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2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
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19  package org.eclipse.jetty.util;
22  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
23  /** Iterating Nested Callback.
24   * <p>This specialized callback is used when breaking up an
25   * asynchronous task into smaller asynchronous tasks.  A typical pattern
26   * is that a successful callback is used to schedule the next sub task, but 
27   * if that task completes quickly and uses the calling thread to callback
28   * the success notification, this can result in a growing stack depth.
29   * </p>
30   * <p>To avoid this issue, this callback uses an AtomicBoolean to note 
31   * if the success callback has been called during the processing of a 
32   * sub task, and if so then the processing iterates rather than recurses.
33   * </p>
34   * <p>This callback is passed to the asynchronous handling of each sub
35   * task and a call the {@link #succeeded()} on this call back represents
36   * completion of the subtask.  Only once all the subtasks are completed is 
37   * the {@link Callback#succeeded()} method called on the {@link Callback} instance
38   * passed the the {@link #IteratingNestedCallback(Callback)} constructor.</p>
39   *  
40   */
41  public abstract class IteratingNestedCallback extends IteratingCallback
42  {
43      final Callback _callback;
45      public IteratingNestedCallback(Callback callback)
46      {
47          _callback=callback;
48      }
50      @Override
51      protected void completed()
52      {
53          _callback.succeeded();
54      }
56      @Override
57      public void failed(Throwable x)
58      {
59          super.failed(x);
60          _callback.failed(x);
61      }
63      @Override
64      public String toString()
65      {
66          return String.format("%s@%x",getClass().getSimpleName(),hashCode());
67      }
68  }