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1   //
2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
4   //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
8   //
9   //      The Eclipse Public License is available at
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12  //      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
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17  //
19  package;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
25  import java.nio.channels.ReadPendingException;
26  import java.nio.channels.WritePendingException;
28  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback;
29  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.FutureCallback;
32  /**
33   *
34   * A transport EndPoint
35   * 
36   * <h3>Asynchronous Methods</h3>
37   * <p>The asynchronous scheduling methods of {@link EndPoint} 
38   * has been influenced by NIO.2 Futures and Completion
39   * handlers, but does not use those actual interfaces because they have
40   * some inefficiencies.</p>
41   * <p>This class will frequently be used in conjunction with some of the utility
42   * implementations of {@link Callback}, such as {@link FutureCallback} and
43   * {@link ExecutorCallback}. Examples are:</p>
44   *
45   * <h3>Blocking Read</h3>
46   * <p>A FutureCallback can be used to block until an endpoint is ready to be filled
47   * from:
48   * <blockquote><pre>
49   * FutureCallback&lt;String&gt; future = new FutureCallback&lt;&gt;();
50   * endpoint.fillInterested("ContextObj",future);
51   * ...
52   * String context = future.get(); // This blocks
53   * int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer);
54   * </pre></blockquote></p>
55   *
56   * <h3>Dispatched Read</h3>
57   * <p>By using a different callback, the read can be done asynchronously in its own dispatched thread:
58   * <blockquote><pre>
59   * endpoint.fillInterested("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback&lt;String&gt;(executor)
60   * {
61   *   public void onCompleted(String context)
62   *   {
63   *     int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer);
64   *     ...
65   *   }
66   *   public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...}
67   * });
68   * </pre></blockquote></p>
69   * <p>The executor callback can also be customized to not dispatch in some circumstances when
70   * it knows it can use the callback thread and does not need to dispatch.</p>
71   *
72   * <h3>Blocking Write</h3>
73   * <p>The write contract is that the callback complete is not called until all data has been
74   * written or there is a failure.  For blocking this looks like:
75   * <blockquote><pre>
76   * FutureCallback&lt;String&gt; future = new FutureCallback&lt;&gt;();
77   * endpoint.write("ContextObj",future,headerBuffer,contentBuffer);
78   * String context = future.get(); // This blocks
79   * </pre></blockquote></p>
80   *
81   * <h3>Dispatched Write</h3>
82   * <p>Note also that multiple buffers may be passed in write so that gather writes
83   * can be done:
84   * <blockquote><pre>
85   * endpoint.write("ContextObj",new ExecutorCallback&lt;String&gt;(executor)
86   * {
87   *   public void onCompleted(String context)
88   *   {
89   *     int filled=endpoint.fill(mybuffer);
90   *     ...
91   *   }
92   *   public void onFailed(String context,Throwable cause) {...}
93   * },headerBuffer,contentBuffer);
94   * </pre></blockquote></p>
95   */
96  public interface EndPoint extends Closeable
97  {
98      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
99      /**
100      * @return The local Inet address to which this <code>EndPoint</code> is bound, or <code>null</code>
101      * if this <code>EndPoint</code> does not represent a network connection.
102      */
103     InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress();
105     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
106     /**
107      * @return The remote Inet address to which this <code>EndPoint</code> is bound, or <code>null</code>
108      * if this <code>EndPoint</code> does not represent a network connection.
109      */
110     InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress();
112     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
113     boolean isOpen();
115     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
116     long getCreatedTimeStamp();
118     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
119     /** Shutdown the output.
120      * <p>This call indicates that no more data will be sent on this endpoint that
121      * that the remote end should read an EOF once all previously sent data has been
122      * consumed. Shutdown may be done either at the TCP/IP level, as a protocol exchange (Eg
123      * TLS close handshake) or both.
124      * <p>
125      * If the endpoint has {@link #isInputShutdown()} true, then this call has the same effect
126      * as {@link #close()}.
