View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2011, 2021 IBM Corporation and others
3    *
4    * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5    * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
6    *
7    *
8    * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9    */
10  package org.eclipse.jgit.api;
12  import;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
21  import java.nio.file.Files;
22  import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
23  import java.text.MessageFormat;
24  import java.util.ArrayList;
25  import java.util.Iterator;
26  import java.util.List;
27  import;
29  import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.FilterFailedException;
30  import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
31  import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.PatchApplyException;
32  import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.PatchFormatException;
33  import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.FilterCommand;
34  import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.FilterCommandRegistry;
35  import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.ChangeType;
36  import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.RawText;
37  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache;
38  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout;
39  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout.CheckoutMetadata;
40  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheIterator;
41  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException;
42  import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
43  import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
44  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
45  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CoreConfig.EolStreamType;
46  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
47  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
48  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader;
49  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectStream;
50  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
51  import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.BinaryHunk;
52  import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.FileHeader;
53  import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.FileHeader.PatchType;
54  import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.HunkHeader;
55  import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.Patch;
56  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.FileTreeIterator;
57  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
58  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk.OperationType;
59  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.AndTreeFilter;
60  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.NotIgnoredFilter;
61  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.PathFilterGroup;
62  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
63  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS.ExecutionResult;
64  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils;
65  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.IO;
66  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils;
67  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.StringUtils;
68  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.TemporaryBuffer;
69  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.TemporaryBuffer.LocalFile;
70  import;
71  import;
72  import;
73  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.sha1.SHA1;
75  /**
76   * Apply a patch to files and/or to the index.
77   *
78   * @see <a href=""
79   *      >Git documentation about apply</a>
80   * @since 2.0
81   */
82  public class ApplyCommand extends GitCommand<ApplyResult> {
84  	private InputStream in;
86  	/**
87  	 * Constructs the command.
88  	 *
89  	 * @param repo
90  	 */
91  	ApplyCommand(Repository repo) {
92  		super(repo);
93  	}
95  	/**
96  	 * Set patch
97  	 *
98  	 * @param in
99  	 *            the patch to apply
100 	 * @return this instance
101 	 */
102 	public ApplyCommand setPatch(InputStream in) {
103 		checkCallable();
104 = in;
105 		return this;
106 	}
108 	/**
109 	 * {@inheritDoc}
110 	 * <p>
111 	 * Executes the {@code ApplyCommand} command with all the options and
112 	 * parameters collected by the setter methods (e.g.
113 	 * {@link #setPatch(InputStream)} of this class. Each instance of this class
114 	 * should only be used for one invocation of the command. Don't call this
115 	 * method twice on an instance.
116 	 */
117 	@Override
118 	public ApplyResult call() throws GitAPIException, PatchFormatException,
119 			PatchApplyException {
120 		checkCallable();
121 		setCallable(false);
122 		ApplyResult r = new ApplyResult();
123 		try {
124 			final Patch p = new Patch();
125 			try {
126 				p.parse(in);
