Uses of Class

Packages that use ChannelException The Net4j transport layer concepts for dealing with channels. 
org.eclipse.spi.net4j Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for the Net4j transport layer. 

Uses of ChannelException in

Methods in that throw ChannelException
 IChannel IChannelMultiplexer.openChannel()
          Synchronous request to open a new IChannel with an undefined channel protocol.
 IChannel IChannelMultiplexer.openChannel(IProtocol<?> protocol)
          Synchronous request to open a new IChannel with the given channel protocol .
 IChannel IChannelMultiplexer.openChannel(String protocolID, Object infraStructure)
          Synchronous request to open a new IChannel with a channel protocol defined by a given protocol identifier.

Uses of ChannelException in org.eclipse.spi.net4j

Methods in org.eclipse.spi.net4j that throw ChannelException
 void ChannelMultiplexer.closeChannel(InternalChannel channel)
protected abstract  void ChannelMultiplexer.deregisterChannelFromPeer(InternalChannel channel)
protected  void Connector.deregisterChannelFromPeer(InternalChannel channel)
 void ChannelMultiplexer.inverseCloseChannel(short channelID)
 InternalChannel ChannelMultiplexer.openChannel()
 InternalChannel ChannelMultiplexer.openChannel(IProtocol<?> protocol)
 InternalChannel ChannelMultiplexer.openChannel(String protocolID, Object infraStructure)
protected abstract  void ChannelMultiplexer.registerChannelWithPeer(short channelID, long timeout, IProtocol<?> protocol)

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.