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1   //
2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
4   //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
8   //
9   //      The Eclipse Public License is available at
10  //
11  //
12  //      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
13  //
14  //
15  //  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
16  //  ========================================================================
17  //
19  package org.eclipse.jetty.util;
21  import java.nio.charset.Charset;
22  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
26  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
27  /** URI Holder.
28   * This class assists with the decoding and encoding or HTTP URI's.
29   * It differs from the class as it does not provide
30   * communications ability, but it does assist with query string
31   * formatting.
32   * <P>UTF-8 encoding is used by default for % encoded characters. This
33   * may be overridden with the org.eclipse.jetty.util.URI.charset system property.
34   * @see UrlEncoded
35   * 
36   */
37  public class URIUtil
38      implements Cloneable
39  {
40      public static final String SLASH="/";
41      public static final String HTTP="http";
42      public static final String HTTP_COLON="http:";
43      public static final String HTTPS="https";
44      public static final String HTTPS_COLON="https:";
46      // Use UTF-8 as per
47      public static final Charset __CHARSET;
49      static
50      {
51          String charset = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.jetty.util.URI.charset");
52          __CHARSET = charset == null ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : Charset.forName(charset);
53      }
55      private URIUtil()
56      {}
58      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
59      /** Encode a URI path.
60       * This is the same encoding offered by URLEncoder, except that
61       * the '/' character is not encoded.
62       * @param path The path the encode
63       * @return The encoded path
64       */
65      public static String encodePath(String path)
66      {
67          if (path==null || path.length()==0)
68              return path;
70          StringBuilder buf = encodePath(null,path);
71          return buf==null?path:buf.toString();
72      }
74      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
75      /** Encode a URI path.
76       * @param path The path the encode
77       * @param buf StringBuilder to encode path into (or null)
78       * @return The StringBuilder or null if no substitutions required.
79       */
80      public static StringBuilder encodePath(StringBuilder buf, String path)
81      {
82          byte[] bytes=null;
83          if (buf==null)
84          {
85          loop:
86              for (int i=0;i<path.length();i++)
87              {
88                  char c=path.charAt(i);
89                  switch(c)
90                  {
91                      case '%':
92                      case '?':
93                      case ';':
94                      case '#':
95                      case '\'':
96                      case '"':
97                      case '<':
98                      case '>':
99                      case ' ':
100                         buf=new StringBuilder(path.length()*2);
101                         break loop;
102                     default:
103                         if (c>127)
104                         {
105                             bytes=path.getBytes(URIUtil.__CHARSET);
106                             buf=new StringBuilder(path.length()*2);
107                             break loop;
108                         }
110                 }
111             }
112             if (buf==null)
113                 return null;
114         }
116         synchronized(buf)
117         {
118             if (bytes!=null)
119             {
120                 for (int i=0;i<bytes.length;i++)
121                 {
122                     byte c=bytes[i];       
123                     switch(c)
124                     {
125                       case '%':
126                           buf.append("%25");
127                           continue;
128                       case '?':
129                           buf.append("%3F");
130                           continue;
131                       case ';':
132                           buf.append("%3B");
133                           continue;
134                       case '#':
135                           buf.append("%23");
136                           continue;
137                       case '"':
138                           buf.append("%22");
139                           continue;
140                       case '\'':
141                           buf.append("%27");
142                           continue;
143                       case '<':
144                           buf.append("%3C");
145                           continue;
146                       case '>':
147                           buf.append("%3E");
148                           continue;
149                       case ' ':
150                           buf.append("%20");
151                           continue;
152                       default:
153                           if (c<0)
154                           {
155                               buf.append('%');
156                               TypeUtil.toHex(c,buf);
157                           }
158                           else
159                               buf.append((char)c);
160                           continue;
161                     }
162                 }
164             }
165             else
166             {
167                 for (int i=0;i<path.length();i++)
168                 {
169                     char c=path.charAt(i);       
170                     switch(c)
171                     {
172                         case '%':
173                             buf.append("%25");
174                             continue;
175                         case '?':
176                             buf.append("%3F");
177                             continue;
178                         case ';':
179                             buf.append("%3B");
180                             continue;
181                         case '#':
182                             buf.append("%23");
183                             continue;
184                         case '"':
185                             buf.append("%22");
186                             continue;
187                         case '\'':
188                             buf.append("%27");
189                             continue;
190                         case '<':
191                             buf.append("%3C");
192                             continue;
193                         case '>':
194                             buf.append("%3E");
195                             continue;
196                         case ' ':
197                             buf.append("%20");
198                             continue;
199                         default:
200                             buf.append(c);
201                             continue;
202                     }
203                 }
204             }
205         }
207         return buf;
208     }
210     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
211     /** Encode a URI path.
