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1   /*
2    * Copyright (c) 2012 the original author or authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package org.eclipse.jetty.spdy.api;
19  import java.util.EventListener;
20  import java.util.Set;
21  import java.util.concurrent.Future;
22  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
24  /**
25   * <p>A {@link Session} represents the client-side endpoint of a SPDY connection to a single origin server.</p>
26   * <p>Once a {@link Session} has been obtained, it can be used to open SPDY streams:</p>
27   * <pre>
28   * Session session = ...;
29   * SynInfo synInfo = new SynInfo(true);
30   * session.syn(synInfo, new Stream.FrameListener.Adapter()
31   * {
32   *     public void onReply(Stream stream, ReplyInfo replyInfo)
33   *     {
34   *         // Stream reply received
35   *     }
36   * });
37   * </pre>
38   * <p>A {@link Session} is the active part of the endpoint, and by calling its API applications can generate
39   * events on the connection; conversely {@link SessionFrameListener} is the passive part of the endpoint, and
40   * has callbacks that are invoked when events happen on the connection.</p>
41   *
42   * @see SessionFrameListener
43   */
44  public interface Session
45  {
46      /**
47       * @return the SPDY protocol version used by this session
48       */
49      public short getVersion();
51      /**
52       * <p>Registers the given {@code listener} to be notified of session events.</p>
53       *
54       * @param listener the listener to register
55       * @see #removeListener(Listener)
56       */
57      public void addListener(Listener listener);
59      /**
60       * <p>Deregisters the give {@code listener} from being notified of session events.</p>
61       *
62       * @param listener the listener to deregister
63       * @see #addListener(Listener)
64       */
65      public void removeListener(Listener listener);
67      /**
68       * <p>Sends asynchronously a SYN_FRAME to create a new {@link Stream SPDY stream}.</p>
69       * <p>Callers may use the returned future to wait for the stream to be created, and
70       * use the stream, for example, to send data frames.</p>
71       *
72       * @param synInfo  the metadata to send on stream creation
73       * @param listener the listener to invoke when events happen on the stream just created
74       * @return a future for the stream that will be created
75       * @see #syn(SynInfo, StreamFrameListener, long, TimeUnit, Handler)
76       */
77      public Future<Stream> syn(SynInfo synInfo, StreamFrameListener listener);
79      /**
80       * <p>Sends asynchronously a SYN_FRAME to create a new {@link Stream SPDY stream}.</p>
81       * <p>Callers may pass a non-null completion handler to be notified of when the
82       * stream has been created and use the stream, for example, to send data frames.</p>
83       *
84       * @param synInfo  the metadata to send on stream creation
85       * @param listener the listener to invoke when events happen on the stream just created
86       * @param timeout  the operation's timeout
87       * @param unit     the timeout's unit
88       * @param handler  the completion handler that gets notified of stream creation
89       * @see #syn(SynInfo, StreamFrameListener)
90       */
91      public void syn(SynInfo synInfo, StreamFrameListener listener, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Handler<Stream> handler);
94      /**
95       * <p>Sends asynchronously a RST_STREAM to abort a stream.</p>
96       * <p>Callers may use the returned future to wait for the reset to be sent.</p>
97       *
98       * @param rstInfo the metadata to reset the stream
99       * @return a future to wait for the reset to be sent
100      * @see #rst(RstInfo, long, TimeUnit, Handler)
101      */
102     public Future<Void> rst(RstInfo rstInfo);
104     /**
105      * <p>Sends asynchronously a RST_STREAM to abort a stream.</p>
106      * <p>Callers may pass a non-null completion handler to be notified of when the
107      * reset has been actually sent.</p>
108      *
109      * @param rstInfo the metadata to reset the stream
110      * @param timeout  the operation's timeout
111      * @param unit     the timeout's unit
112      * @param handler the completion handler that gets notified of reset's send
113      * @see #rst(RstInfo)
114      */
115     public void rst(RstInfo rstInfo, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Handler<Void> handler);
117     /**
118      * <p>Sends asynchronously a SETTINGS to configure the SPDY connection.</p>
119      * <p>Callers may use the returned future to wait for the settings to be sent.</p>
120      *
121      * @param settingsInfo the metadata to send
122      * @return a future to wait for the settings to be sent
123      * @see #settings(SettingsInfo, long, TimeUnit, Handler)
124      */
125     public Future<Void> settings(SettingsInfo settingsInfo);
127     /**
128      * <p>Sends asynchronously a SETTINGS to configure the SPDY connection.</p>
129      * <p>Callers may pass a non-null completion handler to be notified of when the
130      * settings has been actually sent.</p>
131      *
132      * @param settingsInfo the metadata to send
133      * @param timeout  the operation's timeout
134      * @param unit     the timeout's unit
135      * @param handler      the completion handler that gets notified of settings' send
136      * @see #settings(SettingsInfo)
137      */
138     public void settings(SettingsInfo settingsInfo, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Handler<Void> handler);
140     /**
141      * <p>Sends asynchronously a PING, normally to measure round-trip time.</p>
142      * <p>Callers may use the returned future to wait for the ping to be sent.</p>
143      *
144      * @return a future for the metadata sent
145      * @see #ping(long, TimeUnit, Handler)
146      */
147     public Future<PingInfo> ping();
149     /**
150      * <p>Sends asynchronously a PING, normally to measure round-trip time.</p>
151      * <p>Callers may pass a non-null completion handler to be notified of when the
152      * ping has been actually sent.</p>
153      *
154      * @param timeout  the operation's timeout
155      * @param unit     the timeout's unit
156      * @param handler the completion handler that gets notified of ping's send
157      * @see #ping()
158      */
159     public void ping(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Handler<PingInfo> handler);
161     /**
162      * <p>Closes gracefully this session, sending a GO_AWAY frame and then closing the TCP connection.</p>
163      * <p>Callers may use the returned future to wait for the go away to be sent.</p>
164      *
165      * @return a future to wait for the go away to be sent
166      * @see #goAway(long, TimeUnit, Handler)
167      */
168     public Future<Void> goAway();
170     /**
171      * <p>Closes gracefully this session, sending a GO_AWAY frame and then closing the TCP connection.</p>
172      * <p>Callers may pass a non-null completion handler to be notified of when the
173      * go away has been actually sent.</p>
174      *
175      * @param timeout  the operation's timeout
176      * @param unit     the timeout's unit
177      * @param handler the completion handler that gets notified of go away's send
178      * @see #goAway()
179      */
180     public void goAway(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Handler<Void> handler);
182     /**
183      * @return the streams currently active in this session
184      */
185     public Set<Stream> getStreams();
187     /**
188      * <p>Super interface for listeners with callbacks that are invoked on specific session events.</p>
189      */
190     public interface Listener extends EventListener
191     {
192     }
194     /**
195      * <p>Specialized listener that is invoked upon creation and removal of streams.</p>
196      */
197     public interface StreamListener extends Listener
198     {
199         /**
200          * <p>Callback invoked when a new SPDY stream is created.</p>
201          *
202          * @param stream the stream just created
203          */
204         public void onStreamCreated(Stream stream);
206         /**
207          * <p>Callback invoked when a SPDY stream is closed.</p>
208          *
209          * @param stream the stream just closed.
210          */
211         public void onStreamClosed(Stream stream);
213         /**
214          * <p>Empty implementation of {@link StreamListener}.</p>
215          */
216         public static class Adapter implements StreamListener
217         {
218             @Override
219             public void onStreamCreated(Stream stream)
220             {
221             }
223             @Override
224             public void onStreamClosed(Stream stream)
225             {
226             }
227         }
228     }
229 }