Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDBField
org.eclipse.net4j.db The Net4j DB framework. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl The Net4j DB framework concepts for the abstraction of the SQL data definition language. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.derby The Net4j DB Framework support for Derby databases. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.dml The Net4j DB framework concepts for the abstraction of the SQL data manipulation language. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.h2 The Net4j DB Framework support for H2 databases. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.hsqldb The Net4j DB Framework support for HSQLDB databases. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.mysql The Net4j DB Framework support for MYSQL databases. 
org.eclipse.net4j.db.postgresql The Net4j DB Framework support for PostgreSQL databases. 
org.eclipse.net4j.spi.db Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for the Net4j DB framework. 

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db with parameters of type IDBField
 void DBUtil.DeserializeRowHandler.handleRow(ExtendedDataInput in, Connection connection, IDBField[] fields, Object[] values)
 void DBUtil.SerializeRowHandler.handleRow(ExtendedDataOutput out, Connection connection, IDBField[] fields, Object[] values)
static int connection, IDBRowHandler rowHandler, IDBField... fields)
static int connection, IDBRowHandler rowHandler, String where, IDBField... fields)
static Object[] connection, String where, IDBField... fields)
static int DBUtil.selectMaximumInt(Connection connection, IDBField field, String... where)
static long DBUtil.selectMaximumLong(Connection connection, IDBField field, String... where)
static int DBUtil.selectMinimumInt(Connection connection, IDBField field, String... where)
static long DBUtil.selectMinimumLong(Connection connection, IDBField field, String... where)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl that return IDBField
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type)
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type, boolean notNull)
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type, int precision)
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type, int precision, boolean notNull)
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type, int precision, int scale)
 IDBField IDBTable.addField(String name, DBType type, int precision, int scale, boolean notNull)
 IDBField IDBIndex.getField(int index)
 IDBField IDBTable.getField(int index)
 IDBField IDBTable.getField(String name)
 IDBField[] IDBIndex.getFields()
 IDBField[] IDBTable.getFields()

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.ddl with parameters of type IDBField
 IDBIndex IDBTable.addIndex(IDBIndex.Type type, IDBField... fields)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.derby

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.derby with parameters of type IDBField
protected  String DerbyAdapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.dml

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.dml with parameters of type IDBField
 IDBParameter IDBStatement.addParameter(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.h2

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.h2 with parameters of type IDBField
protected  String H2Adapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.hsqldb

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.hsqldb with parameters of type IDBField
protected  String HSQLDBAdapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.mysql

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.mysql with parameters of type IDBField
protected  void MYSQLAdapter.addIndexField(StringBuilder builder, IDBField field)
protected  String MYSQLAdapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.db.postgresql

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.db.postgresql with parameters of type IDBField
protected  String PostgreSQLAdapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Uses of IDBField in org.eclipse.net4j.spi.db

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.spi.db with parameters of type IDBField
protected  void DBAdapter.addIndexField(StringBuilder builder, IDBField field)
protected  String DBAdapter.createFieldDefinition(IDBField field)
protected  String DBAdapter.getTypeName(IDBField field)

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.