Uses of Class

Packages that use TransportException

Uses of TransportException in org.eclipse.jgit.errors

Subclasses of TransportException in org.eclipse.jgit.errors
 class MissingBundlePrerequisiteException
          Indicates a base/common object was required, but is not found.
 class NoRemoteRepositoryException
          Indicates a remote repository does not exist.
 class PackProtocolException
          Indicates a protocol error has occurred while fetching/pushing objects.
 class RemoteRepositoryException
          Contains a message from the remote repository indicating a problem.
 class RepositoryNotFoundException
          Indicates a local repository does not exist.

Uses of TransportException in org.eclipse.jgit.transport

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport that return TransportException
protected  TransportException BasePackPushConnection.noRepository()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport that throw TransportException
protected  void BasePackFetchConnection.doFetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
          Execute common ancestor negotiation and fetch the objects.
protected  void BasePackPushConnection.doPush(ProgressMonitor monitor, Map<String,RemoteRefUpdate> refUpdates)
          Push one or more objects and update the remote repository.
 void BasePackFetchConnection.fetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
 void FetchConnection.fetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<Ref> want, Set<ObjectId> have)
          Fetch objects we don't have but that are reachable from advertised refs.
 FetchResult Transport.fetch(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<RefSpec> toFetch)
          Fetch objects and refs from the remote repository to the local one.
protected  RemoteSession SshTransport.getSession()
          Get the default SSH session
 RemoteSession JschConfigSessionFactory.getSession(URIish uri, CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, FS fs, int tms)
abstract  RemoteSession SshSessionFactory.getSession(URIish uri, CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, FS fs, int tms)
          Open (or reuse) a session to a host.
protected  void BaseConnection.markStartedOperation()
          Helper method for ensuring one-operation per connection.
static Transport local, RemoteConfig cfg)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, RemoteConfig cfg, Transport.Operation op)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, String remote)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, String remote, Transport.Operation op)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, URIish uri)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, URIish uri, String remoteName)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
 Transport uri)
          Open a new transport instance to the remote repository.
static Transport uri)
          Open a new transport with no local repository.
abstract  Transport uri, Repository local, String remoteName)
          Open a Transport instance to the other repository.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, RemoteConfig cfg)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, RemoteConfig cfg, Transport.Operation op)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, String remote)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, String remote, Transport.Operation op)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
 FetchConnection TransportGitSsh.openFetch()
abstract  FetchConnection Transport.openFetch()
          Begins a new connection for fetching from the remote repository.
 FetchConnection TransportBundleStream.openFetch()
 FetchConnection TransportAmazonS3.openFetch()
 FetchConnection TransportHttp.openFetch()
 FetchConnection TransportSftp.openFetch()
 PushConnection TransportGitSsh.openPush()
abstract  PushConnection Transport.openPush()
          Begins a new connection for pushing into the remote repository.
 PushConnection TransportAmazonS3.openPush()
 PushConnection TransportHttp.openPush()
 PushConnection TransportSftp.openPush()
 PushResult Transport.push(ProgressMonitor monitor, Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> toPush)
          Push objects and refs from the local repository to the remote one.
 void BasePackPushConnection.push(ProgressMonitor monitor, Map<String,RemoteRefUpdate> refUpdates)
 void PushConnection.push(ProgressMonitor monitor, Map<String,RemoteRefUpdate> refUpdates)
          Pushes to the remote repository basing on provided specification.

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