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1   //
2   //  ========================================================================
3   //  Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
4   //  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   //  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   //  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7   //  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
8   //
9   //      The Eclipse Public License is available at
10  //
11  //
12  //      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
13  //
14  //
15  //  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
16  //  ========================================================================
17  //
19  package org.eclipse.jetty.server;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import java.util.ArrayList;
26  import java.util.Arrays;
27  import java.util.Collections;
28  import java.util.Date;
29  import java.util.Enumeration;
30  import java.util.List;
31  import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
32  import java.util.concurrent.Future;
33  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
35  import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
36  import javax.servlet.ServletException;
37  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
38  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
40  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.DateGenerator;
41  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpField;
42  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpGenerator;
43  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
44  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod;
45  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus;
46  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI;
47  import org.eclipse.jetty.http.PreEncodedHttpField;
48  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler;
49  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper;
50  import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.StatisticsHandler;
51  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes;
52  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.AttributesMap;
53  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Jetty;
54  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiException;
55  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.URIUtil;
56  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Uptime;
57  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedAttribute;
58  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedObject;
59  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.Name;
60  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful;
61  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle;
62  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
63  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
64  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Locker;
65  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool;
66  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ShutdownThread;
67  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ThreadPool;
68  import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ThreadPool.SizedThreadPool;
70  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
71  /** Jetty HTTP Servlet Server.
72   * This class is the main class for the Jetty HTTP Servlet server.
73   * It aggregates Connectors (HTTP request receivers) and request Handlers.
74   * The server is itself a handler and a ThreadPool.  Connectors use the ThreadPool methods
75   * to run jobs that will eventually call the handle method.
76   */
77  @ManagedObject(value="Jetty HTTP Servlet server")
78  public class Server extends HandlerWrapper implements Attributes
79  {
80      private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(Server.class);
82      private final AttributesMap _attributes = new AttributesMap();
83      private final ThreadPool _threadPool;
84      private final List<Connector> _connectors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
85      private SessionIdManager _sessionIdManager;
86      private boolean _stopAtShutdown;
87      private boolean _dumpAfterStart=false;
88      private boolean _dumpBeforeStop=false;
89      private RequestLog _requestLog;
91      private final Locker _dateLocker = new Locker();
92      private volatile DateField _dateField;
95      /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
96      public Server()
97      {
98          this((ThreadPool)null);
99      }
101     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
102     /** Convenience constructor
103      * Creates server and a {@link ServerConnector} at the passed port.
104      * @param port The port of a network HTTP connector (or 0 for a randomly allocated port).
105      * @see NetworkConnector#getLocalPort()
106      */
107     public Server(@Name("port")int port)
108     {
109         this((ThreadPool)null);
110         ServerConnector connector=new ServerConnector(this);
111         connector.setPort(port);
112         setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector});
113     }
115     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
116     /**
117      * Convenience constructor
118      * <p>
119      * Creates server and a {@link ServerConnector} at the passed address.
120      * @param addr the inet socket address to create the connector from
121      */
122     public Server(@Name("address")InetSocketAddress addr)
123     {
124         this((ThreadPool)null);
125         ServerConnector connector=new ServerConnector(this);
126         connector.setHost(addr.getHostName());
127         connector.setPort(addr.getPort());
128         setConnectors(new Connector[]{connector});
129     }
131     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
132     public Server(@Name("threadpool") ThreadPool pool)
133     {
134         _threadPool=pool!=null?pool:new QueuedThreadPool();
135         addBean(_threadPool);
136         setServer(this);
137     }
139     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
140     public RequestLog getRequestLog()
141     {
142         return _requestLog;
143     }
145     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
146     public void setRequestLog(RequestLog requestLog)
147     {
148         updateBean(_requestLog,requestLog);
149         _requestLog = requestLog;
150     }
152     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
153     @ManagedAttribute("version of this server")
154     public static String getVersion()
155     {
156         return Jetty.VERSION;
157     }
159     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
160     public boolean getStopAtShutdown()
161     {
162         return _stopAtShutdown;
163     }
166     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
167     /**
168      * Set a graceful stop time.