127 			} finally {
128 				in.close();
129 			}
130 			if (!p.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
131 				throw new PatchFormatException(p.getErrors());
132 			}
133 			Repository repository = getRepository();
134 			DirCache cache = repository.readDirCache();
135 			for (FileHeader fh : p.getFiles()) {
136 				ChangeType type = fh.getChangeType();
137 				File f = null;
138 				switch (type) {
139 				case ADD:
140 					f = getFile(fh.getNewPath(), true);
141 					apply(repository, fh.getNewPath(), cache, f, fh);
142 					break;
143 				case MODIFY:
144 					f = getFile(fh.getOldPath(), false);
145 					apply(repository, fh.getOldPath(), cache, f, fh);
146 					break;
147 				case DELETE:
148 					f = getFile(fh.getOldPath(), false);
149 					if (!f.delete())
150 						throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
151 								JGitText.get().cannotDeleteFile, f));
152 					break;
153 				case RENAME:
154 					f = getFile(fh.getOldPath(), false);
155 					File dest = getFile(fh.getNewPath(), false);
156 					try {
157 						FileUtils.mkdirs(dest.getParentFile(), true);
158 						FileUtils.rename(f, dest,
159 								StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
160 					} catch (IOException e) {
161 						throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
162 								JGitText.get().renameFileFailed, f, dest), e);
163 					}
164 					apply(repository, fh.getOldPath(), cache, dest, fh);
165 					break;
166 				case COPY:
167 					f = getFile(fh.getOldPath(), false);
168 					File target = getFile(fh.getNewPath(), false);
169 					FileUtils.mkdirs(target.getParentFile(), true);
170 					Files.copy(f.toPath(), target.toPath());
171 					apply(repository, fh.getOldPath(), cache, target, fh);
172 				}
173 				r.addUpdatedFile(f);
174 			}
175 		} catch (IOException e) {
176 			throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
177 					JGitText.get().patchApplyException, e.getMessage()), e);
178 		}
179 		return r;
180 	}
182 	private File getFile(String path, boolean create)
183 			throws PatchApplyException {
184 		File f = new File(getRepository().getWorkTree(), path);
185 		if (create) {
186 			try {
187 				File parent = f.getParentFile();
188 				FileUtils.mkdirs(parent, true);
189 				FileUtils.createNewFile(f);
190 			} catch (IOException e) {
191 				throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
192 						JGitText.get().createNewFileFailed, f), e);
193 			}
194 		}
195 		return f;
196 	}
198 	private void apply(Repository repository, String path, DirCache cache,
199 			File f, FileHeader fh) throws IOException, PatchApplyException {
200 		if (PatchType.BINARY.equals(fh.getPatchType())) {
201 			return;
202 		}
203 		boolean convertCrLf = needsCrLfConversion(f, fh);
204 		// Use a TreeWalk with a DirCacheIterator to pick up the correct
205 		// clean/smudge filters. CR-LF handling is completely determined by
206 		// whether the file or the patch have CR-LF line endings.
207 		try (TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
208 			walk.setOperationType(OperationType.CHECKIN_OP);
209 			FileTreeIterator files = new FileTreeIterator(repository);
210 			int fileIdx = walk.addTree(files);
211 			int cacheIdx = walk.addTree(new DirCacheIterator(cache));
212 			files.setDirCacheIterator(walk, cacheIdx);
213 			walk.setFilter(AndTreeFilter.create(
214 					PathFilterGroup.createFromStrings(path),
215 					new NotIgnoredFilter(fileIdx)));
216 			walk.setRecursive(true);
217 			if ( {
218 				// If the file on disk has no newline characters, convertCrLf
219 				// will be false. In that case we want to honor the normal git
220 				// settings.
221 				EolStreamType streamType = convertCrLf ? EolStreamType.TEXT_CRLF
222 						: walk.getEolStreamType(OperationType.CHECKOUT_OP);
223 				String command = walk.getFilterCommand(
224 						Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_SMUDGE);
225 				CheckoutMetadata checkOut = new CheckoutMetadata(streamType, command);
226 				FileTreeIterator file = walk.getTree(fileIdx,
227 						FileTreeIterator.class);
228 				if (file != null) {
229 					if (PatchType.GIT_BINARY.equals(fh.getPatchType())) {
230 						applyBinary(repository, path, f, fh,
231 								file::openEntryStream, file.getEntryObjectId(),
232 								checkOut);
233 					} else {
234 						command = walk.getFilterCommand(
235 								Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_CLEAN);
236 						RawText raw;
237 						// Can't use file.openEntryStream() as it would do CR-LF
238 						// conversion as usual, not as wanted by us.
239 						try (InputStream input = filterClean(repository, path,
240 								new FileInputStream(f), convertCrLf, command)) {
241 							raw = new RawText(
242 									IO.readWholeStream(input, 0).array());
243 						}
244 						applyText(repository, path, raw, f, fh, checkOut);
245 					}
246 					return;
247 				}
248 			}
249 		}
250 		// File ignored?
