Interface IBufferPool

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public interface IBufferPool
extends IBufferProvider

Provides clients with the ability to obtain and retain pooled IBuffers.

Nested Class Summary
static interface IBufferPool.Introspection
          Offers additional introspection features for IBufferPools.
Method Summary
 int evict(int survivors)
          Tries to remove as many buffers from this BufferPool and release them as are needed to let a given maximum number of buffers survive in the pool.
 boolean evictOne()
          Tries to remove a single buffer from this BufferPool and release it.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.buffer.IBufferProvider
getBufferCapacity, provideBuffer, retainBuffer

Method Detail


boolean evictOne()
Tries to remove a single buffer from this BufferPool and release it.

true if a buffer could be evicted, false otherwise.


int evict(int survivors)
Tries to remove as many buffers from this BufferPool and release them as are needed to let a given maximum number of buffers survive in the pool.

The number of buffers that could be evicted.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.