212      * @param path The path the encode
213      * @param buf StringBuilder to encode path into (or null)
214      * @param encode String of characters to encode. % is always encoded.
215      * @return The StringBuilder or null if no substitutions required.
216      */
217     public static StringBuilder encodeString(StringBuilder buf,
218                                              String path,
219                                              String encode)
220     {
221         if (buf==null)
222         {
223         loop:
224             for (int i=0;i<path.length();i++)
225             {
226                 char c=path.charAt(i);
227                 if (c=='%' || encode.indexOf(c)>=0)
228                 {    
229                     buf=new StringBuilder(path.length()<<1);
230                     break loop;
231                 }
232             }
233             if (buf==null)
234                 return null;
235         }
237         synchronized(buf)
238         {
239             for (int i=0;i<path.length();i++)
240             {
241                 char c=path.charAt(i);
242                 if (c=='%' || encode.indexOf(c)>=0)
243                 {
244                     buf.append('%');
245                     StringUtil.append(buf,(byte)(0xff&c),16);
246                 }
247                 else
248                     buf.append(c);
249             }
250         }
252         return buf;
253     }
255     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
256     /* Decode a URI path and strip parameters
257      * @param path The path the encode
258      * @param buf StringBuilder to encode path into
259      */
260     public static String decodePath(String path)
261     {
262         if (path==null)
263             return null;
264         // Array to hold all converted characters
265         char[] chars=null;
266         int n=0;
267         // Array to hold a sequence of %encodings
268         byte[] bytes=null;
269         int b=0;
271         int len=path.length();
273         for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
274         {
275             char c = path.charAt(i);
277             if (c=='%' && (i+2)<len)
278             {
279                 if (chars==null)
280                 {
281                     chars=new char[len];
282                     bytes=new byte[len];
283                     path.getChars(0,i,chars,0);
284                 }
285                 bytes[b++]=(byte)(0xff&TypeUtil.parseInt(path,i+1,2,16));
286                 i+=2;
287                 continue;
288             }
289             else if (c==';')
290             {
291                 if (chars==null)
292                 {
293                     chars=new char[len];
294                     path.getChars(0,i,chars,0);
295                     n=i;
296                 }
297                 break;
298             }
299             else if (bytes==null)
300             {
301                 n++;
302                 continue;
303             }
305             // Do we have some bytes to convert?
306             if (b>0)
307             {
308                 String s=new String(bytes,0,b,__CHARSET);
309                 s.getChars(0,s.length(),chars,n);
310                 n+=s.length();
311                 b=0;
312             }
314             chars[n++]=c;
315         }
317         if (chars==null)
318             return path;
320         // if we have a remaining sequence of bytes
321         if (b>0)
322         {
323             String s=new String(bytes,0,b,__CHARSET);
324             s.getChars(0,s.length(),chars,n);
325             n+=s.length();
326         }
328         return new String(chars,0,n);
329     }
331     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
332     /* Decode a URI path and strip parameters.