169      * The {@link StatisticsHandler} must be configured so that open connections can
170      * be tracked for a graceful shutdown.
171      * @see org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle#setStopTimeout(long)
172      */
173     @Override
174     public void setStopTimeout(long stopTimeout)
175     {
176         super.setStopTimeout(stopTimeout);
177     }
179     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
180     /** Set stop server at shutdown behaviour.
181      * @param stop If true, this server instance will be explicitly stopped when the
182      * JVM is shutdown. Otherwise the JVM is stopped with the server running.
183      * @see Runtime#addShutdownHook(Thread)
184      * @see ShutdownThread
185      */
186     public void setStopAtShutdown(boolean stop)
187     {
188         //if we now want to stop
189         if (stop)
190         {
191             //and we weren't stopping before
192             if (!_stopAtShutdown)
193             {
194                 //only register to stop if we're already started (otherwise we'll do it in doStart())
195                 if (isStarted())
196                     ShutdownThread.register(this);
197             }
198         }
199         else
200             ShutdownThread.deregister(this);
202         _stopAtShutdown=stop;
203     }
205     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
206     /**
207      * @return Returns the connectors.
208      */
209     @ManagedAttribute(value="connectors for this server", readonly=true)
210     public Connector[] getConnectors()
211     {
212         List<Connector> connectors = new ArrayList<>(_connectors);
213         return connectors.toArray(new Connector[connectors.size()]);
214     }
216     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
217     public void addConnector(Connector connector)
218     {
219         if (connector.getServer() != this)
220             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connector " + connector +
221                     " cannot be shared among server " + connector.getServer() + " and server " + this);
222         if (_connectors.add(connector))
223             addBean(connector);
224     }
226     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
227     /**
228      * Convenience method which calls {@link #getConnectors()} and {@link #setConnectors(Connector[])} to
229      * remove a connector.
230      * @param connector The connector to remove.
231      */
232     public void removeConnector(Connector connector)
233     {
234         if (_connectors.remove(connector))
235             removeBean(connector);
236     }
238     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
239     /** Set the connectors for this server.
240      * Each connector has this server set as it's ThreadPool and its Handler.
241      * @param connectors The connectors to set.
242      */
243     public void setConnectors(Connector[] connectors)
244     {
245         if (connectors != null)
246         {
247             for (Connector connector : connectors)
248             {
249                 if (connector.getServer() != this)
250                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connector " + connector +
251                             " cannot be shared among server " + connector.getServer() + " and server " + this);
252             }
253         }
255         Connector[] oldConnectors = getConnectors();
256         updateBeans(oldConnectors, connectors);
257         _connectors.removeAll(Arrays.asList(oldConnectors));
258         if (connectors != null)
259             _connectors.addAll(Arrays.asList(connectors));
260     }
262     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
263     /**
264      * @return Returns the threadPool.
265      */
266     @ManagedAttribute("the server thread pool")
267     public ThreadPool getThreadPool()
268     {
269         return _threadPool;
270     }
272     /**
273      * @return true if {@link #dumpStdErr()} is called after starting
274      */
275     @ManagedAttribute("dump state to stderr after start")
276     public boolean isDumpAfterStart()
277     {
278         return _dumpAfterStart;
279     }
281     /**
282      * @param dumpAfterStart true if {@link #dumpStdErr()} is called after starting
283      */
284     public void setDumpAfterStart(boolean dumpAfterStart)
285     {
286         _dumpAfterStart = dumpAfterStart;
287     }
289     /**
290      * @return true if {@link #dumpStdErr()} is called before stopping
291      */
292     @ManagedAttribute("dump state to stderr before stop")
293     public boolean isDumpBeforeStop()
294     {
295         return _dumpBeforeStop;
296     }
298     /**
299      * @param dumpBeforeStop true if {@link #dumpStdErr()} is called before stopping
300      */
301     public void setDumpBeforeStop(boolean dumpBeforeStop)
302     {
303         _dumpBeforeStop = dumpBeforeStop;
304     }
306     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
307     public HttpField getDateField()
308     {
309         long now=System.currentTimeMillis();
310         long seconds = now/1000;
311         DateField df = _dateField;
313         if (df==null || df._seconds!=seconds)
314         {
315             try(Locker.Lock lock = _dateLocker.lock())
316             {
317                 df = _dateField;
318                 if (df==null || df._seconds!=seconds)
319                 {
320                     HttpField field=new PreEncodedHttpField(HttpHeader.DATE,DateGenerator.formatDate(now));
321                     _dateField=new DateField(seconds,field);
322                     return field;
323                 }
324             }
325         }
326         return df._dateField;
327     }
329     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
330     @Override
331     protected void doStart() throws Exception
332     {
333         //If the Server should be stopped when the jvm exits, register
334         //with the shutdown handler thread.
