Uses of Class

Packages that use MergeResult
org.eclipse.jgit.api High-level API commands (the porcelain of JGit). 
org.eclipse.jgit.merge Content and commit history merge algorithms. 

Uses of MergeResult in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type MergeResult
 void MergeResult.addConflict(String path, MergeResult<?> lowLevelResult)

Constructor parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.api with type arguments of type MergeResult
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, Map<String,ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason> failingPaths, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, String description)

Uses of MergeResult in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return MergeResult
<S extends Sequence>
MergeAlgorithm.merge(SequenceComparator<S> cmp, S base, S ours, S theirs)
          Does the three way merge between a common base and two sequences.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return types with arguments of type MergeResult
 Map<String,MergeResult<? extends Sequence>> ResolveMerger.getMergeResults()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type MergeResult
 void MergeFormatter.formatMerge(OutputStream out, MergeResult<RawText> res, List<String> seqName, String charsetName)
          Formats the results of a merge of RawText objects in a Git conformant way.
 void MergeFormatter.formatMerge(OutputStream out, MergeResult res, String baseName, String oursName, String theirsName, String charsetName)
          Formats the results of a merge of exactly two RawText objects in a Git conformant way.

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