Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractNavigationStep

Uses of AbstractNavigationStep in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope

Subclasses of AbstractNavigationStep in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope
 class AbsoluteNavigationStep
 class AllInstancesNavigationStep
 class AssociationNavigationStep
 class BranchingNavigationStep
          A navigation step that branches in several paths and combines the results into one.
 class CompositeNavigationStep
          A navigation step that branches in several paths and combines the results into one.
 class EmptyResultNavigationStep
 class IdentityNavigationStep
          Performs a trivial "identity" navigation, returning the fromObject again.
 class IndirectingStep
          Steps of this type can be an empty placeholder during the analysis phase and can be filled in later, e.g., pointing to a real NavigationStep.
 class NavigationStepSequence
          Performs a sequence of navigation steps where the subsequent step uses as its input the output of the previous step.
 class OppositePropertyNavigationStep
 class PredicateCheckNavigationStep
          Evaluates an OCL expression that is expected to be the body expression of an iterator expression.
 class RefImmediateCompositeNavigationStep