335         if (getStopAtShutdown())
336             ShutdownThread.register(this);
338         //Register the Server with the handler thread for receiving
339         //remote stop commands
340         ShutdownMonitor.register(this);
342         //Start a thread waiting to receive "stop" commands.
343         ShutdownMonitor.getInstance().start(); // initialize
345"jetty-" + getVersion());
346         HttpGenerator.setJettyVersion(HttpConfiguration.SERVER_VERSION);
347         MultiException mex=new MultiException();
349         // check size of thread pool
350         SizedThreadPool pool = getBean(SizedThreadPool.class);
351         int max=pool==null?-1:pool.getMaxThreads();
352         int selectors=0;
353         int acceptors=0;
354         if (mex.size()==0)
355         {
356             for (Connector connector : _connectors)
357             {
358                 if (connector instanceof AbstractConnector)
359                     acceptors+=((AbstractConnector)connector).getAcceptors();
361                 if (connector instanceof ServerConnector)
362                     selectors+=((ServerConnector)connector).getSelectorManager().getSelectorCount();
363             }
364         }
366         int needed=1+selectors+acceptors;
367         if (max>0 && needed>max)
368             throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Insufficient threads: max=%d < needed(acceptors=%d + selectors=%d + request=1)",max,acceptors,selectors));
370         try
371         {
372             super.doStart();
373         }
374         catch(Throwable e)
375         {
376             mex.add(e);
377         }
379         // start connectors last
380         for (Connector connector : _connectors)
381         {
382             try
383             {
384                 connector.start();
385             }
386             catch(Throwable e)
387             {
388                 mex.add(e);
389             }
390         }
392         if (isDumpAfterStart())
393             dumpStdErr();
395         mex.ifExceptionThrow();
397"Started @%dms",Uptime.getUptime()));
398     }
400     @Override
401     protected void start(LifeCycle l) throws Exception
402     {
403         // start connectors last
404         if (!(l instanceof Connector))
405             super.start(l);
406     }
408     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
409     @Override
410     protected void doStop() throws Exception
411     {
412         if (isDumpBeforeStop())
413             dumpStdErr();
415         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
416             LOG.debug("doStop {}",this);
418         MultiException mex=new MultiException();
420         // list if graceful futures
421         List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
423         // First close the network connectors to stop accepting new connections
424         for (Connector connector : _connectors)
425             futures.add(connector.shutdown());
427         // Then tell the contexts that we are shutting down
428         Handler[] gracefuls = getChildHandlersByClass(Graceful.class);
429         for (Handler graceful : gracefuls)
430             futures.add(((Graceful)graceful).shutdown());
432         // Shall we gracefully wait for zero connections?
