Class Subsequence<S extends Sequence>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - the base sequence type.

    public final class Subsequence<S extends Sequence>
    extends Sequence
    Wraps a Sequence to have a narrower range of elements.

    This sequence acts as a proxy for the real sequence, translating element indexes on the fly by adding begin to them. Sequences of this type must be used with a SubsequenceComparator.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Subsequence

        public Subsequence​(S base,
                           int begin,
                           int end)
        Construct a subset of another sequence. The size of the subsequence will be end - begin.
        base - the real sequence.
        begin - First element index of base that will be part of this new subsequence. The element at begin will be this sequence's element 0.
        end - One past the last element index of base that will be part of this new subsequence.
    • Method Detail

      • a

        public static <S extends SequenceSubsequence<S> a​(S a,
                                                            Edit region)
        Construct a subsequence around the A region/base sequence.
        a - the A sequence.
        region - the region of a to create a subsequence around.
        subsequence of base as described by A in region.
      • b

        public static <S extends SequenceSubsequence<S> b​(S b,
                                                            Edit region)
        Construct a subsequence around the B region/base sequence.
        b - the B sequence.
        region - the region of b to create a subsequence around.
        subsequence of base as described by B in region.
      • toBase

        public static <S extends Sequence> void toBase​(Edit e,
                                                       Subsequence<S> a,
                                                       Subsequence<S> b)
        Adjust the Edit to reflect positions in the base sequence.
        e - edit to adjust in-place. Prior to invocation the indexes are in terms of the two subsequences; after invocation the indexes are in terms of the base sequences.
        a - the A sequence.
        b - the B sequence.
      • toBase

        public static <S extends SequenceEditList toBase​(EditList edits,
                                                           Subsequence<S> a,
                                                           Subsequence<S> b)
        Adjust the Edits to reflect positions in the base sequence.
        edits - edits to adjust in-place. Prior to invocation the indexes are in terms of the two subsequences; after invocation the indexes are in terms of the base sequences.
        a - the A sequence.
        b - the B sequence.
        always edits (as the list was updated in-place).
      • size

        public int size()
        Get size
        Specified by:
        size in class Sequence