Package org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib

Interface Summary
Functions This class serves as a container for the various function types that are used to implement the type of closures in Xbase.
Functions.Function0<Result> A function without any parameters.
Functions.Function1<Param,Result> A function that takes one argument.
Functions.Function2<P1,P2,Result> A function that takes two arguments.
Functions.Function3<P1,P2,P3,Result> A function that takes three arguments.
Functions.Function4<P1,P2,P3,P4,Result> A function that takes four arguments.
Functions.Function5<P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,Result> A function that takes five arguments.
Functions.Function6<P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,Result> A function that takes six arguments.
Procedures This class serves as a container for the various procedure types that are used to implement the type of closures in Xbase that do not return any results but a meant to cause side-effects.
Procedures.Procedure0 A procedure without any parameters, e.g. a Runnable.
Procedures.Procedure1<Param> A procedure that takes one argument.
Procedures.Procedure2<P1,P2> A procedure that takes two arguments.
Procedures.Procedure3<P1,P2,P3> A procedure that takes three arguments.
Procedures.Procedure4<P1,P2,P3,P4> A procedure that takes four arguments.
Procedures.Procedure5<P1,P2,P3,P4,P5> A procedure that takes five arguments.
Procedures.Procedure6<P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6> A procedure that takes six arguments.

Class Summary
BigDecimalExtensions This is an extension library for big decimal numbers.
BigIntegerExtensions This is an extension library for big integral numbers.
BooleanExtensions This is an extension library for booleans.
CollectionExtensions This is an extension library for collections.
CollectionLiterals This is an extension library for collections.
ComparableExtensions This is an extension library for comparables.
Conversions This is a library used to convert arrays to lists and vice versa in a way that keeps the identity of the to-be-converted object.
Conversions.WrappedArray<T> A list that is completely backed by an array and that provides access to that array.
Conversions.WrappedPrimitiveArray A list that is completely backed by an array of primitives and that provides access to that array.
DoubleExtensions This is an extension library for floating point numbers, e.g.
Exceptions Useful helper methods when dealing with exceptions.
FunctionExtensions This is an extension library for functions, e.g. closures.
InputOutput Utilities to print information to the console.
IntegerExtensions This is an extension library for integral numbers, e.g.
IntegerExtensions.IntIterator Implementation of an iterator for integers.
IterableExtensions This is an extension library for iterables.
IteratorExtensions This is an extension library for iterators.
ListExtensions This is an extension library for lists.
MapExtensions This is an extension library for maps.
ObjectExtensions This is an extension library for all objects.
Pair<K,V> An immutable pair of key and value.
ProcedureExtensions This is an extension library for procedures, e.g. side-effect only-closures.
StringExtensions This is an extension library for strings.