This plug-in provides an API for parsing and evaluating OCL constraints and queries on EMF-based models.


OCL Parser/Interpreter API
org.eclipse.ocl Definition of the extensible environment API for OCL parsing and evaluation.
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions Specification of the Expressions package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model.
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.impl Implementation of the Expressions package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model.
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.util Generated utilities for working with instances the Expressions model.
org.eclipse.ocl.helper Definition of the OCL Helper API for syntax completion support and a simplified parsing model for embedded OCL constraints and expressions.
org.eclipse.ocl.types Specification of the Types package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model.
org.eclipse.ocl.types.impl Implementation of the Types package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model.
org.eclipse.ocl.types.util Generated utilities for working with instances the Types model.
org.eclipse.ocl.util Miscellaneous utilities in support of the OCL parser and environment implementations.
org.eclipse.ocl.utilities Abstract API for OCL AST utilities and extensions of the UML metamodel.
org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.impl Implementation of the OCL utilities package.
org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.util Generated utilities for working with instances the OCL utilities package.


OCL Binding for Ecore Metamodel
org.eclipse.ocl.ecore Implementation of an OCL binding for the Ecore metamodel.
org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.impl Implementation of the Ecore binding of the the Types package of the OCL Abstract Syntax.
org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.util Generated utilities for working with instances the Ecore binding of the Types package of the OCL Abstract Syntax.


OCL Binding for UML Metamodel
org.eclipse.ocl.uml Implementation of an OCL binding for the UML metamodel.
org.eclipse.ocl.uml.impl Implementation of the UML binding of the the Types package of the OCL Abstract Syntax.
org.eclipse.ocl.uml.util Miscellaneous utilities in support of the UML environment for OCL.


This plug-in provides an API for parsing and evaluating OCL constraints and queries on EMF-based models.

Please refer to the org.eclipse.ocl package documentation for details of the generic OCL APIs.

For more information about the Ecore- and UML-specific metamodel bindings, see the org.eclipse.ocl.ecore, and org.eclipse.ocl.uml packages.

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