Class IUnorderedGroupHelper.Null

  extended by org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper.Null
All Implemented Interfaces:
IUnorderedGroupHelper, IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState
Enclosing interface:

public static class IUnorderedGroupHelper.Null
extends java.lang.Object
implements IUnorderedGroupHelper, IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.IUnorderedGroupHelper
IUnorderedGroupHelper.Null, IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean canLeave(UnorderedGroup group)
          Query for remaining mandatory alternatives.
 boolean canSelect(UnorderedGroup group, int index)
          Predicate to answer the question whether the given alternative may be used.
 void enter(UnorderedGroup group)
          Invoke when the group is entered in the parser.
 void initializeWith(org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer recognizer)
          Initializes this helper with the given recognizer.
 void leave(UnorderedGroup group)
          Leave the group.
 void restore()
          Restore the state.
 void returnFromSelection(UnorderedGroup group)
          Finish the previously selected alternative.
 void select(UnorderedGroup group, int index)
          Announce the usage of the given alternative.
 IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState snapShot(UnorderedGroup... group)
          Obtain the current state to be able to roll-back after backtracking.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IUnorderedGroupHelper.Null()
Method Detail


public void initializeWith(org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer recognizer)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Initializes this helper with the given recognizer.

Specified by:
initializeWith in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public void enter(UnorderedGroup group)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Invoke when the group is entered in the parser. Access to any other querying method is answered optimistically.

Specified by:
enter in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public void leave(UnorderedGroup group)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Leave the group. May not be called before enter.

Specified by:
leave in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public boolean canSelect(UnorderedGroup group,
                         int index)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Predicate to answer the question whether the given alternative may be used.

Specified by:
canSelect in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public void select(UnorderedGroup group,
                   int index)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Announce the usage of the given alternative.

Specified by:
select in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public void returnFromSelection(UnorderedGroup group)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Finish the previously selected alternative.

Specified by:
returnFromSelection in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public boolean canLeave(UnorderedGroup group)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Query for remaining mandatory alternatives.

Specified by:
canLeave in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper


public void restore()
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState
Restore the state.

Specified by:
restore in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState


public IUnorderedGroupHelper.UnorderedGroupState snapShot(UnorderedGroup... group)
Description copied from interface: IUnorderedGroupHelper
Obtain the current state to be able to roll-back after backtracking.

Specified by:
snapShot in interface IUnorderedGroupHelper