Package org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler

Interface Summary
Rule.ApplyURI Interface used to apply a changed target if RuleContainer.setRewriteRequestURI(boolean) is true.

Class Summary
CookiePatternRule Sets the cookie in the response whenever the rule finds a match.
ForwardedSchemeHeaderRule Set the scheme for the request
HeaderPatternRule Sets the header in the response whenever the rule finds a match.
HeaderRule Abstract rule that matches against request headers.
LegacyRule Rule implementing the legacy API of RewriteHandler
MsieSslRule MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) SSL Rule.
PatternRule Abstract rule that use a PathMap for pattern matching.
ProxyRule This rule allows the user to configure a particular rewrite rule that will proxy out to a configured location.
RedirectPatternRule Redirects the response whenever the rule finds a match.
RedirectRegexRule Redirects the response by matching with a regular expression.
RegexRule Abstract rule to use as a base class for rules that match with a regular expression.
ResponsePatternRule Sends the response code whenever the rule finds a match.
RewriteHandler Rewrite handler is responsible for managing the rules.
RewritePatternRule Rewrite the URI by replacing the matched PathMap path with a fixed string.
RewriteRegexRule Rewrite the URI by matching with a regular expression.
Rule An abstract rule for creating rewrite rules.
RuleContainer Base container to group rules.
VirtualHostRuleContainer Groups rules that apply only to a specific virtual host or sets of virtual hosts

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