Uses of Interface

Packages that use Continuation

Uses of Continuation in org.eclipse.jetty.continuation

Subinterfaces of Continuation in org.eclipse.jetty.continuation
static interface ContinuationFilter.FilteredContinuation

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.continuation that implement Continuation
 class Jetty6Continuation
          This implementation of Continuation is used by ContinuationSupport when it detects that the application is deployed in a jetty-6 server.
 class Servlet3Continuation
          This implementation of Continuation is used by ContinuationSupport when it detects that the application has been deployed in a non-jetty Servlet 3 server.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.continuation that return Continuation
static Continuation ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(ServletRequest request)
          Get a Continuation.
static Continuation ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
          Deprecated. use ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(ServletRequest)

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.continuation with parameters of type Continuation
 void ContinuationListener.onComplete(Continuation continuation)
          Called when a continuation life cycle is complete and after any calls to ServletRequestListener.requestDestroyed(javax.servlet.ServletRequestEvent) The response may still be written to during the call.
 void ContinuationListener.onTimeout(Continuation continuation)
          Called when a suspended continuation has timed out.

Uses of Continuation in org.eclipse.jetty.server

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.server that implement Continuation
 class AsyncContinuation
          Implementation of Continuation and AsyncContext interfaces

Uses of Continuation in org.eclipse.jetty.servlets

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.servlets with parameters of type Continuation
protected  void ProxyServlet.customizeContinuation(Continuation continuation)
          Extension point for subclasses to customize the Continuation after it's initial creation in the service method.

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