Package org.eclipse.xtext.xtend2.xtend2

Interface Summary
CreateExtensionInfo A representation of the model object 'Create Extension Info'
RichString A representation of the model object 'Rich String'
RichStringElseIf A representation of the model object 'Rich String Else If'
RichStringForLoop A representation of the model object 'Rich String For Loop'
RichStringIf A representation of the model object 'Rich String If'
RichStringLiteral A representation of the model object 'Rich String Literal'
Xtend2Factory The Factory for the model.
Xtend2Package The Package for the model.
Xtend2Package.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
XtendAnnotationTarget A representation of the model object 'Xtend Annotation Target'
XtendClass A representation of the model object 'Xtend Class'
XtendClassSuperCallReferable A representation of the model object 'Xtend Class Super Call Referable'
XtendField A representation of the model object 'Xtend Field'
XtendFile A representation of the model object 'Xtend File'
XtendFunction A representation of the model object 'Xtend Function'
XtendImport A representation of the model object 'Xtend Import'
XtendMember A representation of the model object 'Xtend Member'
XtendParameter A representation of the model object 'Xtend Parameter'