333      * @param path The path the encode
334      * @param buf StringBuilder to encode path into
335      */
336     public static String decodePath(byte[] buf, int offset, int length)
337     {
338         byte[] bytes=null;
339         int n=0;
341         for (int i=0;i<length;i++)
342         {
343             byte b = buf[i + offset];
345             if (b=='%' && (i+2)<length)
346             {
347                 b=(byte)(0xff&TypeUtil.parseInt(buf,i+offset+1,2,16));
348                 i+=2;
349             }
350             else if (b==';')
351             {
352                 length=i;
353                 break;
354             }
355             else if (bytes==null)
356             {
357                 n++;
358                 continue;
359             }
361             if (bytes==null)
362             {
363                 bytes=new byte[length];
364                 for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
365                     bytes[j]=buf[j + offset];
366             }
368             bytes[n++]=b;
369         }
371         if (bytes==null)
372             return new String(buf,offset,length,__CHARSET);
373         return new String(bytes,0,n,__CHARSET);
374     }
377     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
378     /** Add two URI path segments.
379      * Handles null and empty paths, path and query params (eg ?a=b or
380      * ;JSESSIONID=xxx) and avoids duplicate '/'
381      * @param p1 URI path segment (should be encoded)
382      * @param p2 URI path segment (should be encoded)
383      * @return Legally combined path segments.
384      */
385     public static String addPaths(String p1, String p2)
386     {
387         if (p1==null || p1.length()==0)
388         {
389             if (p1!=null && p2==null)
390                 return p1;
391             return p2;
392         }
393         if (p2==null || p2.length()==0)
394             return p1;
396         int split=p1.indexOf(';');
397         if (split<0)
398             split=p1.indexOf('?');
399         if (split==0)
400             return p2+p1;
401         if (split<0)
402             split=p1.length();
404         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(p1.length()+p2.length()+2);
405         buf.append(p1);
407         if (buf.charAt(split-1)=='/')
408         {
409             if (p2.startsWith(URIUtil.SLASH))
410             {
411                 buf.deleteCharAt(split-1);
412                 buf.insert(split-1,p2);
413             }
414             else
415                 buf.insert(split,p2);
416         }
417         else
418         {
419             if (p2.startsWith(URIUtil.SLASH))
420                 buf.insert(split,p2);
421             else
422             {
423                 buf.insert(split,'/');
424                 buf.insert(split+1,p2);
425             }
426         }
428         return buf.toString();
429     }
431     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
432     /** Return the parent Path.
433      * Treat a URI like a directory path and return the parent directory.
434      */
435     public static String parentPath(String p)
436     {
437         if (p==null || URIUtil.SLASH.equals(p))
438             return null;
439         int slash=p.lastIndexOf('/',p.length()-2);
440         if (slash>=0)
441             return p.substring(0,slash+1);
442         return null;
443     }
445     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
446     /** Convert a path to a cananonical form.
447      * All instances of "." and ".." are factored out.  Null is returned
448      * if the path tries to .. above its root.
449      * @param path 
450      * @return path or null.
451      */
452     public static String canonicalPath(String path)
453     {
454         if (path==null || path.length()==0)
455             return path;
457         int end=path.length();
458         int start = path.lastIndexOf('/', end);
460     search:
461         while (end>0)
462         {
463             switch(end-start)
464             {
465               case 2: // possible single dot
466                   if (path.charAt(start+1)!='.')
467                       break;
468                   break search;
469               case 3: // possible double dot
470                   if (path.charAt(start+1)!='.' || path.charAt(start+2)!='.')
471                       break;
472                   break search;
473             }
475             end=start;
476             start=path.lastIndexOf('/',end-1);
477         }
479         // If we have checked the entire string
480         if (start>=end)
481             return path;
483         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(path);
484         int delStart=-1;
485         int delEnd=-1;
486         int skip=0;
488         while (end>0)
489         {
490             switch(end-start)
491             {       
492               case 2: // possible single dot
493                   if (buf.charAt(start+1)!='.')