251 		RawText raw;
252 		CheckoutMetadata checkOut;
253 		if (PatchType.GIT_BINARY.equals(fh.getPatchType())) {
254 			checkOut = new CheckoutMetadata(EolStreamType.DIRECT, null);
255 			applyBinary(repository, path, f, fh, () -> new FileInputStream(f),
256 					null, checkOut);
257 		} else {
258 			if (convertCrLf) {
259 				try (InputStream input = EolStreamTypeUtil.wrapInputStream(
260 						new FileInputStream(f), EolStreamType.TEXT_LF)) {
261 					raw = new RawText(IO.readWholeStream(input, 0).array());
262 				}
263 				checkOut = new CheckoutMetadata(EolStreamType.TEXT_CRLF, null);
264 			} else {
265 				raw = new RawText(f);
266 				checkOut = new CheckoutMetadata(EolStreamType.DIRECT, null);
267 			}
268 			applyText(repository, path, raw, f, fh, checkOut);
269 		}
270 	}
272 	private boolean needsCrLfConversion(File f, FileHeader fileHeader)
273 			throws IOException {
274 		if (PatchType.GIT_BINARY.equals(fileHeader.getPatchType())) {
275 			return false;
276 		}
277 		if (!hasCrLf(fileHeader)) {
278 			try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(f)) {
279 				return RawText.isCrLfText(input);
280 			}
281 		}
282 		return false;
283 	}
285 	private static boolean hasCrLf(FileHeader fileHeader) {
286 		if (PatchType.GIT_BINARY.equals(fileHeader.getPatchType())) {
287 			return false;
288 		}
289 		for (HunkHeader header : fileHeader.getHunks()) {
290 			byte[] buf = header.getBuffer();
291 			int hunkEnd = header.getEndOffset();
292 			int lineStart = header.getStartOffset();
293 			while (lineStart < hunkEnd) {
294 				int nextLineStart = RawParseUtils.nextLF(buf, lineStart);
295 				if (nextLineStart > hunkEnd) {
296 					nextLineStart = hunkEnd;
297 				}
298 				if (nextLineStart <= lineStart) {
299 					break;
300 				}
301 				if (nextLineStart - lineStart > 1) {
302 					char first = (char) (buf[lineStart] & 0xFF);
303 					if (first == ' ' || first == '-') {
304 						// It's an old line. Does it end in CR-LF?
305 						if (buf[nextLineStart - 2] == '\r') {
306 							return true;
307 						}
308 					}
309 				}
310 				lineStart = nextLineStart;
311 			}
312 		}
313 		return false;
314 	}
316 	private InputStream filterClean(Repository repository, String path,
317 			InputStream fromFile, boolean convertCrLf, String filterCommand)
318 			throws IOException {
319 		InputStream input = fromFile;
320 		if (convertCrLf) {
321 			input = EolStreamTypeUtil.wrapInputStream(input,
322 					EolStreamType.TEXT_LF);
323 		}
324 		if (StringUtils.isEmptyOrNull(filterCommand)) {
325 			return input;
326 		}
327 		if (FilterCommandRegistry.isRegistered(filterCommand)) {
328 			LocalFile buffer = new TemporaryBuffer.LocalFile(null);
329 			FilterCommand command = FilterCommandRegistry.createFilterCommand(
330 					filterCommand, repository, input, buffer);
331 			while ( != -1) {
332 				// loop as long as tells there is work to do
333 			}
334 			return buffer.openInputStreamWithAutoDestroy();
335 		}
336 		FS fs = repository.getFS();
337 		ProcessBuilder filterProcessBuilder = fs.runInShell(filterCommand,
338 				new String[0]);
340 		filterProcessBuilder.environment().put(Constants.GIT_DIR_KEY,
341 				repository.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
342 		ExecutionResult result;
343 		try {
344 			result = fs.execute(filterProcessBuilder, in);
345 		} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
346 			throw new IOException(
347 					new FilterFailedException(e, filterCommand, path));
348 		}
349 		int rc = result.getRc();
350 		if (rc != 0) {
351 			throw new IOException(new FilterFailedException(rc, filterCommand,
352 					path, result.getStdout().toByteArray(4096), RawParseUtils
353 							.decode(result.getStderr().toByteArray(4096))));
354 		}
355 		return result.getStdout().openInputStreamWithAutoDestroy();
356 	}
358 	/**
359 	 * Something that can supply an {@link InputStream}.
