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jetty.xml is the default configuration file for Jetty, typically located at $JETTY_HOME/etc/jetty.xml . Usually the jetty.xml configures:

  • the Server class (or subclass if extended) and global options
  • a ThreadPool (min & max thread)
  • connectors (ports, timeouts, buffer sizes, protocol, etc.)
  • the handler structure (default handlers and/or a contextHandlerCollections, etc.)
  • the deployment manager that scans for and deploys webapps and contexts
  • login services that provides authentication checking
  • a request log

Not all Jetty features are configured in jetty.xml . There are several optional configuration files that share the same format as jetty.xml and, if specified, concatenate to it. These configuration files are also stored in $JETTY_HOME/etc/ , and examples of them are in SVN Repository . The selection of which configuration files to use is controlled by start.jar and the process of merging configuration is described in jetty.xml usage .

Root Element

jetty.xml configures an instance of the Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">


$JETTY_HOME/etc contains the default jetty.xml , as well as other sample configuration files (jetty-*.xml) which can be passed to the server via the command line.

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