494                   {
495                       if (skip>0 && --skip==0)
496                       {   
497                           delStart=start>=0?start:0;
498                           if(delStart>0 && delEnd==buf.length() && buf.charAt(delEnd-1)=='.')
499                               delStart++;
500                       }
501                       break;
502                   }
504                   if(start<0 && buf.length()>2 && buf.charAt(1)=='/' && buf.charAt(2)=='/')
505                       break;
507                   if(delEnd<0)
508                       delEnd=end;
509                   delStart=start;
510                   if (delStart<0 || delStart==0&&buf.charAt(delStart)=='/')
511                   {
512                       delStart++;
513                       if (delEnd<buf.length() && buf.charAt(delEnd)=='/')
514                           delEnd++;
515                       break;
516                   }
517                   if (end==buf.length())
518                       delStart++;
520                   end=start--;
521                   while (start>=0 && buf.charAt(start)!='/')
522                       start--;
523                   continue;
525               case 3: // possible double dot
526                   if (buf.charAt(start+1)!='.' || buf.charAt(start+2)!='.')
527                   {
528                       if (skip>0 && --skip==0)
529                       {   delStart=start>=0?start:0;
530                           if(delStart>0 && delEnd==buf.length() && buf.charAt(delEnd-1)=='.')
531                               delStart++;
532                       }
533                       break;
534                   }
536                   delStart=start;
537                   if (delEnd<0)
538                       delEnd=end;
540                   skip++;
541                   end=start--;
542                   while (start>=0 && buf.charAt(start)!='/')
543                       start--;
544                   continue;
546               default:
547                   if (skip>0 && --skip==0)
548                   {
549                       delStart=start>=0?start:0;
550                       if(delEnd==buf.length() && buf.charAt(delEnd-1)=='.')
551                           delStart++;
552                   }
553             }     
555             // Do the delete
556             if (skip<=0 && delStart>=0 && delEnd>=delStart)
557             {  
558                 buf.delete(delStart,delEnd);
559                 delStart=delEnd=-1;
560                 if (skip>0)
561                     delEnd=end;
562             }
564             end=start--;
565             while (start>=0 && buf.charAt(start)!='/')
566                 start--;
567         }      
569         // Too many ..
570         if (skip>0)
571             return null;
573         // Do the delete
574         if (delEnd>=0)
575             buf.delete(delStart,delEnd);
577         return buf.toString();
578     }
580     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
581     /** Convert a path to a compact form.
582      * All instances of "//" and "///" etc. are factored out to single "/" 
583      * @param path 
584      * @return path
585      */
586     public static String compactPath(String path)
587     {
588         if (path==null || path.length()==0)
589             return path;
591         int state=0;
592         int end=path.length();
593         int i=0;
595         loop:
596         while (i<end)
597         {
598             char c=path.charAt(i);
599             switch(c)
600             {
601                 case '?':
602                     return path;
603                 case '/':
604                     state++;
605                     if (state==2)
606                         break loop;
607                     break;
608                 default:
609                     state=0;
610             }
611             i++;
612         }
614         if (state<2)
615             return path;
617         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(path.length());
618         buf.append(path,0,i);
620         loop2:
621         while (i<end)
622         {
623             char c=path.charAt(i);
624             switch(c)
625             {
626                 case '?':
627                     buf.append(path,i,end);
628                     break loop2;
629                 case '/':
630                     if (state++==0)
631                         buf.append(c);
632                     break;
633                 default:
634                     state=0;
635                     buf.append(c);
636             }
637             i++;
638         }
640         return buf.toString();
641     }
643     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
644     /** 
645      * @param uri URI
646      * @return True if the uri has a scheme
647      */
648     public static boolean hasScheme(String uri)
649     {
650         for (int i=0;i<uri.length();i++)
651         {
652             char c=uri.charAt(i);
653             if (c==':')
654                 return true;
