View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2017, Markus Duft <> and others
3    *
4    * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5    * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9    */
10  package org.eclipse.jgit.lfs;
12  import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
13  import static org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.Protocol.OPERATION_UPLOAD;
14  import static org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.internal.LfsConnectionFactory.toRequest;
15  import static org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnection.HTTP_OK;
16  import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.HttpSupport.METHOD_POST;
17  import static org.eclipse.jgit.util.HttpSupport.METHOD_PUT;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import java.nio.file.Files;
25  import java.nio.file.Path;
26  import java.text.MessageFormat;
27  import java.util.Collection;
28  import java.util.HashMap;
29  import java.util.List;
30  import java.util.Map;
31  import java.util.Set;
32  import java.util.TreeSet;
34  import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.AbortedByHookException;
35  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException;
36  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
37  import org.eclipse.jgit.hooks.PrePushHook;
38  import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.Protocol.ObjectInfo;
39  import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.errors.CorruptMediaFile;
40  import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.internal.LfsConnectionFactory;
41  import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.internal.LfsText;
42  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
43  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
44  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
45  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
46  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
47  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefDatabase;
48  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
49  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk;
50  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevObject;
51  import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteRefUpdate;
52  import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnection;
54  import;
55  import;
57  /**
58   * Pre-push hook that handles uploading LFS artefacts.
59   *
60   * @since 4.11
61   */
62  public class LfsPrePushHook extends PrePushHook {
64  	private static final String EMPTY = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
65  	private Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> refs;
67  	/**
68  	 * @param repo
69  	 *            the repository
70  	 * @param outputStream
71  	 *            not used by this implementation
72  	 */
73  	public LfsPrePushHook(Repository repo, PrintStream outputStream) {
74  		super(repo, outputStream);
75  	}
77  	/**
78  	 * @param repo
79  	 *            the repository
80  	 * @param outputStream
81  	 *            not used by this implementation
82  	 * @param errorStream
83  	 *            not used by this implementation
84  	 * @since 5.6
85  	 */
86  	public LfsPrePushHook(Repository repo, PrintStream outputStream,
87  			PrintStream errorStream) {
88  		super(repo, outputStream, errorStream);
89  	}
91  	@Override
92  	public void setRefs(Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> toRefs) {
93  		this.refs = toRefs;
94  	}
96  	@Override
97  	public String call() throws IOException, AbortedByHookException {
98  		Set<LfsPointer> toPush = findObjectsToPush();
99  		if (toPush.isEmpty()) {
100 			return EMPTY;
101 		}
102 		HttpConnection api = LfsConnectionFactory.getLfsConnection(
103 				getRepository(), METHOD_POST, OPERATION_UPLOAD);
104 		Map<String, LfsPointer> oid2ptr = requestBatchUpload(api, toPush);
105 		uploadContents(api, oid2ptr);
106 		return EMPTY;
108 	}
110 	private Set<LfsPointer> findObjectsToPush() throws IOException,
111 			MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException {
112 		Set<LfsPointer> toPush = new TreeSet<>();
114 		try (ObjectWalk walk = new ObjectWalk(getRepository())) {
115 			for (RemoteRefUpdate up : refs) {
116 				walk.setRewriteParents(false);
117 				excludeRemoteRefs(walk);
118 				walk.markStart(walk.parseCommit(up.getNewObjectId()));
119 				while ( != null) {
120 					// walk all commits to populate objects
121 				}
122 				findLfsPointers(toPush, walk);
123 			}
124 		}
125 		return toPush;
126 	}
128 	private static void findLfsPointers(Set<LfsPointer> toPush, ObjectWalk walk)
129 			throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException,
130 			IOException {
131 		RevObject obj;
132 		ObjectReader r = walk.getObjectReader();
133 		while ((obj = walk.nextObject()) != null) {
134 			if (obj.getType() == Constants.OBJ_BLOB
135 					&& getObjectSize(r, obj) < LfsPointer.SIZE_THRESHOLD) {
136 				LfsPointer ptr = loadLfsPointer(r, obj);
137 				if (ptr != null) {
138 					toPush.add(ptr);
139 				}
140 			}
141 		}
142 	}
144 	private static long getObjectSize(ObjectReader r, RevObject obj)
145 			throws IOException {
146 		return r.getObjectSize(obj.getId(), Constants.OBJ_BLOB);
147 	}
149 	private static LfsPointer loadLfsPointer(ObjectReader r, AnyObjectId obj)
150 			throws IOException {
151 		try (InputStream is =, Constants.OBJ_BLOB).openStream()) {
152 			return LfsPointer.parseLfsPointer(is);
153 		}
154 	}
156 	private void excludeRemoteRefs(ObjectWalk walk) throws IOException {
157 		RefDatabase refDatabase = getRepository().getRefDatabase();
158 		List<Ref> remoteRefs = refDatabase.getRefsByPrefix(remote());
159 		for (Ref r : remoteRefs) {
160 			ObjectId oid = r.getPeeledObjectId();
161 			if (oid == null) {
162 				oid = r.getObjectId();
163 			}
164 			if (oid == null) {
165 				// ignore (e.g. symbolic, ...)
