Class Types

  extended byorg.eclipse.emf.ocl.types.util.Types

public class Types
extends java.lang.Object

A collection of global static types.

Field Summary
static InvalidType INVALID
          The shared type object representing Invalid (the single instance of the OclInvalidType metatype).
static java.lang.Object NULL
          The single value of the OclVoid type, null.
static AnyType OCL_ANY_TYPE
          Representation of the OclAny type.
static PrimitiveBoolean OCL_BOOLEAN
          Representation of the OCL predefined Boolean type.
static ElementType OCL_ELEMENT
          Representation of the OCL predefined OclElement type.
static PrimitiveInteger OCL_INTEGER
          Representation of the OCL predefined Integer type.
static java.lang.Object OCL_INVALID
          The single value of the Invalid type, OclInvalid.
static MessageType OCL_MESSAGE
          Representation of the OCL predefined OclMessage type.
static PrimitiveType OCL_REAL
          Representation of the OCL predefined Real type.
static PrimitiveString OCL_STRING
          Representation of the OCL predefined String type.
static TypeType OCL_TYPE
          Representation of the OCL predefined OclType type.
static VoidType OCL_VOID
          The shared type object representing OclVoid (the single instance of the OclVoidType metatype).
static org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass STATE
          Representation of the OCL/UML predefined State type.
Method Summary
static org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage init()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static VoidType OCL_VOID
The shared type object representing OclVoid (the single instance of the OclVoidType metatype).


public static java.lang.Object NULL
The single value of the OclVoid type, null.


public static InvalidType INVALID
The shared type object representing Invalid (the single instance of the OclInvalidType metatype).


public static java.lang.Object OCL_INVALID
The single value of the Invalid type, OclInvalid.


public static AnyType OCL_ANY_TYPE
Representation of the OclAny type.


public static PrimitiveBoolean OCL_BOOLEAN
Representation of the OCL predefined Boolean type.


public static PrimitiveInteger OCL_INTEGER
Representation of the OCL predefined Integer type.


public static PrimitiveType OCL_REAL
Representation of the OCL predefined Real type.


public static PrimitiveString OCL_STRING
Representation of the OCL predefined String type.


public static final TypeType OCL_TYPE
Representation of the OCL predefined OclType type.


public static final MessageType OCL_MESSAGE
Representation of the OCL predefined OclMessage type.


public static final ElementType OCL_ELEMENT
Representation of the OCL predefined OclElement type.


public static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass STATE
Representation of the OCL/UML predefined State type.

Method Detail


public static org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage init()

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