655             if (!(c>='a'&&c<='z' ||
656                   c>='A'&&c<='Z' ||
657                   (i>0 &&(c>='0'&&c<='9' ||
658                           c=='.' ||
659                           c=='+' ||
660                           c=='-'))
661                   ))
662                 break;
663         }
664         return false;
665     }
667     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
668     /**
669      * Create a new URI from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
670      * @param scheme
671      * @param server
672      * @param port
673      * @param path
674      * @param query
675      * @return A String URI
676      */
677     public static String newURI(String scheme,String server, int port,String path,String query)
678     {
679         StringBuilder builder = newURIBuilder(scheme, server, port);
680         builder.append(path);
681         if (query!=null && query.length()>0)
682             builder.append('?').append(query);
683         return builder.toString();
684     }
686     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
687     /**
688      * Create a new URI StringBuilder from the arguments, handling IPv6 host encoding and default ports
689      * @param scheme
690      * @param server
691      * @param port
692      * @return a StringBuilder containing URI prefix
693      */
694     public static StringBuilder newURIBuilder(String scheme,String server, int port)
695     {
696         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
697         appendSchemeHostPort(builder, scheme, server, port);
698         return builder;
699     }
701     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
702     /** 
703      * Append scheme, host and port URI prefix, handling IPv6 address encoding and default ports</p>
704      * @param url StringBuilder to append to
705      * @param scheme
706      * @param server
707      * @param port
708      */
709     public static void appendSchemeHostPort(StringBuilder url,String scheme,String server, int port)
710     {
711         if (server.indexOf(':')>=0&&server.charAt(0)!='[')
712             url.append(scheme).append("://").append('[').append(server).append(']');
713         else
714             url.append(scheme).append("://").append(server);
716         if (port > 0)
717         {
718             switch(scheme)
719             {
720                 case "http":
721                     if (port!=80) 
722                         url.append(':').append(port);
723                     break;
725                 case "https":
726                     if (port!=443) 
727                         url.append(':').append(port);
728                     break;
730                 default:
731                     url.append(':').append(port);
732             }
733         }
734     }
736     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
737     /** 
738      * Append scheme, host and port URI prefix, handling IPv6 address encoding and default ports</p>
739      * @param url StringBuffer to append to
740      * @param scheme
741      * @param server
742      * @param port
743      */
744     public static void appendSchemeHostPort(StringBuffer url,String scheme,String server, int port)
745     {
746         synchronized (url)
747         {
748             if (server.indexOf(':')>=0&&server.charAt(0)!='[')
749                 url.append(scheme).append("://").append('[').append(server).append(']');
750             else
751                 url.append(scheme).append("://").append(server);
753             if (port > 0)
754             {
755                 switch(scheme)
756                 {
757                     case "http":
758                         if (port!=80) 
759                             url.append(':').append(port);
760                         break;
762                     case "https":
763                         if (port!=443) 
764                             url.append(':').append(port);
765                         break;
767                     default:
768                         url.append(':').append(port);
769                 }
770             }
771         }
772     }
774     public static boolean equalsIgnoreEncodings(String uriA, String uriB)
775     {
776         int lenA=uriA.length();
777         int lenB=uriB.length();
778         int a=0;
779         int b=0;
781         while (a<lenA && b<lenB)
782         {
783             int oa=uriA.charAt(a++);
784             int ca=oa;
785             if (ca=='%')
786                 ca=TypeUtil.convertHexDigit(uriA.charAt(a++))*16+TypeUtil.convertHexDigit(uriA.charAt(a++));
788             int ob=uriB.charAt(b++);
789             int cb=ob;
790             if (cb=='%')
791                 cb=TypeUtil.convertHexDigit(uriB.charAt(b++))*16+TypeUtil.convertHexDigit(uriB.charAt(b++));
793             if (ca=='/' && oa!=ob)
794                 return false;
796             if (ca!=cb )
797                 return URIUtil.decodePath(uriA).equals(URIUtil.decodePath(uriB));
798         }
799         return a==lenA && b==lenB;
800     }
801 }