632                         initCause(x);
633                     }};
634             }
635         }
637         public void closeClient() throws IOException
638         {
639             _toClient.closeClient();
640         }
642         public void closeServer() throws IOException
643         {
644             _endPoint.close();
645         }
647         public void close()
648         {
649             try
650             {
651                 closeClient();
652             }
653             catch (IOException x)
654             {
655                 _logger.debug(this + ": unexpected exception closing the client", x);
656             }
658             try
659             {
660                 closeServer();
661             }
662             catch (IOException x)
663             {
664                 _logger.debug(this + ": unexpected exception closing the server", x);
665             }
666         }
668         public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException
669         {
670             writeData();
671             _endPoint.shutdownOutput();
672         }
674         public void idleExpired()
675         {
676             try
677             {
678                 shutdownOutput();
679             }
680             catch(Exception e)
681             {
682                 Log.debug(e);
683                 close();
684             }
685         }
686     }
688     public class ClientToProxyConnection implements Connection
689     {
690         private final Buffer _buffer = new IndirectNIOBuffer(1024);
691         private final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> _context;
692         private final SocketChannel _channel;
693         private final EndPoint _endPoint;
694         private final long _timestamp;
695         private volatile ProxyToServerConnection _toServer;
696         private boolean _firstTime = true;
698         public ClientToProxyConnection(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> context, SocketChannel channel, EndPoint endPoint, long timestamp)
699         {
700             _context = context;
701             _channel = channel;
702             _endPoint = endPoint;
703             _timestamp = timestamp;
704         }
706         @Override
707         public String toString()
708         {
709             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("ClientToProxy");
710             builder.append("(:").append(_endPoint.getLocalPort());
711             builder.append("<=>:").append(_endPoint.getRemotePort());
712             return builder.append(")").toString();
713         }
715         public Connection handle() throws IOException
716         {
717             _logger.debug("{}: begin reading from client", this);
718             try
719             {
720                 if (_firstTime)
721                 {
722                     _firstTime = false;
723                     register(_channel, _toServer);
724                     _logger.debug("{}: registered channel {} with connection {}", this, _channel, _toServer);
725                 }
727                 while (true)
728                 {
729                     int read = read(_endPoint, _buffer, _context);
731                     if (read == -1)
732                     {
733                         _logger.debug("{}: client closed connection {}", this, _endPoint);
735                         if (_endPoint.isOutputShutdown() || !_endPoint.isOpen())
736                             closeServer();
737                         else
738                             _toServer.shutdownOutput();
740                         break;
741                     }
743                     if (read == 0)
744                         break;
746                     _logger.debug("{}: read from client {} bytes {}", this, read, _endPoint);
747                     int written = write(_toServer._endPoint, _buffer, _context);
748                     _logger.debug("{}: written to {} {} bytes", this, _toServer, written);
749                 }
750                 return this;
751             }
752             catch (ClosedChannelException x)
753             {
754                 _logger.debug(x);
755                 closeServer();
756                 throw x;
757             }
758             catch (IOException x)
759             {
760                 _logger.warn(this + ": unexpected exception", x);
761                 close();
762                 throw x;
763             }
764             catch (RuntimeException x)
765             {
766                 _logger.warn(this + ": unexpected exception", x);
767                 close();
768                 throw x;
769             }
770             finally
771             {
772                 _logger.debug("{}: end reading from client", this);
773             }
774         }
776         public long getTimeStamp()
777         {
778             return _timestamp;
779         }
781         public boolean isIdle()
782         {
783             return false;
784         }
786         public boolean isSuspended()
787         {
788             return false;
789         }
791         public void closed()
792         {
793         }
795         public void setConnection(ProxyToServerConnection connection)
796         {
797             _toServer = connection;
798         }
800         public void closeClient() throws IOException
801         {
802             _endPoint.close();
803         }
805         public void closeServer() throws IOException
806         {
807             _toServer.closeServer();
808         }
810         public void close()
811         {
812             try
813             {
814                 closeClient();
815             }
816             catch (IOException x)
817             {
818                 _logger.debug(this + ": unexpected exception closing the client", x);
819             }
821             try
822             {
823                 closeServer();
824             }
825             catch (IOException x)
826             {
827                 _logger.debug(this + ": unexpected exception closing the server", x);
828             }
829         }
831         public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException
832         {
833             _endPoint.shutdownOutput();
834         }
836         public void idleExpired()
837         {
838             try
839             {
840                 shutdownOutput();
841             }
842             catch(Exception e)
843             {
844                 Log.debug(e);
845                 close();
846             }
847         }
848     }
850     /**
851      * Add a whitelist entry to an existing handler configuration
852      *
853      * @param entry new whitelist entry
854      */
855     public void addWhite(String entry)
856     {
857         add(entry, _white);
858     }
860     /**
861      * Add a blacklist entry to an existing handler configuration
862      *
863      * @param entry new blacklist entry
864      */
865     public void addBlack(String entry)
866     {
867         add(entry, _black);
868     }
870     /**
871      * Re-initialize the whitelist of existing handler object
872      *
873      * @param entries array of whitelist entries
874      */
875     public void setWhite(String[] entries)
876     {
877         set(entries, _white);
878     }
880     /**
881      * Re-initialize the blacklist of existing handler object
882      *
883      * @param entries array of blacklist entries
884      */
885     public void setBlack(String[] entries)
886     {
887         set(entries, _black);
888     }
890     /**
891      * Helper method to process a list of new entries and replace
892      * the content of the specified host map
893      *
894      * @param entries new entries
895      * @param hostMap target host map
896      */
897     protected void set(String[] entries, HostMap<String> hostMap)
898     {
899         hostMap.clear();
901         if (entries != null && entries.length > 0)
902         {
903             for (String addrPath : entries)
904             {
905                 add(addrPath, hostMap);
906             }
907         }
908     }
910     /**
911      * Helper method to process the new entry and add it to
912      * the specified host map.
913      *
914      * @param entry      new entry
915      * @param hostMap target host map
916      */
917     private void add(String entry, HostMap<String> hostMap)
918     {
919         if (entry != null && entry.length() > 0)
920         {
921             entry = entry.trim();
922             if (hostMap.get(entry) == null)
923             {
924                 hostMap.put(entry, entry);
925             }
926         }
927     }
929     /**
930      * Check the request hostname against white- and blacklist.
931      *
932      * @param host hostname to check
933      * @return true if hostname is allowed to be proxied
934      */
935     public boolean validateDestination(String host)
936     {
937         if (_white.size() > 0)
938         {
939             Object whiteObj = _white.getLazyMatches(host);
940             if (whiteObj == null)
941             {
942                 return false;
943             }
944         }
946         if (_black.size() > 0)
947         {
948             Object blackObj = _black.getLazyMatches(host);
949             if (blackObj != null)
950             {
951                 return false;
952             }
953         }
955         return true;
956     }
958     @Override
959     public void dump(Appendable out, String indent) throws IOException
960     {
961         dumpThis(out);
962         if (_privateThreadPool)
963             dump(out, indent, Arrays.asList(_threadPool, _selectorManager), TypeUtil.asList(getHandlers()), getBeans());
964         else
965             dump(out, indent, Arrays.asList(_selectorManager), TypeUtil.asList(getHandlers()), getBeans());
966     }
967 }