360 	 */
361 	private interface StreamSupplier {
362 		InputStream load() throws IOException;
363 	}
365 	/**
366 	 * We write the patch result to a {@link TemporaryBuffer} and then use
367 	 * {@link DirCacheCheckout}.getContent() to run the result through the CR-LF
368 	 * and smudge filters. DirCacheCheckout needs an ObjectLoader, not a
369 	 * TemporaryBuffer, so this class bridges between the two, making any Stream
370 	 * provided by a {@link StreamSupplier} look like an ordinary git blob to
371 	 * DirCacheCheckout.
372 	 */
373 	private static class StreamLoader extends ObjectLoader {
375 		private StreamSupplier data;
377 		private long size;
379 		StreamLoader(StreamSupplier data, long length) {
380 = data;
381 			this.size = length;
382 		}
384 		@Override
385 		public int getType() {
386 			return Constants.OBJ_BLOB;
387 		}
389 		@Override
390 		public long getSize() {
391 			return size;
392 		}
394 		@Override
395 		public boolean isLarge() {
396 			return true;
397 		}
399 		@Override
400 		public byte[] getCachedBytes() throws LargeObjectException {
401 			throw new LargeObjectException();
402 		}
404 		@Override
405 		public ObjectStream openStream()
406 				throws MissingObjectException, IOException {
407 			return new ObjectStream.Filter(getType(), getSize(),
408 					new BufferedInputStream(data.load()));
409 		}
410 	}
412 	private void initHash(SHA1 hash, long size) {
413 		hash.update(Constants.encodedTypeString(Constants.OBJ_BLOB));
414 		hash.update((byte) ' ');
415 		hash.update(Constants.encodeASCII(size));
416 		hash.update((byte) 0);
417 	}
419 	private ObjectId hash(File f) throws IOException {
420 		SHA1 hash = SHA1.newInstance();
421 		initHash(hash, f.length());
422 		try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(f)) {
423 			byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
424 			int n;
425 			while ((n = >= 0) {
426 				hash.update(buf, 0, n);
427 			}
428 		}
429 		return hash.toObjectId();
430 	}
432 	private void checkOid(ObjectId baseId, ObjectId id, ChangeType type, File f,
433 			String path)
434 			throws PatchApplyException, IOException {
435 		boolean hashOk = false;
436 		if (id != null) {
437 			hashOk = baseId.equals(id);
438 			if (!hashOk && ChangeType.ADD.equals(type)
439 					&& ObjectId.zeroId().equals(baseId)) {
440 				// We create the file first. The OID of an empty file is not the
441 				// zero id!
442 				hashOk = Constants.EMPTY_BLOB_ID.equals(id);
443 			}
444 		} else {
445 			if (ObjectId.zeroId().equals(baseId)) {
446 				// File empty is OK.
447 				hashOk = !f.exists() || f.length() == 0;
448 			} else {
449 				hashOk = baseId.equals(hash(f));
450 			}
451 		}
452 		if (!hashOk) {
453 			throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
454 					.format(JGitText.get().applyBinaryBaseOidWrong, path));
455 		}
456 	}
458 	private void applyBinary(Repository repository, String path, File f,
459 			FileHeader fh, StreamSupplier loader, ObjectId id,
460 			CheckoutMetadata checkOut)
461 			throws PatchApplyException, IOException {
462 		if (!fh.getOldId().isComplete() || !fh.getNewId().isComplete()) {
463 			throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
464 					.format(JGitText.get().applyBinaryOidTooShort, path));
465 		}
466 		BinaryHunk hunk = fh.getForwardBinaryHunk();
467 		// A BinaryHunk has the start at the "literal" or "delta" token. Data
468 		// starts on the next line.
