Uses of Class

Packages that use App

Uses of App in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy that return App
 App DeploymentManager.AppEntry.getApp()
 App DeploymentManager.getAppByOriginId(String originId)

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy that return types with arguments of type App
 Collection<App> DeploymentManager.getApps()
 Collection<App> DeploymentManager.getApps(Node node)
          Get Set of Apps by Node
 Collection<App> DeploymentManager.getApps(String nodeName)
 List<App> DeploymentManager.getAppsWithSameContext(App app)

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy with parameters of type App
 void DeploymentManager.addApp(App app)
          Receive an app for processing.
 ContextHandler AppProvider.createContextHandler(App app)
          Create a ContextHandler for an App
 List<App> DeploymentManager.getAppsWithSameContext(App app)
 void AppLifeCycle.Binding.processBinding(Node node, App app)
          Event called to process a AppLifeCycle binding.
 void DeploymentManager.removeApp(App app)
          Remove the app from the tracking of the DeploymentManager
 void DeploymentManager.requestAppGoal(App app, String nodeName)
          Move an App through the AppLifeCycle to the desired Node, executing each lifecycle step in the process to reach the desired state.
 void AppLifeCycle.runBindings(Node node, App app, DeploymentManager deploymentManager)

Uses of App in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.bindings

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.bindings with parameters of type App
 void DebugBinding.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void OrderedGroupBinding.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void StandardStarter.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void StandardDeployer.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void GlobalWebappConfigBinding.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void StandardStopper.processBinding(Node node, App app)
 void StandardUndeployer.processBinding(Node node, App app)

Uses of App in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers that return App
protected  App ScanningAppProvider.createApp(String filename)
          Called by the Scanner.DiscreteListener to create a new App object.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers that return types with arguments of type App
protected  Map<String,App> ScanningAppProvider.getDeployedApps()

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers with parameters of type App
 ContextHandler ContextProvider.createContextHandler(App app)
 ContextHandler WebAppProvider.createContextHandler(App app)

Uses of App in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot that return App
protected  App OSGiAppProvider.createApp(String filename)
          Called by the scanner of the context files directory.

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot with parameters of type App
 ContextHandler OSGiAppProvider.createContextHandler(App app)
          Returns the ContextHandler that was created by WebappRegistractionHelper

Uses of App in org.eclipse.jetty.overlays

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.overlays with parameters of type App
 ContextHandler OverlayedAppProvider.createContextHandler(App app)
          Create Context Handler.

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