433         long stopTimeout = getStopTimeout();
434         if (stopTimeout>0)
435         {
436             long stop_by=System.currentTimeMillis()+stopTimeout;
437             if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
438                 LOG.debug("Graceful shutdown {} by ",this,new Date(stop_by));
440             // Wait for shutdowns
441             for (Future<Void> future: futures)
442             {
443                 try
444                 {
445                     if (!future.isDone())
446                         future.get(Math.max(1L,stop_by-System.currentTimeMillis()),TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
447                 }
448                 catch (Exception e)
449                 {
450                     mex.add(e);
451                 }
452             }
453         }
455         // Cancel any shutdowns not done
456         for (Future<Void> future: futures)
457             if (!future.isDone())
458                 future.cancel(true);
460         // Now stop the connectors (this will close existing connections)
461         for (Connector connector : _connectors)
462         {
463             try
464             {
465                 connector.stop();
466             }
467             catch (Throwable e)
468             {
469                 mex.add(e);
470             }
471         }
473         // And finally stop everything else
474         try
475         {
476             super.doStop();
477         }
478         catch (Throwable e)
479         {
480             mex.add(e);
481         }
483         if (getStopAtShutdown())
484             ShutdownThread.deregister(this);
486         //Unregister the Server with the handler thread for receiving
487         //remote stop commands as we are stopped already
488         ShutdownMonitor.deregister(this);
490         mex.ifExceptionThrow();
491     }
493     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
494     /* Handle a request from a connection.
495      * Called to handle a request on the connection when either the header has been received,
496      * or after the entire request has been received (for short requests of known length), or
497      * on the dispatch of an async request.
498      */
499     public void handle(HttpChannel connection) throws IOException, ServletException
500     {
501         final String target=connection.getRequest().getPathInfo();
502         final Request request=connection.getRequest();
503         final Response response=connection.getResponse();
505         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
506             LOG.debug("{} on {}{}{} {} {}{}{}", request.getDispatcherType(), connection, System.lineSeparator(),
507                     request.getMethod(), target, request.getProtocol(), System.lineSeparator(), request.getHttpFields());
509         if ( || "*".equals(target))
510         {
511             if (!
512                 response.sendError(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400);
513             handleOptions(request,response);
514             if (!request.isHandled())
515                 handle(target, request, request, response);
516         }
517         else
518             handle(target, request, request, response);
520         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
521             LOG.debug("RESPONSE for {} h={}{}{} {}{}{}", target, request.isHandled(), System.lineSeparator(),
522                     response.getStatus(), response.getReason(), System.lineSeparator(), response.getHttpFields());
523     }
525     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
526     /* Handle Options request to server
527      */
528     protected void handleOptions(Request request,Response response) throws IOException
529     {
530     }
532     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
533     /* Handle a request from a connection.
534      * Called to handle a request on the connection when either the header has been received,
535      * or after the entire request has been received (for short requests of known length), or
536      * on the dispatch of an async request.
537      */
538     public void handleAsync(HttpChannel connection) throws IOException, ServletException
539     {
540         final HttpChannelState state = connection.getRequest().getHttpChannelState();
541         final AsyncContextEvent event = state.getAsyncContextEvent();
543         final Request baseRequest=connection.getRequest();
544         final String path=event.getPath();
546         if (path!=null)
547         {
548             // this is a dispatch with a path
549             ServletContext context=event.getServletContext();
550             String query=baseRequest.getQueryString();
551             baseRequest.setURIPathQuery(URIUtil.addPaths(context==null?null:context.getContextPath(), path));
552             HttpURI uri = baseRequest.getHttpURI();
553             baseRequest.setPathInfo(uri.getDecodedPath());
554             if (uri.getQuery()!=null)
555                 baseRequest.mergeQueryParameters(query,uri.getQuery(), true); //we have to assume dispatch path and query are UTF8
556         }
558         final String target=baseRequest.getPathInfo();
559         final HttpServletRequest request=(HttpServletRequest)event.getSuppliedRequest();
560         final HttpServletResponse response=(HttpServletResponse)event.getSuppliedResponse();
562         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
563         {
564             LOG.debug(request.getDispatcherType()+" "+request.getMethod()+" "+target+" on "+connection);
565             handle(target, baseRequest, request, response);
566             LOG.debug("RESPONSE "+target+"  "+connection.getResponse().getStatus());
567         }
568         else
569             handle(target, baseRequest, request, response);
571     }
573     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
574     public void join() throws InterruptedException
575     {
576         getThreadPool().join();
577     }
579     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
580     /**
581      * @return Returns the sessionIdManager.