469 		int start = RawParseUtils.nextLF(hunk.getBuffer(),
470 				hunk.getStartOffset());
471 		int length = hunk.getEndOffset() - start;
472 		SHA1 hash = SHA1.newInstance();
473 		// Write to a buffer and copy to the file only if everything was fine
474 		TemporaryBuffer buffer = new TemporaryBuffer.LocalFile(null);
475 		try {
476 			switch (hunk.getType()) {
478 				// This just overwrites the file. We need to check the hash of
479 				// the base.
480 				checkOid(fh.getOldId().toObjectId(), id, fh.getChangeType(), f,
481 						path);
482 				initHash(hash, hunk.getSize());
483 				try (OutputStream out = buffer;
484 						InputStream inflated = new SHA1InputStream(hash,
485 								new InflaterInputStream(
486 										new BinaryHunkInputStream(
487 												new ByteArrayInputStream(
488 														hunk.getBuffer(), start,
489 														length))))) {
490 					DirCacheCheckout.getContent(repository, path, checkOut,
491 							new StreamLoader(() -> inflated, hunk.getSize()),
492 							null, out);
493 					if (!fh.getNewId().toObjectId().equals(hash.toObjectId())) {
494 						throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
495 								JGitText.get().applyBinaryResultOidWrong,
496 								path));
497 					}
498 				}
499 				try (InputStream bufIn = buffer.openInputStream()) {
500 					Files.copy(bufIn, f.toPath(),
501 							StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
502 				}
503 				break;
504 			case DELTA_DEFLATED:
505 				// Unfortunately delta application needs random access to the
506 				// base to construct the result.
507 				byte[] base;
508 				try (InputStream input = loader.load()) {
509 					base = IO.readWholeStream(input, 0).array();
510 				}
511 				// At least stream the result!
512 				try (BinaryDeltaInputStream input = new BinaryDeltaInputStream(
513 						base,
514 						new InflaterInputStream(new BinaryHunkInputStream(
515 								new ByteArrayInputStream(hunk.getBuffer(),
516 										start, length))))) {
517 					long finalSize = input.getExpectedResultSize();
518 					initHash(hash, finalSize);
519 					try (OutputStream out = buffer;
520 							SHA1InputStream hashed = new SHA1InputStream(hash,
521 									input)) {
522 						DirCacheCheckout.getContent(repository, path, checkOut,
523 								new StreamLoader(() -> hashed, finalSize), null,
524 								out);
525 						if (!fh.getNewId().toObjectId()
526 								.equals(hash.toObjectId())) {
527 							throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat.format(
528 									JGitText.get().applyBinaryResultOidWrong,
529 									path));
530 						}
531 					}
532 				}
533 				try (InputStream bufIn = buffer.openInputStream()) {
534 					Files.copy(bufIn, f.toPath(),
535 							StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
536 				}
537 				break;
538 			default:
539 				break;
540 			}
541 		} finally {
542 			buffer.destroy();
543 		}
544 	}
546 	private void applyText(Repository repository, String path, RawText rt,
547 			File f, FileHeader fh, CheckoutMetadata checkOut)
548 			throws IOException, PatchApplyException {
549 		List<ByteBuffer> oldLines = new ArrayList<>(rt.size());
550 		for (int i = 0; i < rt.size(); i++) {
551 			oldLines.add(rt.getRawString(i));
552 		}
553 		List<ByteBuffer> newLines = new ArrayList<>(oldLines);
554 		int afterLastHunk = 0;
555 		int lineNumberShift = 0;
556 		int lastHunkNewLine = -1;
557 		for (HunkHeader hh : fh.getHunks()) {
559 			// We assume hunks to be ordered
560 			if (hh.getNewStartLine() <= lastHunkNewLine) {
561 				throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
562 						.format(JGitText.get().patchApplyException, hh));
563 			}
564 			lastHunkNewLine = hh.getNewStartLine();
566 			byte[] b = new byte[hh.getEndOffset() - hh.getStartOffset()];
567 			System.arraycopy(hh.getBuffer(), hh.getStartOffset(), b, 0,
568 					b.length);
569 			RawText hrt = new RawText(b);
571 			List<ByteBuffer> hunkLines = new ArrayList<>(hrt.size());
572 			for (int i = 0; i < hrt.size(); i++) {
573 				hunkLines.add(hrt.getRawString(i));
574 			}
576 			if (hh.getNewStartLine() == 0) {
577 				// Must be the single hunk for clearing all content
578 				if (fh.getHunks().size() == 1
579 						&& canApplyAt(hunkLines, newLines, 0)) {
580 					newLines.clear();
581 					break;
582 				}
583 				throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
584 						.format(JGitText.get().patchApplyException, hh));
585 			}
586 			// Hunk lines as reported by the hunk may be off, so don't rely on
587 			// them.
