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2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
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19  package org.eclipse.jetty.util;
21  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
23  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8Appendable.NotUtf8Exception;
25  /**
26   * Stateful parser for lines of UTF8 formatted text, looking for <code>"\n"</code> as a line termination character.
27   * <p>
28   * For use with new IO framework that is based on ByteBuffer parsing.
29   */
30  public class Utf8LineParser
31  {
32      private enum State
33      {
34          START,
35          PARSE,
36          END;
37      }
39      private State state;
40      private Utf8StringBuilder utf;
42      public Utf8LineParser()
43      {
44          this.state = State.START;
45      }
47      /**
48       * Parse a ByteBuffer (could be a partial buffer), and return once a complete line of UTF8 parsed text has been reached.
49       *
50       * @param buf
51       *            the buffer to parse (could be an incomplete buffer)
52       * @return the line of UTF8 parsed text, or null if no line end termination has been reached within the {@link ByteBuffer#remaining() remaining} bytes of
53       *         the provided ByteBuffer. (In the case of a null, a subsequent ByteBuffer with a line end termination should be provided)
54       * @throws NotUtf8Exception
55       *             if the input buffer has bytes that do not conform to UTF8 validation (validation performed by {@link Utf8StringBuilder}
56       */
57      public String parse(ByteBuffer buf)
58      {
59          byte b;
60          while (buf.remaining() > 0)
61          {
62              b = buf.get();
63              if (parseByte(b))
64              {
65                  state = State.START;
66                  return utf.toString();
67              }
68          }
69          // have not reached end of line (yet)
70          return null;
71      }
73      private boolean parseByte(byte b)
74      {
75          switch (state)
76          {
77              case START:
78                  utf = new Utf8StringBuilder();
79                  state = State.PARSE;
80                  return parseByte(b);
81              case PARSE:
82                  // not waiting on more UTF sequence parts.
83                  if (utf.isUtf8SequenceComplete() && ((b == '\r') || (b == '\n')))
84                  {
85                      state = State.END;
86                      return parseByte(b);
87                  }
88                  utf.append(b);
89                  break;
90              case END:
91                  if (b == '\n')
92                  {
93                      // we've reached the end
94                      state = State.START;
95                      return true;
96                  }
97                  break;
98          }
99          return false;
100     }
101 }