Class CanonicalTreeParser

  extended by org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.AbstractTreeIterator
      extended by org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser

public class CanonicalTreeParser
extends AbstractTreeIterator

Parses raw Git trees from the canonical semi-text/semi-binary format.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.AbstractTreeIterator
DEFAULT_PATH_SIZE, mode, path, pathLen, pathOffset, zeroid
Constructor Summary
          Create a new parser.
CanonicalTreeParser(byte[] prefix, ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId treeId)
          Create a new parser for a tree appearing in a subset of a repository.
Method Summary
 void back(int delta)
          Move to prior entry, populating this iterator with the entry data.
 CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
          Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.
 CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader, MutableObjectId idBuffer)
          Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.
 CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator0(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Back door to quickly create a subtree iterator for any subtree.
 boolean eof()
          Is this tree iterator at its EOF point (no more entries)?
 boolean first()
          Is this tree iterator positioned on its first entry?
 CanonicalTreeParser getParent()
 boolean hasId()
 byte[] idBuffer()
          Get the byte array buffer object IDs must be copied out of.
 int idOffset()
          Get the position within AbstractTreeIterator.idBuffer() of this entry's ObjectId.
 CanonicalTreeParser next()
 void next(int delta)
          Move to next entry, populating this iterator with the entry data.
 void reset()
          Position this iterator on the first entry.
 void reset(byte[] treeData)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree data.
 void reset(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.
 CanonicalTreeParser resetRoot(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.AbstractTreeIterator
createEmptyTreeIterator, ensurePathCapacity, getEntryFileMode, getEntryObjectId, getEntryObjectId, getEntryPathBuffer, getEntryPathHashCode, getEntryPathLength, getEntryPathString, getEntryRawMode, getName, getNameLength, getNameOffset, growPath, idEqual, pathCompare, pathCompare, skip, stopWalk, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CanonicalTreeParser()
Create a new parser.


public CanonicalTreeParser(byte[] prefix,
                           ObjectReader reader,
                           AnyObjectId treeId)
                    throws IncorrectObjectTypeException,
Create a new parser for a tree appearing in a subset of a repository.

prefix - position of this iterator in the repository tree. The value may be null or the empty array to indicate the prefix is the root of the repository. A trailing slash ('/') is automatically appended if the prefix does not end in '/'.
reader - reader to load the tree data from.
treeId - identity of the tree being parsed; used only in exception messages if data corruption is found.
MissingObjectException - the object supplied is not available from the repository.
IncorrectObjectTypeException - the object supplied as an argument is not actually a tree and cannot be parsed as though it were a tree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.
Method Detail


public CanonicalTreeParser getParent()
the parent of this tree parser


public void reset(byte[] treeData)
Reset this parser to walk through the given tree data.

treeData - the raw tree content.


public CanonicalTreeParser resetRoot(ObjectReader reader,
                                     AnyObjectId id)
                              throws IncorrectObjectTypeException,
Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.

reader - reader to use during repository access.
id - identity of the tree being parsed; used only in exception messages if data corruption is found.
the root level parser.
MissingObjectException - the object supplied is not available from the repository.
IncorrectObjectTypeException - the object supplied as an argument is not actually a tree and cannot be parsed as though it were a tree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.


public CanonicalTreeParser next()
this iterator, or its parent, if the tree is at eof.


public void reset(ObjectReader reader,
                  AnyObjectId id)
           throws IncorrectObjectTypeException,
Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.

reader - reader to use during repository access.
id - identity of the tree being parsed; used only in exception messages if data corruption is found.
MissingObjectException - the object supplied is not available from the repository.
IncorrectObjectTypeException - the object supplied as an argument is not actually a tree and cannot be parsed as though it were a tree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.


public CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader,
                                                 MutableObjectId idBuffer)
                                          throws IncorrectObjectTypeException,
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.