588 			int applyAt = hh.getNewStartLine() - 1 + lineNumberShift;
589 			// But they definitely should not go backwards.
590 			if (applyAt < afterLastHunk && lineNumberShift < 0) {
591 				applyAt = hh.getNewStartLine() - 1;
592 				lineNumberShift = 0;
593 			}
594 			if (applyAt < afterLastHunk) {
595 				throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
596 						.format(JGitText.get().patchApplyException, hh));
597 			}
598 			boolean applies = false;
599 			int oldLinesInHunk = hh.getLinesContext()
600 					+ hh.getOldImage().getLinesDeleted();
601 			if (oldLinesInHunk <= 1) {
602 				// Don't shift hunks without context lines. Just try the
603 				// position corrected by the current lineNumberShift, and if
604 				// that fails, the position recorded in the hunk header.
605 				applies = canApplyAt(hunkLines, newLines, applyAt);
606 				if (!applies && lineNumberShift != 0) {
607 					applyAt = hh.getNewStartLine() - 1;
608 					applies = applyAt >= afterLastHunk
609 							&& canApplyAt(hunkLines, newLines, applyAt);
610 				}
611 			} else {
612 				int maxShift = applyAt - afterLastHunk;
613 				for (int shift = 0; shift <= maxShift; shift++) {
614 					if (canApplyAt(hunkLines, newLines, applyAt - shift)) {
615 						applies = true;
616 						applyAt -= shift;
617 						break;
618 					}
619 				}
620 				if (!applies) {
621 					// Try shifting the hunk downwards
622 					applyAt = hh.getNewStartLine() - 1 + lineNumberShift;
623 					maxShift = newLines.size() - applyAt - oldLinesInHunk;
624 					for (int shift = 1; shift <= maxShift; shift++) {
625 						if (canApplyAt(hunkLines, newLines, applyAt + shift)) {
626 							applies = true;
627 							applyAt += shift;
628 							break;
629 						}
630 					}
631 				}
632 			}
633 			if (!applies) {
634 				throw new PatchApplyException(MessageFormat
635 						.format(JGitText.get().patchApplyException, hh));
636 			}
637 			// Hunk applies at applyAt. Apply it, and update afterLastHunk and
638 			// lineNumberShift
639 			lineNumberShift = applyAt - hh.getNewStartLine() + 1;
640 			int sz = hunkLines.size();
641 			for (int j = 1; j < sz; j++) {
642 				ByteBuffer hunkLine = hunkLines.get(j);
643 				if (!hunkLine.hasRemaining()) {
644 					// Completely empty line; accept as empty context line
645 					applyAt++;
646 					continue;
647 				}
648 				switch (hunkLine.array()[hunkLine.position()]) {
649 				case ' ':
650 					applyAt++;
651 					break;
652 				case '-':
653 					newLines.remove(applyAt);
654 					break;
655 				case '+':
656 					newLines.add(applyAt++, slice(hunkLine, 1));
657 					break;
658 				default:
659 					break;
660 				}
661 			}
662 			afterLastHunk = applyAt;
663 		}
664 		if (!isNoNewlineAtEndOfFile(fh)) {
665 			newLines.add(null);
666 		}
667 		if (!rt.isMissingNewlineAtEnd()) {
668 			oldLines.add(null);
669 		}
670 		if (oldLines.equals(newLines)) {
671 			return; // Unchanged; don't touch the file
672 		}
674 		TemporaryBuffer buffer = new TemporaryBuffer.LocalFile(null);
675 		try {
676 			try (OutputStream out = buffer) {
677 				for (Iterator<ByteBuffer> l = newLines.iterator(); l
678 						.hasNext();) {
