Interface WebSocket

All Known Subinterfaces:
WebSocket.OnBinaryMessage, WebSocket.OnControl, WebSocket.OnFrame, WebSocket.OnTextMessage

public interface WebSocket

WebSocket Interface.

This interface provides the signature for a server-side end point of a websocket connection. The Interface has several nested interfaces, for each type of message that may be received.

Nested Class Summary
static interface WebSocket.Connection
          A Connection interface is passed to a WebSocket instance via the onOpen(Connection) to give the application access to the specifics of the current connection.
static interface WebSocket.FrameConnection
          Frame Level Connection
static interface WebSocket.OnBinaryMessage
          A nested WebSocket interface for receiving binary messages
static interface WebSocket.OnControl
          A nested WebSocket interface for receiving control messages
static interface WebSocket.OnFrame
          A nested WebSocket interface for receiving any websocket frame
static interface WebSocket.OnTextMessage
          A nested WebSocket interface for receiving text messages
Method Summary
 void onClose(int closeCode, String message)
          Called when an established websocket connection closes
 void onOpen(WebSocket.Connection connection)
          Called when a new websocket connection is accepted.

Method Detail


void onOpen(WebSocket.Connection connection)
Called when a new websocket connection is accepted.

connection - The Connection object to use to send messages.


void onClose(int closeCode,
             String message)
Called when an established websocket connection closes

closeCode -
message -

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