127      */
128     void shutdownOutput();
130     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
131     /** Test if output is shutdown.
132      * The output is shutdown by a call to {@link #shutdownOutput()}
133      * or {@link #close()}.
134      * @return true if the output is shutdown or the endpoint is closed.
135      */
136     boolean isOutputShutdown();
138     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
139     /** Test if the input is shutdown.
140      * The input is shutdown if an EOF has been read while doing
141      * a {@link #fill(ByteBuffer)}.   Once the input is shutdown, all calls to
142      * {@link #fill(ByteBuffer)} will  return -1, until such time as the
143      * end point is close, when they will return {@link EofException}.
144      * @return True if the input is shutdown or the endpoint is closed.
145      */
146     boolean isInputShutdown();
148     /**
149      * Close any backing stream associated with the endpoint
150      */
151     @Override
152     void close();
154     /**
155      * Fill the passed buffer with data from this endpoint.  The bytes are appended to any
156      * data already in the buffer by writing from the buffers limit up to it's capacity.
157      * The limit is updated to include the filled bytes.
158      *
159      * @param buffer The buffer to fill. The position and limit are modified during the fill. After the
160      * operation, the position is unchanged and the limit is increased to reflect the new data filled.
161      * @return an <code>int</code> value indicating the number of bytes
162      * filled or -1 if EOF is read or the input is shutdown.
163      * @throws EofException If the endpoint is closed.
164      */
165     int fill(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException;
168     /**
169      * Flush data from the passed header/buffer to this endpoint.  As many bytes as can be consumed
170      * are taken from the header/buffer position up until the buffer limit.  The header/buffers position
171      * is updated to indicate how many bytes have been consumed.
172      * @return True IFF all the buffers have been consumed and the endpoint has flushed the data to its 
173      * destination (ie is not buffering any data).
174      *
175      * @throws EofException If the endpoint is closed or output is shutdown.
176      */
177     boolean flush(ByteBuffer... buffer) throws IOException;
179     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
180     /**
181      * @return The underlying transport object (socket, channel, etc.)
182      */
183     Object getTransport();
185     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
186     /** Get the max idle time in ms.
187      * <p>The max idle time is the time the endpoint can be idle before
188      * extraordinary handling takes place.
189      * @return the max idle time in ms or if ms <= 0 implies an infinite timeout
190      */
191     long getIdleTimeout();
193     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
194     /** Set the idle timeout.
195      * @param idleTimeout the idle timeout in MS. Timeout <= 0 implies an infinite timeout
196      */
197     void setIdleTimeout(long idleTimeout);
200     /**
201      * <p>Requests callback methods to be invoked when a call to {@link #fill(ByteBuffer)} would return data or EOF.</p>
202      *
203      * @param callback the callback to call when an error occurs or we are readable.
204      * @throws ReadPendingException if another read operation is concurrent.
205      */
206     void fillInterested(Callback callback) throws ReadPendingException;
208     /**
209      * <p>Writes the given buffers via {@link #flush(ByteBuffer...)} and invokes callback methods when either
210      * all the data has been flushed or an error occurs.</p>
211      *
212      * @param callback the callback to call when an error occurs or the write completed.
213      * @param buffers one or more {@link ByteBuffer}s that will be flushed.
214      * @throws WritePendingException if another write operation is concurrent.
215      */
216     void write(Callback callback, ByteBuffer... buffers) throws WritePendingException;
218     /**
219      * @return the {@link Connection} associated with this {@link EndPoint}
220      * @see #setConnection(Connection)
221      */
222     Connection getConnection();
224     /**
225      * @param connection the {@link Connection} associated with this {@link EndPoint}
226      * @see #getConnection()
227      */
228     void setConnection(Connection connection);
230     /**
231      * <p>Callback method invoked when this {@link EndPoint} is opened.</p>
232      * @see #onClose()
233      */
234     void onOpen();
236     /**
237      * <p>Callback method invoked when this {@link EndPoint} is close.</p>
238      * @see #onOpen()
239      */
240     void onClose();
243 }