679 					ByteBuffer line =;
680 					if (line == null) {
681 						// Must be the marker for the final newline
682 						break;
683 					}
684 					out.write(line.array(), line.position(), line.remaining());
685 					if (l.hasNext()) {
686 						out.write('\n');
687 					}
688 				}
689 			}
690 			try (OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(f)) {
691 				DirCacheCheckout.getContent(repository, path, checkOut,
692 						new StreamLoader(buffer::openInputStream,
693 								buffer.length()),
694 						null, output);
695 			}
696 		} finally {
697 			buffer.destroy();
698 		}
699 		repository.getFS().setExecute(f,
700 				fh.getNewMode() == FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE);
701 	}
703 	private boolean canApplyAt(List<ByteBuffer> hunkLines,
704 			List<ByteBuffer> newLines, int line) {
705 		int sz = hunkLines.size();
706 		int limit = newLines.size();
707 		int pos = line;
708 		for (int j = 1; j < sz; j++) {
709 			ByteBuffer hunkLine = hunkLines.get(j);
710 			if (!hunkLine.hasRemaining()) {
711 				// Empty line. Accept as empty context line.
712 				if (pos >= limit || newLines.get(pos).hasRemaining()) {
713 					return false;
714 				}
715 				pos++;
716 				continue;
717 			}
718 			switch (hunkLine.array()[hunkLine.position()]) {
719 			case ' ':
720 			case '-':
721 				if (pos >= limit
722 						|| !newLines.get(pos).equals(slice(hunkLine, 1))) {
723 					return false;
724 				}
725 				pos++;
726 				break;
727 			default:
728 				break;
729 			}
730 		}
731 		return true;
732 	}
734 	private ByteBuffer slice(ByteBuffer b, int off) {
735 		int newOffset = b.position() + off;
736 		return ByteBuffer.wrap(b.array(), newOffset, b.limit() - newOffset);
737 	}
739 	private boolean isNoNewlineAtEndOfFile(FileHeader fh) {
740 		List<? extends HunkHeader> hunks = fh.getHunks();
741 		if (hunks == null || hunks.isEmpty()) {
742 			return false;
743 		}
744 		HunkHeader lastHunk = hunks.get(hunks.size() - 1);
745 		byte[] buf = new byte[lastHunk.getEndOffset()
746 				- lastHunk.getStartOffset()];
747 		System.arraycopy(lastHunk.getBuffer(), lastHunk.getStartOffset(), buf,
748 				0, buf.length);
749 		RawText lhrt = new RawText(buf);
750 		return lhrt.getString(lhrt.size() - 1)
751 				.equals("\\ No newline at end of file"); //$NON-NLS-1$
752 	}
754 	/**
755 	 * An {@link InputStream} that updates a {@link SHA1} on every byte read.
756 	 * The hash is supposed to have been initialized before reading starts.
757 	 */
758 	private static class SHA1InputStream extends InputStream {
760 		private final SHA1 hash;
762 		private final InputStream in;
764 		SHA1InputStream(SHA1 hash, InputStream in) {
765 			this.hash = hash;
766 = in;
767 		}
769 		@Override
770 		public int read() throws IOException {
771 			int b =;
772 			if (b >= 0) {
773 				hash.update((byte) b);
774 			}
775 			return b;
776 		}
778 		@Override
779 		public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
780 			int n =, off, len);
781 			if (n > 0) {
782 				hash.update(b, off, n);
783 			}
784 			return n;
785 		}
787 		@Override
788 		public void close() throws IOException {
789 			in.close();
790 		}
791 	}
792 }