Class MongoSessionIdManager

  extended by org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
      extended by org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionIdManager
          extended by org.eclipse.jetty.nosql.mongodb.MongoSessionIdManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
SessionIdManager, LifeCycle

public class MongoSessionIdManager
extends AbstractSessionIdManager

Based partially on the jdbc session id manager... Theory is that we really only need the session id manager for the local instance so we have something to scavenge on, namely the list of known ids this class has a timer that runs at the scavenge delay that runs a query for all id's known to this node and that have and old accessed value greater then the scavengeDelay. these found sessions are then run through the invalidateAll(id) method that is a bit hinky but is supposed to notify all handlers this id is now DOA and ought to be cleaned up. this ought to result in a save operation on the session that will change the valid field to false (this conjecture is unvalidated atm)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
Field Summary
protected  Server _server
protected  Set<String> _sessionsIds
          the collection of session ids known to this manager TODO consider if this ought to be concurrent or not
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionIdManager
_random, _weakRandom, _workerName
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
Constructor Summary
MongoSessionIdManager(Server server)
MongoSessionIdManager(Server server, com.mongodb.DBCollection sessions)
Method Summary
 void addSession(HttpSession session)
          Add a session to the list of known sessions for a given ID.
protected  void doStart()
protected  void doStop()
 String getClusterId(String nodeId)
          Get a cluster ID from a node ID.
 String getNodeId(String clusterId, HttpServletRequest request)
          Get a node ID from a cluster ID and a request
 long getPurgeInvalidAge()
 long getPurgeValidAge()
 com.mongodb.DBCollection getSessions()
 boolean idInUse(String sessionId)
          is the session id known to mongo, and is it valid
 void invalidateAll(String sessionId)
          Call HttpSession.invalidate() on all known sessions for the given id.
 boolean isPurgeEnabled()
protected  void purge()
          Purge is a process that cleans the mongodb cluster of old sessions that are no longer valid.
protected  void purgeFully()
          Purge is a process that cleans the mongodb cluster of old sessions that are no longer valid.
 void removeSession(HttpSession session)
          Remove session from the list of known sessions for a given ID.
protected  void scavenge()
          Scavenge is a process that periodically checks the tracked session ids of this given instance of the session id manager to see if they are past the point of expiration.
protected  void scavengeFully()
          ScavengeFully is a process that periodically checks the tracked session ids of this given instance of the session id manager to see if they are past the point of expiration.
 void setPurge(boolean purge)
 void setPurgeDelay(long purgeDelay)
 void setPurgeInvalidAge(long purgeValidAge)
          sets how old a session is to be persisted past the point it is no longer valid
 void setPurgeValidAge(long purgeValidAge)
          sets how old a session is to be persist past the point it is considered no longer viable and should be removed NOTE: set this value to 0 to disable purging of valid sessions
 void setScavengeDelay(long scavengeDelay)
          sets the scavengeDelay
 void setScavengePeriod(long scavengePeriod)
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionIdManager
getRandom, getWorkerName, initRandom, newSessionId, setRandom, setWorkerName
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
addLifeCycleListener, getState, getState, isFailed, isRunning, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, removeLifeCycleListener, start, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
addLifeCycleListener, isFailed, isRunning, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, removeLifeCycleListener, start, stop

Field Detail


protected Server _server


protected final Set<String> _sessionsIds
the collection of session ids known to this manager TODO consider if this ought to be concurrent or not

Constructor Detail


public MongoSessionIdManager(Server server)
                      throws UnknownHostException,


public MongoSessionIdManager(Server server,
                             com.mongodb.DBCollection sessions)
Method Detail


protected void scavenge()
Scavenge is a process that periodically checks the tracked session ids of this given instance of the session id manager to see if they are past the point of expiration.


protected void scavengeFully()
ScavengeFully is a process that periodically checks the tracked session ids of this given instance of the session id manager to see if they are past the point of expiration. NOTE: this is potentially devastating and may lead to serious session coherence issues, not to be used in a running cluster


protected void purge()
Purge is a process that cleans the mongodb cluster of old sessions that are no longer valid. There are two checks being done here: - if the accessed time is older then the current time minus the purge invalid age and it is no longer valid then remove that session - if the accessed time is older then the current time minus the purge valid age then we consider this a lost record and remove it NOTE: if your system supports long lived sessions then the purge valid age should be set to zero so the check is skipped. The second check was added to catch sessions that were being managed on machines that might have crashed without marking their sessions as 'valid=false'


protected void purgeFully()
Purge is a process that cleans the mongodb cluster of old sessions that are no longer valid.


public com.mongodb.DBCollection getSessions()


public boolean isPurgeEnabled()


public void setPurge(boolean purge)


public void setScavengeDelay(long scavengeDelay)
sets the scavengeDelay


public void setScavengePeriod(long scavengePeriod)


public void setPurgeDelay(long purgeDelay)


public long getPurgeInvalidAge()


public void setPurgeInvalidAge(long purgeValidAge)
sets how old a session is to be persisted past the point it is no longer valid


public long getPurgeValidAge()


public void setPurgeValidAge(long purgeValidAge)
sets how old a session is to be persist past the point it is considered no longer viable and should be removed NOTE: set this value to 0 to disable purging of valid sessions


protected void doStart()
                throws Exception
doStart in class AbstractSessionIdManager


protected void doStop()
               throws Exception
doStop in class AbstractSessionIdManager


public boolean idInUse(String sessionId)
is the session id known to mongo, and is it valid

sessionId - The session ID without any cluster node extension
True if the session ID is in use by at least one context.


public void addSession(HttpSession session)
Description copied from interface: SessionIdManager
Add a session to the list of known sessions for a given ID.

session - The session


public void removeSession(HttpSession session)
Description copied from interface: SessionIdManager
Remove session from the list of known sessions for a given ID.


public void invalidateAll(String sessionId)
Description copied from interface: SessionIdManager
Call HttpSession.invalidate() on all known sessions for the given id.

sessionId - The session ID without any cluster node extension


public String getClusterId(String nodeId)
Description copied from interface: SessionIdManager
Get a cluster ID from a node ID. Strip node identifier from a located session ID.

the cluster id


public String getNodeId(String clusterId,
                        HttpServletRequest request)
Description copied from interface: SessionIdManager
Get a node ID from a cluster ID and a request

clusterId - The ID of the session
request - The request that for the session (or null)
The session ID qualified with the node ID.

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