Uses of Class

Packages that use SubmoduleWalk

Uses of SubmoduleWalk in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule that return SubmoduleWalk
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forIndex(Repository repository)
          Create a generator to walk over the submodule entries currently in the index The .gitmodules file is read from the index.
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forPath(Repository repository, AbstractTreeIterator iterator, String path)
          Create a generator and advance it to the submodule entry at the given path
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forPath(Repository repository, AnyObjectId treeId, String path)
          Create a generator and advance it to the submodule entry at the given path
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.loadModulesConfig()
          Load the config for this walk from .gitmodules.
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.reset()
          Reset generator and start new submodule walk
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setFilter(TreeFilter filter)
          Set tree filter
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setModulesConfig(Config config)
          Set the config used by this walk.
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setRootTree(AbstractTreeIterator tree)
          Set the tree used by this walk for finding .gitmodules.
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setRootTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the tree used by this walk for finding .gitmodules.
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setTree(AbstractTreeIterator iterator)
          Set the tree iterator used for finding submodule entries
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setTree(AnyObjectId treeId)
          Set the tree used for finding submodule entries

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