Class ObjectInserter.Formatter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class ObjectInserter.Formatter
    extends ObjectInserter
    An inserter that can be used for formatting and id generation only.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Formatter

        public Formatter()
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        public ObjectId insert​(int objectType,
                               long length,
                               InputStream in)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ObjectInserter
        Insert a single object into the store, returning its unique name.
        Specified by:
        insert in class ObjectInserter
        objectType - type code of the object to store.
        length - number of bytes to copy from in.
        in - stream providing the object content. The caller is responsible for closing the stream.
        the name of the object.
        IOException - the object could not be stored, or the source stream could not be read.
      • newPackParser

        public PackParser newPackParser​(InputStream in)
                                 throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ObjectInserter
        Initialize a parser to read from a pack formatted stream.
        Specified by:
        newPackParser in class ObjectInserter
        in - the input stream. The stream is not closed by the parser, and must instead be closed by the caller once parsing is complete.
        the pack parser.
        IOException - the parser instance, which can be configured and then used to parse objects into the ObjectDatabase.
      • newReader

        public ObjectReader newReader()
        Description copied from class: ObjectInserter
        Open a reader for objects that may have been written by this inserter.

        The returned reader allows the calling thread to read back recently inserted objects without first calling flush() to make them visible to the repository. The returned reader should only be used from the same thread as the inserter. Objects written by this inserter may not be visible to this.newReader().newReader().

        The returned reader should return this inserter instance from ObjectReader.getCreatedFromInserter().

        Behavior is undefined if an insert method is called on the inserter in the middle of reading from an ObjectStream opened from this reader. For example, reading the remainder of the object may fail, or newly written data may even be corrupted. Interleaving whole object reads (including streaming reads) with inserts is fine, just not interleaving streaming partial object reads with inserts.

        Specified by:
        newReader in class ObjectInserter
        reader for any object, including an object recently inserted by this inserter since the last flush.
      • flush

        public void flush()
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ObjectInserter
        Make all inserted objects visible.

        The flush may take some period of time to make the objects available to other threads.

        Specified by:
        flush in class ObjectInserter
        IOException - the flush could not be completed; objects inserted thus far are in an indeterminate state.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from class: ObjectInserter

        Release any resources used by this inserter.

        An inserter that has been released can be used again, but may need to be released after the subsequent usage.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in class ObjectInserter