Uses of Class

Packages that use BlameGenerator

Uses of BlameGenerator in org.eclipse.jgit.blame

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.blame that return BlameGenerator
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.push(String description, AnyObjectId id)
          Push a candidate object onto the generator's traversal stack.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.push(String description, byte[] contents)
          Push a candidate blob onto the generator's traversal stack.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.push(String description, RawText contents)
          Push a candidate blob onto the generator's traversal stack.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.reverse(AnyObjectId start, AnyObjectId end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.reverse(AnyObjectId start, Collection<? extends ObjectId> end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.setDiffAlgorithm(DiffAlgorithm algorithm)
          Difference algorithm to use when comparing revisions.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.setFollowFileRenames(boolean follow)
          Enable (or disable) following file renames, on by default.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.setTextComparator(RawTextComparator comparator)
          Text comparator to use when comparing revisions.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.blame with parameters of type BlameGenerator
static BlameResult BlameResult.create(BlameGenerator gen)
          Construct a new BlameResult for a generator.

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