The parent reference of the iterator must be this, otherwise the caller would not be able to exit out of the subtree iterator correctly and return to continue walking this.

createSubtreeIterator in class AbstractTreeIterator
reader - reader to load the tree data from.
idBuffer - temporary ObjectId buffer for use by this method.
a new parser that walks over the current subtree.
IncorrectObjectTypeException - the current entry is not actually a tree and cannot be parsed as though it were a tree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.


public final CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator0(ObjectReader reader,
                                                        AnyObjectId id)
                                                 throws IOException
Back door to quickly create a subtree iterator for any subtree.

Don't use this unless you are ObjectWalk. The method is meant to be called only once the current entry has been identified as a tree and its identity has been converted into an ObjectId.

reader - reader to load the tree data from.
id - ObjectId of the tree to open.
a new parser that walks over the current subtree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.


public CanonicalTreeParser createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
                                          throws IncorrectObjectTypeException,
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.

The parent reference of the iterator must be this, otherwise the caller would not be able to exit out of the subtree iterator correctly and return to continue walking this.

Specified by:
createSubtreeIterator in class AbstractTreeIterator
reader - reader to load the tree data from.
a new parser that walks over the current subtree.
IncorrectObjectTypeException - the current entry is not actually a tree and cannot be parsed as though it were a tree.
IOException - a loose object or pack file could not be read.


public boolean hasId()
Specified by:
hasId in class AbstractTreeIterator
true if the entry has a valid ObjectId.


public byte[] idBuffer()
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Get the byte array buffer object IDs must be copied out of.

The id buffer contains the bytes necessary to construct an ObjectId for the current entry of this iterator. The buffer can be the same buffer for all entries, or it can be a unique buffer per-entry. Implementations are encouraged to expose their private buffer whenever possible to reduce garbage generation and copying costs.

Specified by:
idBuffer in class AbstractTreeIterator
byte array the implementation stores object IDs within.
See Also:


public int idOffset()
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Get the position within AbstractTreeIterator.idBuffer() of this entry's ObjectId.

Specified by:
idOffset in class AbstractTreeIterator
offset into the array returned by AbstractTreeIterator.idBuffer() where the ObjectId must be copied out of.


public void reset()
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Position this iterator on the first entry. The default implementation of this method uses back(1) until first() is true. This is most likely not the most efficient method of repositioning the iterator to its first entry, so subclasses are strongly encouraged to override the method.

reset in class AbstractTreeIterator


public boolean first()
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Is this tree iterator positioned on its first entry?

An iterator is positioned on the first entry if back(1) would be an invalid request as there is no entry before the current one.

An empty iterator (one with no entries) will be first() && eof().

Specified by:
first in class AbstractTreeIterator
true if the iterator is positioned on the first entry.


public boolean eof()
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Is this tree iterator at its EOF point (no more entries)?

An iterator is at EOF if there is no current entry.

Specified by:
eof in class AbstractTreeIterator
true if we have walked all entries and have none left.


public void next(int delta)
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Move to next entry, populating this iterator with the entry data.

The delta indicates how many moves forward should occur. The most common delta is 1 to move to the next entry.

Implementations must populate the following members:

as well as any implementation dependent information necessary to accurately return data from AbstractTreeIterator.idBuffer() and AbstractTreeIterator.idOffset() when demanded.

Specified by:
next in class AbstractTreeIterator
delta - number of entries to move the iterator by. Must be a positive, non-zero integer.


public void back(int delta)
Description copied from class: AbstractTreeIterator
Move to prior entry, populating this iterator with the entry data.

The delta indicates how many moves backward should occur.The most common delta is 1 to move to the prior entry.

Implementations must populate the following members:

as well as any implementation dependent information necessary to accurately return data from AbstractTreeIterator.idBuffer() and AbstractTreeIterator.idOffset() when demanded.

Specified by:
back in class AbstractTreeIterator
delta - number of entries to move the iterator by. Must be a positive, non-zero integer.

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