582      */
583     public SessionIdManager getSessionIdManager()
584     {
585         return _sessionIdManager;
586     }
588     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
589     /**
590      * @param sessionIdManager The sessionIdManager to set.
591      */
592     public void setSessionIdManager(SessionIdManager sessionIdManager)
593     {
594         updateBean(_sessionIdManager,sessionIdManager);
595         _sessionIdManager=sessionIdManager;
596     }
598     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
599     /*
600      * @see org.eclipse.util.AttributesMap#clearAttributes()
601      */
602     @Override
603     public void clearAttributes()
604     {
605         Enumeration<String> names = _attributes.getAttributeNames();
606         while (names.hasMoreElements())
607             removeBean(_attributes.getAttribute(names.nextElement()));
608         _attributes.clearAttributes();
609     }
611     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
612     /*
613      * @see org.eclipse.util.AttributesMap#getAttribute(java.lang.String)
614      */
615     @Override
616     public Object getAttribute(String name)
617     {
618         return _attributes.getAttribute(name);
619     }
621     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
622     /*
623      * @see org.eclipse.util.AttributesMap#getAttributeNames()
624      */
625     @Override
626     public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames()
627     {
628         return AttributesMap.getAttributeNamesCopy(_attributes);
629     }
631     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
632     /*
633      * @see org.eclipse.util.AttributesMap#removeAttribute(java.lang.String)
634      */
635     @Override
636     public void removeAttribute(String name)
637     {
638         Object bean=_attributes.getAttribute(name);
639         if (bean!=null)
640             removeBean(bean);
641         _attributes.removeAttribute(name);
642     }
644     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
645     /*
646      * @see org.eclipse.util.AttributesMap#setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
647      */
648     @Override
649     public void setAttribute(String name, Object attribute)
650     {
651         addBean(attribute);
652         _attributes.setAttribute(name, attribute);
653     }
655     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
656     /**
657      * @return The URI of the first {@link NetworkConnector} and first {@link ContextHandler}, or null
658      */
659     public URI getURI()
660     {
661         NetworkConnector connector=null;
662         for (Connector c: _connectors)
663         {
664             if (c instanceof NetworkConnector)
665             {
666                 connector=(NetworkConnector)c;
667                 break;
668             }
669         }
671         if (connector==null)
672             return null;
674         ContextHandler context = getChildHandlerByClass(ContextHandler.class);
676         try
677         {
678             String protocol = connector.getDefaultConnectionFactory().getProtocol();
679             String scheme="http";
680             if (protocol.startsWith("SSL-") || protocol.equals("SSL"))
681                 scheme = "https";
683             String host=connector.getHost();
684             if (context!=null && context.getVirtualHosts()!=null && context.getVirtualHosts().length>0)
685                 host=context.getVirtualHosts()[0];
686             if (host==null)
687                 host=InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
689             String path=context==null?null:context.getContextPath();
690             if (path==null)
691                 path="/";
692             return new URI(scheme,null,host,connector.getLocalPort(),path,null,null);
693         }
694         catch(Exception e)
695         {
696             LOG.warn(e);
697             return null;
698         }
699     }
701     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
702     @Override
703     public String toString()
704     {
705         return this.getClass().getName()+"@"+Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
706     }
708     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
709     @Override
710     public void dump(Appendable out,String indent) throws IOException
711     {
712         dumpBeans(out,indent,Collections.singleton(new ClassLoaderDump(this.getClass().getClassLoader())));
713     }
715     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
716     public static void main(String...args) throws Exception
717     {
718         System.err.println(getVersion());
719     }
721     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
722     /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
723     private static class DateField
724     {
725         final long _seconds;
726         final HttpField _dateField;
727         public DateField(long seconds, HttpField dateField)
728         {
729             super();
730             _seconds = seconds;
731             _dateField = dateField;
732         }
734     }
735 }