166 				continue;
167 			}
168 			RevObject o = walk.parseAny(oid);
169 			if (o.getType() == Constants.OBJ_COMMIT
170 					|| o.getType() == Constants.OBJ_TAG) {
171 				walk.markUninteresting(o);
172 			}
173 		}
174 	}
176 	private String remote() {
177 		String remoteName = getRemoteName() == null
178 				? Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME
179 				: getRemoteName();
180 		return Constants.R_REMOTES + remoteName;
181 	}
183 	private Map<String, LfsPointer> requestBatchUpload(HttpConnection api,
184 			Set<LfsPointer> toPush) throws IOException {
185 		LfsPointer[] res = toPush.toArray(new LfsPointer[0]);
186 		Map<String, LfsPointer> oidStr2ptr = new HashMap<>();
187 		for (LfsPointer p : res) {
188 			oidStr2ptr.put(p.getOid().name(), p);
189 		}
190 		Gson gson = Protocol.gson();
191 		api.getOutputStream().write(
192 				gson.toJson(toRequest(OPERATION_UPLOAD, res)).getBytes(UTF_8));
193 		int responseCode = api.getResponseCode();
194 		if (responseCode != HTTP_OK) {
195 			throw new IOException(
196 					MessageFormat.format(LfsText.get().serverFailure,
197 							api.getURL(), Integer.valueOf(responseCode)));
198 		}
199 		return oidStr2ptr;
200 	}
202 	private void uploadContents(HttpConnection api,
203 			Map<String, LfsPointer> oid2ptr) throws IOException {
204 		try (JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(
205 				new InputStreamReader(api.getInputStream(), UTF_8))) {
206 			for (Protocol.ObjectInfo o : parseObjects(reader)) {
207 				if (o.actions == null) {
208 					continue;
209 				}
210 				LfsPointer ptr = oid2ptr.get(o.oid);
211 				if (ptr == null) {
212 					// received an object we didn't request
213 					continue;
214 				}
215 				Protocol.Action uploadAction = o.actions.get(OPERATION_UPLOAD);
216 				if (uploadAction == null || uploadAction.href == null) {
217 					continue;
218 				}
220 				Lfs lfs = new Lfs(getRepository());
221 				Path path = lfs.getMediaFile(ptr.getOid());
222 				if (!Files.exists(path)) {
223 					throw new IOException(MessageFormat
224 							.format(LfsText.get().missingLocalObject, path));
225 				}
226 				uploadFile(o, uploadAction, path);
227 			}
228 		}
229 	}
231 	private List<ObjectInfo> parseObjects(JsonReader reader) {
232 		Gson gson = new Gson();
233 		Protocol.Response resp = gson.fromJson(reader, Protocol.Response.class);
234 		return resp.objects;
235 	}
237 	private void uploadFile(Protocol.ObjectInfo o,
238 			Protocol.Action uploadAction, Path path)
239 			throws IOException, CorruptMediaFile {
240 		HttpConnection contentServer = LfsConnectionFactory
241 				.getLfsContentConnection(getRepository(), uploadAction,
242 						METHOD_PUT);
243 		contentServer.setDoOutput(true);
244 		try (OutputStream out = contentServer
245 				.getOutputStream()) {
246 			long size = Files.copy(path, out);
247 			if (size != o.size) {
248 				throw new CorruptMediaFile(path, o.size, size);
249 			}
250 		}
251 		int responseCode = contentServer.getResponseCode();
252 		if (responseCode != HTTP_OK) {
253 			throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(
254 					LfsText.get().serverFailure, contentServer.getURL(),
255 					Integer.valueOf(responseCode)));
256 		}
257 	}
258 }